Polymer Composites (B-KUL-H00E4A)

6 ECTSEnglish60 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Seveno David (coordinator) |  Seveno David |  N. |  Mehdikhani Mahoor (substitute)
POC Materiaalkunde

To understand the basics of advanced materials like composites and to learn about the different materials they are made of.  To understand how the properties of composite materials are related to the properties of the constituent materials and to be able to calculate these properties based on quantitative models.

To obtain insight in and understanding of the anistropic nature of composite materials.
To understand how properties of fibers and matrix are transferred to composite stiffness and strength using quantitative models
The ability to apply these models to simple application examples.

Basic knowledge in materials science and polymers.
Basic knowledge of mechanics, stiffness and strength


2.4 ects. The Materials Science of Composites (B-KUL-H00E5a)

2.4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture18 First term
Seveno David |  N. |  Mehdikhani Mahoor (substitute)
POC Materiaalkunde

This course gives the introduction to composite materials.
Part A: Fibres, matrices, interfaces; micro- and mesomechanics of short and long fibre composites, manufacturing methods.: (18h plus 8h OPS)
1.      introduction (2h):
examples of composite applications, criteria for materials selection in lightweight constructions
2.      the composing materials (5h):
a. fibres: principles for strong and stiff fibres, main fibre types (carbon, glass, aramid and PE, natural fibres), their production, microstructure, properties
b. polymer matrices: specific properties of polymer relevant for their application as matrix in composites
c. the interface between fibre and matrix
3.      micromechanics (5h):
a. principles of micromechanics for fibre and particle reinforcements
b. application to strength and stiffness models for continuous and short fibre composites
4.      mesomachanics (5h):
a. principles of mesomechanics, applicability to layered structures and textile type reinforcements
b. the classical laminate plate theory: stiffness and strength predictions for composite laminates
5.      manufacturing methods (3h):
a. principles, differences with manufacturing with metals and plastics
b. overview of manufacturing methods for thermoset and thermoplastic composites
6.      computer exercises on micro- and mesomechanics (8h OPS)

Lectures and hands on computer tools.

2.4 ects. The Properties of Laminated Structures (B-KUL-H00E6a)

2.4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture22 First term
Seveno David |  N. |  Mehdikhani Mahoor (substitute)
POC Materiaalkunde

1. Classical Lamination Theory: generalised Hooke's law for anistropic media, classical laminate theory: prediction of stiffness and stresses
2. Strength of laminated structures: failure criteria, models to predict the composite strength
3. Hybrid materials: sandwich materials and their mechanics
4. Processing: processing of textiles / processing of composites
5. Experimental characterisation of composites
6. Real life performance: fracture toughness and fatigue. Impact and environmental influence

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

lecture notes via Toledo


extra reading:

Introduction to Composite Materials, S.W. Tsai

This course is taught in English.

Lectures and lab sessions.

1.2 ects. Polymer Composites: Exercises (B-KUL-H0O63a)

1.2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical20 First term
Seveno David |  N. |  Mehdikhani Mahoor (substitute)
POC Materiaalkunde


    Evaluation: Polymer Composites (B-KUL-H20E4a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

    The equations of the course will be available in a formularium at the examination.