Marketing (B-KUL-HBA12C)

The course aims at contributing to the following learning results:
The student...
- Analyses the environment in which an organisation is active and estimates the influence of environmental factors on the functioning of the organization (1.a)
- Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and applies them when solving (business) economics problems (2.a.1)
- Formulates and evaluates critically the objectives and tools of a marketing planning and strategy (2.l)
- Analyses the impact of marketing decisions on the level of the market, the organisation and the consumer (2.m)
- Detects the impact of regional, national and international environmental factors on corporate policies and estimates the complexity of operating in an international environment when putting together a strategy (3.a)
- Analyses price-setting and the various pricing strategies for the most important market forms (3.b)
- Analyses the functioning of organisations and markets in relation to society and its actors (4.c)
- Uses disciplinary scientific knowledge to solve (business) economic problems (4.d)
- Clearly formulates the problem in dialogue with the supervisor(s) but with a sufficient degree of autonomy, defines the research thesis and derives research questions from it for a (business) economics problem with practical relevance (6.a)
- Integrates sustainability values in the analysis of topical (business) economic problems and proposes solutions that take into account these values (12.d)
Previous knowledge
No previous knowledge required.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HBN47B : Marketing
Y00929 : Marketing
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Brussels) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Double Degree Kedge (outgoing) (Brussels et al) 240 ects.
- Bachelor of Business Engineering (Brussels et al) 180 ects.
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Business Administration (Programme for students started before 2023-2024) (Brussels) 90 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Double Degree Galway (outgoing) (Brussels et al) 240 ects.
6 ects. Marketing (B-KUL-HBA12c)

This course discusses the essentials of marketing by studying following topics:
- Introduction to marketing
- Marketing strategy as a function of business strategy
- The marketing environment
- Consumer behaviour
- Business-to-business marketing
- Segmentation, targeting and positioning
- Product management, difference between product and service marketing
- Pricing strategies
- Promotion
- Managing marketing channels
- Direct marketing & Online marketing
- International marketing
- Sustainable marketing
Students will be assessed with quizzzes during the term as to their understanding of the concepts. Students will also be working with case studies for in-class discussions.
Course material
Marketing Concepts and Strategies, 9th Edition
Sally Dibb, Dr. Lyndon Simkin, William M. Pride, O.C. Ferrell
ISBN-10: 1473778581
ISBN-13: 9781473778580
Format: more information
The classroom activities:
(1) Theory lectures
(2) Case studies - in-class discussions
(3) Quizzes for assessment of knowledge during the term
Evaluation: Marketing (B-KUL-H73607)
The final examination is (70%), is a written closed-book exam on the textbook and the content discussed during the classroom sessions.
The exam consists of multiple-choice questions and closed questions. The remaining 30% of the course grade will be assignments provided and due during the course term.
Information about retaking exams
100% of the resit grade during EP3 will be based on an examination. The assignments from the course term will not count in the resit assessment.
There will be a written closed-book exam on the textbook and the content discussed during the classroom sessions.
The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, open and closed questions.