Operations Research (B-KUL-HBE13E)

6 ECTSEnglish52 Second term
De Boeck Liesje (coordinator) |  Belien Jeroen |  Vermuyten Hendrik (substitute) |  De Boeck Liesje
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

Upon completion of this course, the student can:

  • formulate an IP (integer program) (with a focus mainly on logical conditions and quality of formulations), solve the problem using software, manually work out easy problems through branch-and-bound, clearly understand how recent commercial linear solvers operate
  • recognize and solve some efficiently solvable IPs (flow problems, shortest path,...) and understand the connection between these problems as all being 'network problems'
  • form a clear picture of the analysis of algorithms in their worst-case behaviour, describe the link with difficulty of problems, have a thorough insight in complexity theory and the importance of the question 'P = NP?'
  • solve combinatorial problems by means of dynamic programming recursion, including decision problems under uncertainty
  • recognize, model and analyze queuing systems in practice.

If the student wants to follow this course, it is advisable to have successfully completed the following course first:

  • Linear Optimisation (HBE07E).

If the student wants to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following course first:

  • Probability Theory and Descriptive Statistics (HBE08E).

This course is identical to the following courses:
D0H28A : Operationeel onderzoek (HIR)
HBN68B : Operationeel onderzoek
D0X33A : Operationeel onderzoek (HIR)


6 ects. Operations Research (B-KUL-HBE13e)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture52 Second term
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

1. Integer programming: problem formulations including quality of formulations, branch-and-bound, cutting-planes, heuristics
2. Network models: transportation problems, assignment problems, transshipment problems, shortest path, maximum flow, minimum cost flow, CPM
3. Dynamic programming
4. Analysis of algorithms and complexity theory
5. Queueing theory

Recommended study material: Winston, Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms, 4th edition, 2003, Brooks-Cole Publishing.

The course is taught in English.

Computer session - Individual assignment - Traditional lecture

Interactive formal lectures: During formal lectures the theoretical knowledge will be dealt with in detail. When possible, the students are expected to interact (lively).
Self-study: The compulsory course material and slides offer the students additional exercises to accumulate their knowledge independently.
LINGO: Students will get a computer session to get familiar with the LINGO software and will be assigned an individual homework (see also evaluation).


Evaluation: Operations Research (B-KUL-H75220)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

First exam period:
Students will be evaluated on the basis of a written exam. The exam consists of two parts (one part concerning the theory dealt with by Liesje De Boeck and one part concerning the theory dealt with by Jeroen Beliën). Both parts consist of some exercises (the exercises relate to testing theoretical knowledge and insight, recognizing different types of optimization problems, model formulation, model solving, relations between problem types, interpreting output,...). The total exam (for both parts) is closed book and is meant to take 3 hours. The students are allowed to bring their calculator to the exam; the standard formulas for each part, which are known beforehand, will be available at the written exam. Each part is evaluated by the respective lecturer-in-charge and counts for one half in the final result. Only this final result is important. A student who does not succeed (who has less than 10/20 on this final result), has an exam resit for both parts (although he passed for one part). The students will have to make a homework, related to LINGO. This homework is graded as follows: in case of a "good" homework, the exam point is rounded up; otherwise it is rounded down.


The evaluation methods during the first and second exam period are identical.