Microeconomics for Business (B-KUL-HBA07H)

6 ECTSEnglish38 First term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Microeconomics for Business is an introductory microeconomics course in the Bachelor of Business Administration. The aim of this course is to give students insight into how market economies function: what determines the price of a good and the quantities produced and consumed, how government policies and other external events affect prices and quantities, in which cases market outcomes are efficient and in which cases they are not. It will make students familiar with the characteristics of the main market types (perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly), with pricing and production decisions in each market type, and with the desirability of government intervention in each market type. Students will also acquire some basic game theory tools.

In this course, the following key objectives are (partially or fully) realized:

Interprets and underpins behaviour of consumers based on economic concepts and theories.

  • Describes and interprets the behaviour of consumers as a utility maximization problem.
  • Using an economic framework, critically analyses the impact of various forms of government regulation on the most important market forms.
  • Describes and analyses the different forms of non-market based government regulation (price regulation, output regulation)
  • Describes and analyses the different forms of market based government intervention (taxes, subsidies)
  • Analyzes the effects of government regulation in various  economic contexts (externalities, public goods, market concentration,  adjusting consumer- and producer behaviour).


Defines, explains and uses, both graphically and model-based, micro-economic concepts.

  • Calculates the market equilibrium, analyses changes in the market equilibrium and applies welfare analysis on an equilibrium outcome.
  • Calculates and interprets the different forms of elasticities and uses them in the analysis of micro-economic problems.
  • Describes the perspectives of economic science, uses them in a (business) economics context and reflects critically on them.


Analyses price-setting and the various pricing strategies for the most important market forms.

  • Recognizes and describes the most important market forms: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly.
  • Analyses the pricing strategies of the most important market forms: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly, in the short term as well as in the long term.
  • Analyses different forms of price discrimination.
  • Analyses the different aspects of strategic behaviour for the market form oligopoly and applies game theory to analyze them.


Interprets and underpins behaviour of producers based on economic concepts and theories.

  • Describes and interprets the behaviour of producers as a profit maximization problem.
  • Analyses the production process of firms in an economic context.
  • Analyses the cost structure of firms in an economic context.
  • Describes the perspectives of economic science, uses them in a (business) economics context and reflects critically on them.


No prior knowledge is required for this course.


6 ects. Microeconomics for Business (B-KUL-HBA07h)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture38 First term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel


supply and demand, Elasticity, Consumer theory

government policies

Markets and welfare

Externalities and market failure, public goods, common resources and merit goods

Firms in competitive markets

Firms in other market structures (Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopolies)

Price discrimination

Game Theory

Producer Theory


The book that we recommend for this course (so no obligated studymaterial):

Book:  Ooghe, E. and Verbeke, T. (2024). Economics, an introduction. Acco Uitgeverij.


The recommended book and available literature and course material are in English.

During classes, theory is explained and its implications for real world problems are discussed. At the end of each chapter, review questions and exercises are solved in class, with students' participation.

Individual help and feedback from the lecturer is available at all times. Students can also make appointments at other times.

A trial exam takes place  during the semester. Students may take this chance in order to test their knowledge. The grades of the trial exam do not matter for the course evaluation.


Evaluation: Microeconomics for Business (B-KUL-H75903)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : Calculator

Evaluation caracteristics

The exam exists of multiple choice questions.

Determination final result

The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.

For the multiple choice questions on the exam a correction for incorrect answers is applied. We use a higher cesure of 60%. In class and in the slides the application of the higher cesure is explained in detail.

The format of the exam and determination of the results is exactly the same in the second exam period.