KICK Academy (Leuven) (18 ECTS)
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
The ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’ is aimed at KU Leuven students who wish to combine their primary enrolment (bachelor, master, postgraduate, PhD) with an 18 study point programme focused on entreneurship. The programme can be spread over several academic years.
Direct admission is given to students who meet one of the following criteria:
- You are simultaneously enrolling in a bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate or PhD programme.
- You were already enrolled in the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’ during a previous academic year.
- You have already acquired a credit for a course unit which is part of the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’, either in the context of your primary enrolment or with a credit contract.
Additional information
Please contact Lcie if you have questions regarding admission to the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution
of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with
every application, here:
The ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’ is aimed at KU Leuven students who wish to combine their primary enrolment (bachelor, master, postgraduate, PhD) with an 18 study point programme focused on entreneurship. The programme can be spread over several academic years.
Diploma requirements
Direct admission is given to students who meet one of the following criteria:- You are simultaneously enrolling in a bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate or PhD programme.
- You were already enrolled in the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’ during a previous academic year.
- You have already acquired a credit for a course unit which is part of the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’, either in the context of your primary enrolment or with a credit contract.
Additional information
Please contact Lcie if you have questions regarding admission to the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’
Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
The ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’ is aimed at KU Leuven students who wish to combine their primary enrolment (bachelor, master, postgraduate, PhD) with an 18 study point programme focused on entreneurship. The programme can be spread over several academic years.
Direct admission is given to students who meet one of the following criteria:
- You are simultaneously enrolling in a bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate or PhD programme.
- You were already enrolled in the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’ during a previous academic year.
- You have already acquired a credit for a course unit which is part of the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’, either in the context of your primary enrolment or with a credit contract.
Additional information
Please contact Lcie if you have questions regarding admission to the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’
Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community
Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution
of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:
You can find a list of core documents, which should be submitted with
every application, here:
The ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’ is aimed at KU Leuven students who wish to combine their primary enrolment (bachelor, master, postgraduate, PhD) with an 18 study point programme focused on entreneurship. The programme can be spread over several academic years.
Diploma requirements
Direct admission is given to students who meet one of the following criteria:- You are simultaneously enrolling in a bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate or PhD programme.
- You were already enrolled in the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’ during a previous academic year.
- You have already acquired a credit for a course unit which is part of the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’, either in the context of your primary enrolment or with a credit contract.
Additional information
Please contact Lcie if you have questions regarding admission to the ‘Lcie Entrepreneurship Academy’
The KICK Academy is a set of courses focusing on entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. Students wishing to obtain an KICK Certificate must obtain at least 18 ECTS from the courses mentioned below. Each student must ensure their selection includes at least one course from both primary categories: “Entrepreneurship in Theory” and “Entrepreneurial Skills.” Furthermore, a minimum of 6 ECTS must be obtained from courses outside a student's primary enrollment, facilitated through a credit contract. Please note that some of the courses may only be accessible for students with certain backgrounds.
Students need not undertake all the courses within a single academic year; instead, they may distribute them across their entire tenure at KU Leuven.
(*) Students who have included the Practical Interdisciplinary Project (PiP) in their primary enrolment can contact KICK to request an exemption for this and valorize it within the KICK Academy program.-
Entrepreneurship in Theory
These courses aim to equip students with a solid grasp of entrepreneurship theory, fostering both knowledge acquisition and an awareness for the significance of entrepreneurship.
6 ECTS Bedrijfskunde & entrepreneurship H01F2A staff staff
Bedrijfskunde & entrepreneurship: hoorcollege (5.6 ECTS) H01F2a staff staff
Bedrijfskunde & entrepreneurship: oefeningen (0.4 ECTS) H01F3a staff staff
6 ECTS The Foundations of Entrepreneurship D0O40A staff staff
The Foundations of Entrepreneurship (6 ECTS) D0O40a staff staff
3 ECTS Organising for Entrepreneurship D0O45A staff staff
Organising for Entrepreneurship (3 ECTS) D0O45a staff staff
3 ECTS Project Management H04X2A staff Project Management (3 ECTS) H04X2a staff 3 ECTS Ondernemersvaardigheden JPI0T0 staff- I.Martens (coordinator)
- I.Martens (coordinator)
Ondernemersvaardigheden: hoorcollege (3 ECTS) JLIZCN staff staff
3 ECTS Intrapreneurship D0O44A staff staff
Intrapreneurship (3 ECTS) D0O44a staff staff
3 ECTS Entrepreneurial Finance D0O46A staff staff
Entrepreneurial Finance (3 ECTS) D0O46a staff staff
3 ECTS Cases in innovatiemanagement T01A0A staff- B.Van Looy (coordinator)
- D.Wauters
- B.Van Looy (coordinator)
- D.Wauters
Cases in innovatiemanagement (3 ECTS) T01A0a staff staff
6 ECTS New product and service development D0X14A staff staff
New product and service development (6 ECTS) D0X14a staff staff
Entrepreneurial Skills
These courses are tailored to cultivate entrepreneurial skills, prioritizing hands-on learning and active engagement. The course “Entrepreneurship and New Business Development” and “Technology Entrepreneurship and New Business Development” cannot both be included within the same ISP. Students select either one or the other.
4 ECTS Project Development and Management H02O3A staff staff
Project Development and Management: Lecture (2 ECTS) H02O3a staff staff
Project Development and Management: Seminars (2 ECTS) H02O4a staff staff
6 ECTS Professional and Cross-Cultural Skills in Engineering PRCSEN staff- W.Van Petegem (coordinator)
- W.Van Petegem (coordinator)
Professional and Cross-Cultural Skills in Engineering (6 ECTS) prcsen staff staff
6 ECTS Engineering & Entrepreneurship H09P4A staff Business Simulations (1.5 ECTS) H09P5a staff Strategic Management (1.5 ECTS) H09P8a staff staff
Creativity and Decision Making for Product Development (2 ECTS) H0T37a staff staff
Technology & Entrepreneurship: Case Studies (1 ECTS) H0T38a staff staff
3 ECTS Workshops innovatie in de praktijk G0S66A staff staff
- W.Schoutens (coordinator)
- D.Lips
- T.Maes
- W.Schoutens
Workshops innovatie in de praktijk (3 ECTS) G0S66a staff 6 ECTS Sociaal en coöperatief ondernemen D0Q00A staff staff
Sociaal en coöperatief ondernemen – college en studiebezoek van bedrijven (4 ECTS) D0Q00a staff staff
Sociaal en coöperatief ondernemen - opdracht (2 ECTS) D0Q01a staff staff
6 ECTS Entrepreneurship and New Business Development D0O37A staff staff
Entrepreneurship: Models and Ingredients (2 ECTS) D0O39a staff staff
Entrepreneurship: Development of a Business Plan (4 ECTS) D0O64a staff staff
6 ECTS Technology Entrepreneurship and New Business Development D0S18A staff staff
Entrepreneurship: Models and Ingredients (2 ECTS) D0O39a staff staff
Entrepreneurship: Development of a Business Plan for High Tech Industries (4 ECTS) D0S18a staff staff
6 ECTS Technovation Hub Academy T5ZTH2 staff staff
- W.Van Petegem (coordinator)
- N.
- S.Biermans (cooperator)
Technovation Hub Academy (6 ECTS) T5pTH2 staff- N.
- S.Biermans (cooperator)
- N.
- S.Biermans (cooperator)
Broading Subjects
Law and Intellectual Property
These courses relate to the basic aspects of law theory and practice of various intellectual property rights.
3 ECTS Patent Law K09M5A staff staff
Patent Law (3 ECTS) K09M5a staff staff
3 ECTS Recht van de intellectuele eigendom C00M0A staff staff
Recht van de intellectuele eigendom (3 ECTS) C00M0a staff staff
4 ECTS Intellectual Property Management G0B01A staff staff
Intellectual Property Management (4 ECTS) G0B01a staff staff
3 ECTS Strategic IP Management D0O43A staff staff
Strategic IP Management (3 ECTS) D0O43a staff staff
4 ECTS ICT-recht C07I6A staff- J.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- S.Royer
- J.De Bruyne (coordinator)
- S.Royer
ICT-recht (4 ECTS) C07I6a staff staff
5 ECTS Patent Law in Practice E01N8B staff staff
Patent Law in Practice - Workshops (3 ECTS) E0E40a staff staff
Patent law in Practice: In-Depth Sessions (2 ECTS) E0E41a staff staff
Strategy & Innovation
These courses explore the strategic integration of technology across sectors. The emphasis lies on the managerial, economic, and ethical influence of technological innovations on organizational success and societal impact.
6 ECTS Innovation Management and Strategy D0H36A staff staff
Innovation Management and Strategy (6 ECTS) D0H36a staff staff
3 ECTS Management and Information Technology H00K2A staff staff
Management and Information Technology: Lecture (2.44 ECTS) H00K2a staff staff
Management and Information Technology (0.56 ECTS) H03K3a staff staff
3 ECTS Systems Thinking in Biotech Development E0H48A staff staff
- N.Vandaele (coordinator)
- C.Decouttere
- J.Neyts
- N.Vandaele
Systems Thinking in Biotech Development (3 ECTS) E0H48a staff 6 ECTS Technology Trends and Opportunities HMI15A staff- S.Kelchtermans (coordinator)
- N.
- S.Kelchtermans (coordinator)
- N.
Technology Trends and Opportunities (6 ECTS) HMI15c staff- N.
- N.
Global Challenges and Opportunities
These courses explore the intersection of business, society, ethics, and sustainability, providing students with critical insights and practical tools to navigate complex challenges and contribute to creating a more sustainable and socially responsible future.
Students can't take both D0R27A and D0O87A.6 ECTS Responsible organizations: Critical perspectives D0R27A staff- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
Responsible organizations: Critical perspectives, Part I (3 ECTS) D0O87a staff- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
Responsible organizations: Critical perspectives, Part II (3 ECTS) D0R27a staff- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
3 ECTS Responsible Organizations: Critical Perspectives, Part I D0O87A staff- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
Responsible organizations: Critical perspectives, Part I (3 ECTS) D0O87a staff- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
- M.Janssens
- L.Terlinden (substitute)
3 ECTS Een socio-ecologische inleiding tot duurzaamheid G0D70A staff- G.Ceulemans (coordinator)
- N.Severijns
- G.Ceulemans (coordinator)
- N.Severijns
Een socio-ecologische inleiding tot duurzaamheid: theorie (1 ECTS) G0D70a staff Een socio-ecologische inleiding tot duurzaamheid: opdracht (2 ECTS) G0D71a staff 3 ECTS Globale uitdagingen voor een duurzame samenleving H0O00A staff- K.Van Acker (coordinator)
- K.Van Acker (coordinator)
Globale uitdagingen voor een duurzame samenleving (3 ECTS) H0O00a staff- K.Allacker
- K.Biedenkopf
- B.De Coninck
- J.Driesen
- J.Eyckmans
- G.Govers
- O.Honnay
- I.Nicaise
- T.Smits
- G.Storms
- K.Van Acker
- J.Van Bavel
- G.Van Calster
- N.Van Lipzig
- P.Vansteenwegen
4 ECTS Lessen voor de 21ste eeuw W0AE0A staff staff
- B.Pattyn (coordinator)
- F.Vermeiren (substitute)
- P.d'Hoine
Lessen voor de 21ste eeuw (4 ECTS) W0AE0a staff staff
- B.Pattyn
- F.Vermeiren (substitute)
- P.d'Hoine