Organising for Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-D0O45A)

3 ECTSEnglish18 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

- Define and evaluate the key strategic and organizational challenges that virtually all entrepreneurs face from founding a venture to managing its growth;
- Illustrate the key concepts and tools required to successfully cope with these challenges;
- Use insights from recent advances in entrepreneurship research to tackle practical challenges presented in the cases;
- Develop skills in analytical thinking and reflective judgement by reading and discussing complex, real-life scenarios.

There is no specific preknowledge required for this course.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
L06D1B : Master's Thesis Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy - Part 1


3 ects. Organising for Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-D0O45a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture18 First term
OC Toegepaste economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

This course offers an overview of the main strategic decisions and organizational challenges involved in the process of exploiting a new business opportunity, from building to scaling a start-up. Drawing on recent advances in entrepreneurship theory and practice, the course focuses on the key approaches to successfully deal with these challenges.

Topics that will be discussed are, amongst others:

  • Building the Founding Team
  • Implementing the Business Opportunity
  • The Lean Start-up Method
  • Strategies for Growth
  • Organizing for Growth
  • Change Management 

Used Course Material
A reader with scholarly papers will be provided through Ekonomika.
Case studies.

Toledo is being used for this learning activity.

Throughout the course the case study method is used complemented by plenary discussions and enriched by guest lecturers. Given the documented efficacy of active learning, case-discussion will play an important role in the course. Therefore, students should come to class having individually read the material assigned for each session. A set of learning questions will be provided to guide the individual reading of the case as well as the class discussion.


Evaluation: Organising for Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-D2O45a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written


  • The evaluation consists of a final exam:
    • The written exam is a closed book exam and consists of open questions.


  • The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.
  • The final grade is a weighted score and consists of the following components:
    • 90% on a written, closed book exam
    • 10% on in class permanent evaluation
  • If the student does not participate in the written exam, the final grade of the course will be NA (not taken) for the whole course.                                                                                                                                                              


The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity.