ICT Management (B-KUL-HBA22C)

6 ECTSEnglish52 Second term
Serral Asensio Estefanía (coordinator) |  Serral Asensio Estefanía |  N. |  Güngör Almer (substitute) |  Güngör Almer (cooperator)
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

The student... 

  • Uses the analysis of a (business) economic problem to develop and propose a solution in line with the organisational strategy. (1.c).
  • Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems. (2.a).
  • Distinguishes and clarifies the different ways in which activities and processes in organisations are organised, structured and managed. (2.b). 
  • Distinguishes and explains the techniques and strategies that organisations use to manage information and data. (2.r).
  • Critically assesses (scientific) information, data and structures, and processes all this in line with solving (business) economics problem with practical relevance. (7.d).
  • Is familiar with relevant ICT applications and uses the knowledge and skills to solve (business) economic problems. (11.g).


The specific aims for this course are as follows.

The student... 

  • Understands the models that can be used to evaluate the alignment between business strategy and IT strategy (1.c.1).
  • Is able to interpret a conceptual data model and translated to a logical relational data model (1.c.2).
  • Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and information systems (2.a.1).
  • Is able to interpret a business process model (2.b.1).
  • Distinguishes and explains the techniques and strategies that organisations use for data and process management (2.r.1).
  • Critically assesses data and process models against business requirements (7.d.1).
  • Understands the difference between descriptive and predictive data mining and understands how basic analytics techniques work and can be used to solve business problems (11.g.1).
  • Understands what the Internet of Things is and how it can be used to solve business problems (11.g.2).

There is no specific preknowledge required for this course.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HBH73E : ICT-management
Y00942 : ICT-management


6 ects. ICT Management (B-KUL-HBA22c)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture52 Second term
Serral Asensio Estefanía |  N. |  Güngör Almer (substitute) |  Güngör Almer (cooperator)
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Chapter 1. ICT introduction

  • Introduction to ICT in the business environment.
  • The life cycle, arquitecture and methodologies of Business Information Systems.
  • Business and IT alignment and Enterprise Architecture.

Chapter 2. Process Modelling

  • Fundamentals of process management: the BPM cycle, essentials of business process modelling, and BPMN.

Chapter 3. Data Modeling

  • UML, relational modelling

Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Business Intelligence

Chapter 5. The Internet of Things (IoT)

The course material will be composed on slides, exercises, some video lectures, and a KU Leuven MOOC (on EdX).

The course material will be placed on Toledo. 

Some PC tools might be required.

Asynchronous online learning - Flipped classroom - Practice session

The course is taught as a combination of lectures and exercise sessions.

A flipped classroom will be used for some chapters; following this approach, in these chapters the theory will be offered in the form of video lectures while the class time will be dedicated to more active learning.


Evaluation: ICT Management (B-KUL-H73594)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : Calculator

The evaluation consists on a final written exam that will count for 20 points. 

Final exam

  • The (written) exam consists of a number of multiple choice questions. 
  • A correction is applied for guessing. Further details are communicated via Toledo.
  • In case of an individual move of an examination, the form of the examination may differ from this form.

Determination of final grades

  • The final grade is determined by the final exam score.

Second examination opportunity

  • The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above. 


The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity.