Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Programme for students started before 2023-2024) (Brussels) (90 ECTS)
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
There will be no new enrollments for this programme as of the academic year 2023-2024. This programme is currently being reformed. Students can enroll for the new programme which will be available starting from the academic year 2023-2024.
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
There will be no new enrollments for this programme as of the academic year 2023-2024. This programme is currently being reformed. Students can enroll for the new programme which will be available starting from the academic year 2023-2024.
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
There will be no new enrollments for this programme as of the academic year 2023-2024. This programme is currently being reformed. Students can enroll for the new programme which will be available starting from the academic year 2023-2024.
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
There will be no new enrollments for this programme as of the academic year 2023-2024. This programme is currently being reformed. Students can enroll for the new programme which will be available starting from the academic year 2023-2024.
From academic year 2023-2024 onwards, no new enrollment is possible in this programme. Students enrolling in 2023-2024 or later, need to register in the preparatory programme of 75 credits.
Students who obtained an academic bachelor's or master's degree that does not provide direct access to the Master of Business Administration may enroll in the Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration. Students may be granted exemptions on the basis of credits acquired. Please contact the study career consultant. Those who pass the preparatory programme can move directly to the master's programme Master of Business Administration (Antwerp of Brussels).6 ECTS Management HBA03C staff- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- F.Wijen
- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- F.Wijen
Management (6 ECTS) HBA03c staff staff
3 ECTS Operational Management HBA19C staff staff
- H.Vermuyten (coordinator)
- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
Operational Management (3 ECTS) HBA19c staff- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
- L.De Boeck
- H.Vermuyten (substitute)
3 ECTS Entrepreneurship and Business Planning HBA20C staff- G.Van Den Eede (coordinator)
- G.Van Den Eede (coordinator)
Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (3 ECTS) HBA20c staff staff
6 ECTS Personnel and Organization HBA11C staff Personnel and Organization (6 ECTS) HBA11c staff 6 ECTS Marketing HBA12C staff- I.Roozen (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- I.Roozen (coordinator)
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
Marketing (6 ECTS) HBA12c staff- I.Roozen
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
- I.Roozen
- A.Fairchild (substitute)
6 ECTS Internal and External Financial Reporting (B) HSA14A staff staff
- V.Ghijselinck (coordinator)
- A.Dongo
- V.Ghijselinck
Internal and External Financial Reporting (B) (6 ECTS) HSA14a staff staff
3 ECTS Mathematics for Business A (B) HSA21A staff- T.Moons (coordinator)
- T.Moons (coordinator)
Mathematics for Business A (B) (3 ECTS) HSA21a staff staff
6 ECTS Statistics for Business (B) HSA10A staff Statistics for Business (B) (6 ECTS) HSA10a staff 3 ECTS International Business HBA01H staff- A.Sels (coordinator)
- A.Sels (coordinator)
International Business (3 ECTS) HBA01h staff staff
3 ECTS European Institutions HBA02H staff- A.Pauwels (coordinator)
- A.Pauwels (coordinator)
European Institutions (3 ECTS) HBA02h staff staff
6 ECTS Microeconomics for Business HBA07H staff staff
- N.Rogge (coordinator)
- R.Berlinschi
- A.De Ridder
- N.Rogge
Microeconomics for Business (6 ECTS) HBA07h staff 3 ECTS International Economics HBA83B staff- K.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
- K.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
International Economics (3 ECTS) HBA83b staff- K.De Bruyne
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
- K.De Bruyne
- F.Saerens (cooperator)
3 ECTS Strategic Management HBA10C staff- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
- A.Van Rossem (coordinator)
Strategic Management (3 ECTS) HBA10c staff staff
6 ECTS Macro-economics and Economic Policy HBA16C staff- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
- T.Verbeke (coordinator)
Macro-economics and Economic Policy (6 ECTS) HBA16c staff staff
3 ECTS Principles of Taxation HBA21C staff- F.Debelva (coordinator)
- F.Debelva (coordinator)
Principles of Taxation (3 ECTS) HBA21c staff staff
6 ECTS ICT Management HBA22C staff staff
- E.Serral Asensio (coordinator)
- N.
- A.Güngör (substitute)
ICT Management (6 ECTS) HBA22c staff staff
- E.Serral Asensio
- N.
- A.Güngör (substitute)
6 ECTS Research Methods (B) HSA11A staff- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- P.Teirlinck
- G.Dierckx (coordinator)
- P.Teirlinck
Qualitative Research Methods (2 ECTS) HSA11b staff staff
Quantitative Research Methods (4 ECTS) HSA16c staff staff
3 ECTS Mathematics for Business B (B) HSA22A staff- T.Moons (coordinator)
- T.Moons (coordinator)
Mathematics for Business B (B) (3 ECTS) HSA22a staff staff
6 ECTS Corporate Finance (B) HSA23A staff- B.D'Espallier (coordinator)
- B.D'Espallier (coordinator)
Corporate Finance (B) (6 ECTS) HSA23a staff staff
3 ECTS Project Management HBA23C staff- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- B.Vromans (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck (coordinator)
- B.Vromans (substitute)
Project Management (3 ECTS) HBA23c staff- P.Teirlinck
- B.Vromans (substitute)
- P.Teirlinck
- B.Vromans (substitute)
Transition Measures
The courses below can only be taken by students who need to retake one of these courses.
3 ECTS Managerial Economics A HBA43C staff staff
- N.Rogge (coordinator)
- R.Berlinschi
- A.De Ridder
- N.Rogge
Managerial Economics A (3 ECTS) HBA43c staff 3 ECTS Managerial Economics B HBA44C staff staff
- N.Rogge (coordinator)
- R.Berlinschi
- A.De Ridder
- N.Rogge
Managerial Economics B (3 ECTS) HBA44c staff