Master of Biomedical Engineering (Leuven)

Master of Science

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Are you a future student?

Be sure to first take a look at the page about the Master of Biomedical Engineering.

There you can find more info on:

- What’s the programme about?

- Starting profile

- Admission and application

- Future possibilities

- Why KU Leuven

- Contact

- ...

1. Competent in one or more scientific disciplines

1. Graduates know the structure and function of the human body (at the different hierarchical levels: cells, tissue, organs and body) for the purpose of developing medical-technological products and processes that will be used in diagnostic and therapeutic applications. This insight in the functioning of the body refers to the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, the neurological system and elements of the pulmonary, gastro-intestinal and reproductive systems.

2. Graduates possess a broad and active (i.e., application-oriented) knowledge in biomedical technology. They are familiar with the conventional theories and have mastered the common experimental and numerical techniques in the following domains:
*  Biomechanics (tissue biomechanics and bio-fluid mechanics)
*  Biomaterials
*  Bio-instrumentation (sensors and actuators)
*  Medical information technology (medical signal analysis and image processing)

3. Graduates are able to apply their knowledge of the different interdisciplinary domains (medical and technological) in a creative way, expand it and integrate it in functional systems.

2. Competent in conducting research

4. Graduates are able to formulate research questions and translate these questions into a plan of action. In following this plan, they know how and when to adjust it.

5. Graduates are able to independently process and apply new insights, methodologies and results within their own discipline as well as in related interdisciplinary fields. In doing this, they rely on interaction with and advice from experts in diverse technological disciplines and in medicine where necessary.

6. Based on their scientific knowledge, graduates are able to evaluate the correctness of research findings and the conclusions drawn from them.

3. Competent in designing

7. Graduates can apply design methodologies to real situations, leading to a functional product (object, software, procedure) that will be evaluated in function of design requirements.

8. Throughout the design process, graduates take the medical, technological, regulatory and economic boundary conditions into account, as well as the capabilities and limitations of the user of a medical-technological product (healthcare provider, patient, etc.).

9. Graduates are able to creatively and independently process and apply new insights, methodologies and results within their discipline as well as in related interdisciplinary fields in order to design new medical-technological products.

4. A scientific approach

10. Graduates are capable of detaching themselves, when necessary, from the binding nature of the solution to a problem in order to look for long-term solutions and innovative ways of thinking that provide the employer with a strategic advantage in the long run. For that purpose, graduates possess a broad analytical, integrating and problem-solving mind and can combine knowledge from technical-scientific and medical-scientific domains.

11. Graduates have a positive, forwardlooking attitude toward lifelong learning and are constantly seeking to improve their professional and scientific skills. They are able to critically select the most appropriate information sources (scientific literature, internet, workshops, conferences) and process the relevant pieces of information.

12. For this, they rely on a critical attitude with respect to the scientific literature, data and their own findings.

13. Graduates assume a critically constructive position vis-a-vis all new relevant findings and developments they encounter in the academic literature and explore further through their own research. This implies that the graduates have developed the attitude to actively keep track of new developments and to integrate these into their professional activities. Given the interdisciplinary nature of medical technology, the graduate ideally keeps up with a wide range of technological disciplines and medical science to discover opportunities for integration.

5. Basic intellectual skills

14. Graduates can retrieve a multiplicity of complex information (from the scientific literature, own research findings and any already existing alternative solutions to similar and/or related problems), relate it to their own research question, analyze, interpret, and integrate the information and form a reasoned judgment on it.

6. Competent in collaboration and communication

15. Graduates possess a basic knowledge of management techniques to bring technical-scientific projects to a successful conclusion.

16. Graduates are able to function in a team and, when necessary, can take on the role of team leader.

17. Graduates are able to translate technical concepts to medical experts and to actively participate in discussions with medical and technical experts.

18. Graduates master the oral and body language needed to clearly and convincingly convey a message in their mother tongue as well as in English.

19. Graduates are able to write technical reports and scientific articles that meet international standards.

7. Takes the social and temporal context into account

20. Graduates are able to analyze the societal consequences (economic, social, ethical, environmental) of new developments in biomedical technology and integrate these in academic work. They are able to perform their professional activities in an international context and, to this end, have a sufficient mastery of the English language.

21. Graduates have a good understanding of their own role and responsibilities in relation to those of other actors in medicine and health care (healthcare providers, hospital managers, management of healthcare institutions, social security).

The graduated master:

  • During the practice of the engineering profession, is guided by his or her scientific and technical knowledge.
  • Has an engineering attitude that enables him or her to formulate solutions to complex problems, taking into account relevant constraints of an economic, legal, social, ... nature.
  • Is aware of his or her social and ethical responsibility and can act accordingly.
  • Has a willingness for open communication and cooperation, both with engineers within and outside the discipline, and with other actors in the professional field.
  • Has insight into the broader role that engineers play in society.
  • Shows willingness to keep abreast of new scientific and technical evolutions, and to approach them with a critical mind.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Blueprint_MA_Biomedical Engineering.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
Cobra-fiche_MA_ biomedical engineering_2022-2023.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

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