Master of Sociology (Leuven) (60 ECTS) Master of Science


Definitive version: 30/09/2024

Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community

All students (including the Belgian) must apply for the programme. The admissions process works on a rolling basis. However, in order to ensure that students can start in the programme at the beginning of the academic year, we do recommend applicants who obtained their former academic degree in Flanders to apply before 15 September, 2023. We cannot guarantee that the application is processed in time if it is submitted after the recommended deadline.

Please refer to the programme’s website for more information about the application procedure.

All students must be formally enrolled before the start of the academic year.

After admission procedure

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:

  • Bachelor in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (Leuven)
  • Master in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Master in de sociologie (Leuven)
  • Master in de vergelijkende en internationale politiek (Leuven)
  • Master in het publiek management en beleid (Leuven)

Bachelor of Social Sciences
Bachelor sociologie
Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen
Master in de politieke wetenschappen

Students who obtained a degree in the Flemish community that is not mentioned above, have the possibility to submit an admission file that will be assessed by the faculty admission committee.

Deviating regulations for the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social Data Science - QASS"
Only for the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social Data Science - QASS", the following degrees are admitted as well, next to the aforementioned degrees:

Bachelor in de Economische wetenschappen
Bachelor in de Toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Bachelor Handelsingenieur (or Business Engineering)
Bachelor in de Handelswetenschappen (or Business Administration)
Bachelor in de Pedagogische wetenschappen
Bachelor in de Psychologie
Bachelor in de Criminologische wetenschappen
Bachelor in de Onderwijskunde
Master in de Economische wetenschappen (or Economics)
Master in de Handelswetenschappen (or Business Administration)
Master Handelsingenieur (or Business Engineering)
Master in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (or Business Economics)
Master in de Pedagogische Wetenschappen
Master in de Psychologie
Master of Psychology: Theory and Research
Master in de Criminologische Wetenschappen (or Criminology)
Master in Educatieve wetenschappen (or Educational Sciences)

The academic records of the "Quantitative Analysis and Social Data Science - QASS" applicants should include:
·  Sufficient knowledge of mathematics, statistics and information technology, i.e. having passed courses in statistics and quantitative research methods with a minimum of 12 ECTS.
·  Basic knowledge of the sociological way of thinking, i.e. having passed at least one core course in sociology.

After a bridging programme

After bridging programme (49 credits)

Bachelor in het sociaal werk
Bachelor in de maatschappelijke veiligheid
Bachelor in de toegepaste psychologie
Bachelor in de sociale readaptatiewetenschappen
Bachelor in de orthopedagogie
Bachelor in de gezinswetenschappen

Other professional bachelors can be exceptionally admitted upon submission of an admission file.

After a preparatory programme

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:

  • After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Preparatory Programme: Master of Sociology ( Leuven, 16 sp. ) , the following degrees are accepted:
    • Bachelor handelsingenieur (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de handelswetenschappen (na toelating) (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Bachelor in de onderwijskunde (na toelating) (Kortrijk)
    • Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de psychologie (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor of Business Administration (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Bachelor of Business Engineering (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master handelsingenieur (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de criminologische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de economische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de educatieve studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de handelswetenschappen (na toelating) (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Master in de pedagogische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de psychologie (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business Administration (na toelating) (Antwerpen)
    • Master of Business Administration (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Business Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Criminology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Educational Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Psychology: Theory and Research (na toelating) (Leuven)
  • After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 28 sp. ) , the following degrees are accepted:
    • Bachelor handelsingenieur (Brussel, Leuven)
    • Bachelor handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Bachelor in de onderwijskunde (Kortrijk)
    • Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de psychologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in het milieu- en preventiemanagement (Brussel)
    • Bachelor of Business Administration (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Bachelor of Business Engineering (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Educatieve master in de economie (Antwerpen, Brussel, Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master handelsingenieur (Leuven)
    • Master handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven)
    • Master in de actuariële en financiële wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de bedrijfskunde (Brussel)
    • Master in de beleidseconomie (Leuven)
    • Master in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de economie, het recht en de bedrijfskunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de educatieve studies (Leuven)
    • Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Master in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de psychologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in het informatiemanagement (Leuven)
    • Master in het management (Leuven)
    • Master in het milieu- en preventiemanagement (Brussel)
    • Master of Actuarial and Financial Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Advanced Studies in Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business Administration (na toelating) (Antwerpen)
    • Master of Business Administration (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Business Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business and Information Systems Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Criminology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Educational Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Information Management (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of International Business (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Management Engineering (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Psychology: Theory and Research (na toelating) (Leuven)
  • After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 46 sp. ) , the following degrees are accepted:
    • Bachelor in de archeologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geschiedenis (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de kunstwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de musicologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de rechten (Brussel, Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de rechten (Hasselt)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en letterkunde (Kortrijk)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en regiostudies: Chinese studies (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en regiostudies: Japanse studies (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en regiostudies: arabistiek en islamkunde (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de theologie en de religiewetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de toegepaste taalkunde (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Bachelor in de wijsbegeerte (Leuven)
    • Bachelor of European Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor of Philosophy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de cultuurwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de godsdienst (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de maatschappijwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
    • Master en langue et littérature françaises (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de Europese studies: transnationale en mondiale perspectieven (Leuven)
    • Master in de archeologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de bedrijfscommunicatie (Leuven)
    • Master in de culturele studies (Leuven)
    • Master in de geschiedenis (Leuven)
    • Master in de geschiedenis van de oudheid (Leuven)
    • Master in de journalistiek (Brussel)
    • Master in de kunstwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de meertalige communicatie (Antwerpen)
    • Master in de musicologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de rechten (Leuven)
    • Master in de rechten (Hasselt)
    • Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de taal- en regiostudies: Chinese studies (Leuven)
    • Master in de taal- en regiostudies: Japanse studies (Leuven)
    • Master in de taal- en regiostudies: arabistiek en islamkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de taalkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de theologie en de religiewetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de wereldreligies (Leuven)
    • Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
    • Master in de wijsbegeerte (Leuven)
    • Master in het tolken (Antwerpen)
    • Master in het vertalen (Antwerpen)
    • Master of Arts in Sports Ethics and Integrity (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Cultural Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of English Linguistics and Literature (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of History (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Law (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Multilingual Communication: Cross-Cultural Communication Management (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Philosophy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Theology and Religious Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Western Literature (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Research Master of Philosophy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Research Master: Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (na toelating) (Leuven)
  • After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 50 sp. ) , the following degrees are accepted:
    • Bachelor in de architectuur (Brussel, Gent)
    • Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de biologie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de biowetenschappen (Geel)
    • Bachelor in de chemie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geneeskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geografie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geowetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Diepenbeek)
    • Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de interieurarchitectuur (Brussel, Gent)
    • Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de logopedische en audiologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Brugge, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de tandheelkunde (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor of Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • EIT-KIC Master in Energy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de gezondheidswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de lichamelijke opvoeding (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de ontwerpwetenschappen (Brussel)
    • Educatieve master in de wetenschappen en technologie (Leuven)
    • Erasmus Mundus Japan - Master of Science in Imaging and Light in Extended Reality (na toelating) (Gent)
    • Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • European Master of Science in Radiation and its Effects on Microelectronics and Photonics Technologies (na toelating) (Geel)
    • European Master of Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business (na toelating) (Gent)
    • Master in de actuariële en financiële wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de architectuur (Brussel, Gent)
    • Master in de bewegings- en sportwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-informatica (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: biosysteemtechniek (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: katalytische technologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbeheer (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbouwkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: levensmiddelenwetenschappen en voeding (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: milieutechnologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de biologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de biomedische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de biowetenschappen: land- en tuinbouwkunde (Geel)
    • Master in de biowetenschappen: voedingsindustrie (Geel)
    • Master in de chemie (Leuven)
    • Master in de ergotherapeutische wetenschap (Leuven)
    • Master in de farmaceutische zorg (Leuven)
    • Master in de fysica (Leuven)
    • Master in de geneeskunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de geneesmiddelenontwikkeling (Leuven)
    • Master in de geografie (Leuven)
    • Master in de geologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: biochemie (Gent, Leuven)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: bouwkunde (Brugge, Gent, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: bouwkunde (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Brugge, Geel, Gent)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: informatica (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: kunststofverwerking (Brugge)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: nucleaire technologie (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: biomedische technologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: chemische technologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: computerwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: elektrotechniek (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: energie (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: materiaalkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: mobiliteit en supply chain (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: werktuigkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken (Leuven)
    • Master in de interieurarchitectuur (Brussel, Gent)
    • Master in de logopedische en audiologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de medische stralingsfysica (Leuven)
    • Master in de nanowetenschappen, nanotechnologie en nano-engineering (Leuven)
    • Master in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Leuven)
    • Master in de seksuologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de statistiek (Leuven)
    • Master in de stedenbouw en de ruimtelijke planning (Brussel, Gent)
    • Master in de sterrenkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de tandheelkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de toegepaste informatica (Leuven)
    • Master in de verpleegkunde en de vroedkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de wiskunde (Leuven)
    • Master in het management en het beleid van de gezondheidszorg (Leuven)
    • Master in het toerisme (Leuven)
    • Master of Actuarial and Financial Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Architecture (na toelating) (Brussel, Gent)
    • Master of Artificial Intelligence (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biochemical Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioinformatics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biomedical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biomedical Sciences (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioscience Engineering: Agro- and Ecosystems Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioscience Engineering: Cellular and Genetic Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioscience Engineering: Human Health Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioscience Engineering: Sustainable Urban Bioscience Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Chemical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Chemical Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Chemistry (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Civil Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Electrical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Electromechanical Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Engineering: Computer Science (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Engineering: Energy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Food Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Geography (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Geology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Materials Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Mathematical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Mathematics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Mechanical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Medical Physics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Mobility and Supply Chain Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Molecular Biology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Physics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Space Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Statistics and Data Science (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Sustainable Development (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Water Resources Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community, students will be admitted to the specializations "Culture and Society" and "Solidarity and Social Risks in Europe"; for admission to the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social data Science - QASS" this preparatory programme is not necessary (see above "After admission procedure")

After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 14 sp. ), the following degrees are accepted:
Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Bachelor in de onderwijskunde (Kortrijk)
Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Bachelor in de psychologie (Leuven)
Master in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Master in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Master in de psychologie (Leuven)
Master in het sociaal werk en sociaal beleid (Leuven)

After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 19 sp. ), the following degrees are accepted:
Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
Master in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Master in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven)


After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Master in de sociologie (Leuven, 19 sp), the following degrees are accepted for the specializations "Culture and Society" and "Solidarity and Social Risks in Europe"; for admission to the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social data Science - QASS" this preparatory programme is not necessary (see above "After admission procedure")

Bachelor in de sociaal-economische wetenschappen
Master in de sociaal-economische wetenschappen

After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Master in de sociologie (Leuven, 25 sp.), the following degrees are accepted:

Bachelor in de agogische wetenschappen
Master in de agogische wetenschappen

Other academic bachelors and masters can exceptionally be accepted after submitting an admission file.

Additional information

As the Master of Sociology programme is completely taught in English, all students are required to provide evidence of their proficiency in the English language, for which the following language certificates are accepted.

•  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), for which the minimum total score is 600 (for paper-based test); 250 (for computer-based test); or 100 (for Internet-based test).
•  IELTS Academic Test (International English Language Testing System), for which the minimum score required is 7.0-7.5
•  Cambridge English Qualifications for general and higher education with a minimum score of 184 on C1 Advanced, or C2
•  ITACE (Interuniversity Test of Academic English), for which C1 level is required.
Students need to make sure to arrange a date for their language test well ahead of their application, as they are required to submit their language certificate with their application for admission to the programme. If this is impossible, they need to submit proof of registration for the test with the date on which it will be taken and to submit their certificate before the start of the programme. For students who have completed a fully English-taught academic programme (minimum 3 years), copies of diplomas suffices as proof of their English proficiency. Yet, applicants from Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, or the USA without a diploma from a programme taught in English are required to submit a certificate that proves their proficiency in English.

Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community

Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:

The admissions process works on a rolling basis. However, in order to ensure that students can start in the programme at the beginning of the academic year, we do recommend you to apply before:
• 1 March, 2023 for applications of non-EEA citizens
• 1 June, 2023 for applications of EEA citizens
• 1 June, 2023 for applications of non-EEA citizens living in Belgium with a valid residence permit
We cannot guarantee that the application is processed in time if it is submitted after the recommended deadline.

The required documents that must be added to the application differs for students who obtained their degree within and outside the EEA. Please refer to the programme’s website for more information.

All students must be formally enrolled before the start of the academic year.

Diploma requirements

For the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social data Science - QASS":
Applicants are expected to be (future) holders of one of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained outside the Flemish Community:
·  Any Academic Bachelor’s degree in the field of Social Sciences (e.g., Sociology, Communication Sciences, Political Sciences), Economics (e.g., Economics, Applied Economics, Business Engineering, Business Administration, Commercial Engineering), Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences (e.g., Psychology, Educational Sciences, Pedagogy), and Criminology.
·  Any Master’s degree in the field of Social Sciences (e.g., Sociology, Communication Sciences, Political Sciences), Economics (e.g., Economics, Applied Economics, Business Engineering, Business Administration, Commercial Engineering), Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences (e.g., Psychology, Educational Sciences, Pedagogy), and Criminology.
·  Any degree that proves that a student has completed the equivalent of a bridging or preparatory programme for a Master’s programme in Sociology.

The academic records of the applicants should include:
·  Sufficient knowledge of mathematics, statistics and information technology, i.e. having passed courses in statistics and quantitative research methods with a minimum of 12 ECTS.
·  Basic knowledge of the sociological way of thinking, i.e. having passed at least one core course in sociology.

For the Specialisations ‘Culture and Society’ and ‘Solidarity and Social Risks in Europe’:

Applicants are expected to be (future) holders of one of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained outside the Flemish Community:
Any Bachelor’s degree in the field of sociology, or in a related discipline in the field of social sciences (e.g. Communication Sciences, Political Science).
Any Master’s degree in the field of sociology, or in a related discipline in the field of social sciences (e.g. Communication Sciences, Political Science).
Any degree that proves that a student has completed the equivalent of a bridging or preparatory programme for a Master’s programme in Sociology.

Language requirements

As the Master of Sociology programme is completely taught in English, students are required to provide evidence of their proficiency in the English language, for which the following language certificates are accepted.

•  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), for which the minimum total score is 600 (for paper-based test); 250 (for computer-based test); or 100 (for Internet-based test).
•  IELTS Academic Test (International English Language Testing System), for which the minimum score required is 7.0-7.5
•  Cambridge English Qualifications for general and higher education with a minimum score of 184 on C1 Advanced, or C2
•  ITACE (Interuniversity Test of Academic English), for which C1 level is required.

Students need to make sure to arrange a date for their language test well ahead of their application, as they are required to submit their language certificate with their application for admission to the programme. If this is impossible, they need to submit proof of registration for the test with the date on which it will be taken and to submit their certificate before the start of the programme. For students who have completed a fully English-taught academic programme (minimum 3 years), copies of diplomas suffices as proof of their English proficiency. Yet, applicants from Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, or the USA without a diploma from a programme taught in English are required to submit a certificate that proves their proficiency in English.

Additional requirements

For students with a degree obtained outside the EEA, it is required to add the following document to the admission file:
• An academic paper, proving the applicant has a firm grasp of social science theory, social science methodology and academic writing. This can be a research paper that you wrote during your previous degree. It should include a discussion of methodology and a review of the academic literature. The paper must be in English.

Students with a degree obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community

All students (including the Belgian) must apply for the programme. The admissions process works on a rolling basis. However, in order to ensure that students can start in the programme at the beginning of the academic year, we do recommend applicants who obtained their former academic degree in Flanders to apply before 15 September, 2023. We cannot guarantee that the application is processed in time if it is submitted after the recommended deadline.

Please refer to the programme’s website for more information about the application procedure.

All students must be formally enrolled before the start of the academic year.

After admission procedure

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:

  • Bachelor in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (Leuven)
  • Master in de communicatiewetenschappen (Leuven)
  • Master in de sociologie (Leuven)
  • Master in de vergelijkende en internationale politiek (Leuven)
  • Master in het publiek management en beleid (Leuven)

Bachelor of Social Sciences
Bachelor sociologie
Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen
Master in de politieke wetenschappen

Students who obtained a degree in the Flemish community that is not mentioned above, have the possibility to submit an admission file that will be assessed by the faculty admission committee.

Deviating regulations for the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social Data Science - QASS"
Only for the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social Data Science - QASS", the following degrees are admitted as well, next to the aforementioned degrees:

Bachelor in de Economische wetenschappen
Bachelor in de Toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Bachelor Handelsingenieur (or Business Engineering)
Bachelor in de Handelswetenschappen (or Business Administration)
Bachelor in de Pedagogische wetenschappen
Bachelor in de Psychologie
Bachelor in de Criminologische wetenschappen
Bachelor in de Onderwijskunde
Master in de Economische wetenschappen (or Economics)
Master in de Handelswetenschappen (or Business Administration)
Master Handelsingenieur (or Business Engineering)
Master in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (or Business Economics)
Master in de Pedagogische Wetenschappen
Master in de Psychologie
Master of Psychology: Theory and Research
Master in de Criminologische Wetenschappen (or Criminology)
Master in Educatieve wetenschappen (or Educational Sciences)

The academic records of the "Quantitative Analysis and Social Data Science - QASS" applicants should include:
·  Sufficient knowledge of mathematics, statistics and information technology, i.e. having passed courses in statistics and quantitative research methods with a minimum of 12 ECTS.
·  Basic knowledge of the sociological way of thinking, i.e. having passed at least one core course in sociology.

After a bridging programme

After bridging programme (49 credits)

Bachelor in het sociaal werk
Bachelor in de maatschappelijke veiligheid
Bachelor in de toegepaste psychologie
Bachelor in de sociale readaptatiewetenschappen
Bachelor in de orthopedagogie
Bachelor in de gezinswetenschappen

Other professional bachelors can be exceptionally admitted upon submission of an admission file.

After a preparatory programme

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community:

  • After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Preparatory Programme: Master of Sociology ( Leuven, 16 sp. ) , the following degrees are accepted:
    • Bachelor handelsingenieur (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de handelswetenschappen (na toelating) (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Bachelor in de onderwijskunde (na toelating) (Kortrijk)
    • Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de psychologie (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor of Business Administration (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Bachelor of Business Engineering (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master handelsingenieur (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de criminologische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de economische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de educatieve studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de handelswetenschappen (na toelating) (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Master in de pedagogische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de psychologie (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business Administration (na toelating) (Antwerpen)
    • Master of Business Administration (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Business Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Criminology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Educational Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Psychology: Theory and Research (na toelating) (Leuven)
  • After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 28 sp. ) , the following degrees are accepted:
    • Bachelor handelsingenieur (Brussel, Leuven)
    • Bachelor handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Bachelor in de onderwijskunde (Kortrijk)
    • Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de psychologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in het milieu- en preventiemanagement (Brussel)
    • Bachelor of Business Administration (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Bachelor of Business Engineering (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Educatieve master in de economie (Antwerpen, Brussel, Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de gedragswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master handelsingenieur (Leuven)
    • Master handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica (Leuven)
    • Master in de actuariële en financiële wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de bedrijfskunde (Brussel)
    • Master in de beleidseconomie (Leuven)
    • Master in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de economie, het recht en de bedrijfskunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de educatieve studies (Leuven)
    • Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Master in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de psychologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in het informatiemanagement (Leuven)
    • Master in het management (Leuven)
    • Master in het milieu- en preventiemanagement (Brussel)
    • Master of Actuarial and Financial Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Advanced Studies in Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business Administration (na toelating) (Antwerpen)
    • Master of Business Administration (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Business Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Business and Information Systems Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Criminology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Economics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Educational Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Information Management (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of International Business (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Management Engineering (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Psychology: Theory and Research (na toelating) (Leuven)
  • After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 46 sp. ) , the following degrees are accepted:
    • Bachelor in de archeologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geschiedenis (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de kunstwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de musicologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de rechten (Brussel, Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de rechten (Hasselt)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en letterkunde (Kortrijk)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en regiostudies: Chinese studies (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en regiostudies: Japanse studies (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de taal- en regiostudies: arabistiek en islamkunde (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de theologie en de religiewetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de toegepaste taalkunde (Antwerpen, Brussel)
    • Bachelor in de wijsbegeerte (Leuven)
    • Bachelor of European Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor of Philosophy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de cultuurwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de godsdienst (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de maatschappijwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de talen (Leuven)
    • Master en langue et littérature françaises (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master in de Europese studies: transnationale en mondiale perspectieven (Leuven)
    • Master in de archeologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de bedrijfscommunicatie (Leuven)
    • Master in de culturele studies (Leuven)
    • Master in de geschiedenis (Leuven)
    • Master in de geschiedenis van de oudheid (Leuven)
    • Master in de journalistiek (Brussel)
    • Master in de kunstwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de meertalige communicatie (Antwerpen)
    • Master in de musicologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de rechten (Leuven)
    • Master in de rechten (Hasselt)
    • Master in de taal- en letterkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de taal- en regiostudies: Chinese studies (Leuven)
    • Master in de taal- en regiostudies: Japanse studies (Leuven)
    • Master in de taal- en regiostudies: arabistiek en islamkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de taalkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de theologie en de religiewetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de wereldreligies (Leuven)
    • Master in de westerse literatuur (Leuven)
    • Master in de wijsbegeerte (Leuven)
    • Master in het tolken (Antwerpen)
    • Master in het vertalen (Antwerpen)
    • Master of Arts in Sports Ethics and Integrity (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Cultural Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of English Linguistics and Literature (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of History (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Law (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Multilingual Communication: Cross-Cultural Communication Management (na toelating) (Brussel)
    • Master of Philosophy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Theology and Religious Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Western Literature (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Research Master of Philosophy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Research Master: Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (na toelating) (Leuven)
  • After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 50 sp. ) , the following degrees are accepted:
    • Bachelor in de architectuur (Brussel, Gent)
    • Bachelor in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de biologie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de biowetenschappen (Geel)
    • Bachelor in de chemie (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de farmaceutische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de fysica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geneeskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geografie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geologie (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de geowetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Bachelor in de industriële wetenschappen (Diepenbeek)
    • Bachelor in de informatica (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de interieurarchitectuur (Brussel, Gent)
    • Bachelor in de lichamelijke opvoeding en de bewegingswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de logopedische en audiologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Brugge, Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de tandheelkunde (Leuven)
    • Bachelor in de wiskunde (Kortrijk, Leuven)
    • Bachelor of Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • EIT-KIC Master in Energy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de gezondheidswetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de lichamelijke opvoeding (Leuven)
    • Educatieve master in de ontwerpwetenschappen (Brussel)
    • Educatieve master in de wetenschappen en technologie (Leuven)
    • Erasmus Mundus Japan - Master of Science in Imaging and Light in Extended Reality (na toelating) (Gent)
    • Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • European Master of Science in Radiation and its Effects on Microelectronics and Photonics Technologies (na toelating) (Geel)
    • European Master of Sustainable Food Systems Engineering, Technology and Business (na toelating) (Gent)
    • Master in de actuariële en financiële wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de architectuur (Brussel, Gent)
    • Master in de bewegings- en sportwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-informatica (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: biosysteemtechniek (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: katalytische technologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbeheer (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbouwkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: levensmiddelenwetenschappen en voeding (Leuven)
    • Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: milieutechnologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de biochemie en de biotechnologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de biologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de biomedische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de biowetenschappen: land- en tuinbouwkunde (Geel)
    • Master in de biowetenschappen: voedingsindustrie (Geel)
    • Master in de chemie (Leuven)
    • Master in de ergotherapeutische wetenschap (Leuven)
    • Master in de farmaceutische zorg (Leuven)
    • Master in de fysica (Leuven)
    • Master in de geneeskunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de geneesmiddelenontwikkeling (Leuven)
    • Master in de geografie (Leuven)
    • Master in de geologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: biochemie (Gent, Leuven)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: bouwkunde (Brugge, Gent, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: bouwkunde (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektromechanica (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Brugge, Geel, Gent, Leuven, Sint-Katelijne-Waver)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: elektronica-ICT (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Brugge, Geel, Gent)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: energie (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: informatica (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: kunststofverwerking (Brugge)
    • Master in de industriële wetenschappen: nucleaire technologie (Diepenbeek)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: architectuur (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: biomedische technologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: bouwkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: chemische technologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: computerwetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: elektrotechniek (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: energie (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: materiaalkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: mobiliteit en supply chain (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: werktuigkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de ingenieurswetenschappen: wiskundige ingenieurstechnieken (Leuven)
    • Master in de interieurarchitectuur (Brussel, Gent)
    • Master in de logopedische en audiologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
    • Master in de medische stralingsfysica (Leuven)
    • Master in de nanowetenschappen, nanotechnologie en nano-engineering (Leuven)
    • Master in de revalidatiewetenschappen en de kinesitherapie (Leuven)
    • Master in de seksuologie (Leuven)
    • Master in de statistiek (Leuven)
    • Master in de stedenbouw en de ruimtelijke planning (Brussel, Gent)
    • Master in de sterrenkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de tandheelkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de toegepaste informatica (Leuven)
    • Master in de verpleegkunde en de vroedkunde (Leuven)
    • Master in de wiskunde (Leuven)
    • Master in het management en het beleid van de gezondheidszorg (Leuven)
    • Master in het toerisme (Leuven)
    • Master of Actuarial and Financial Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Architecture (na toelating) (Brussel, Gent)
    • Master of Artificial Intelligence (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biochemical Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioinformatics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biomedical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biomedical Sciences (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioscience Engineering: Agro- and Ecosystems Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioscience Engineering: Cellular and Genetic Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioscience Engineering: Human Health Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Bioscience Engineering: Sustainable Urban Bioscience Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Chemical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Chemical Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Chemistry (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Civil Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Electrical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Electromechanical Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Engineering: Computer Science (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Engineering: Energy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Food Technology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Geography (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Geology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Materials Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Mathematical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Mathematics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Mechanical Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Medical Physics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Mobility and Supply Chain Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Molecular Biology (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Physics (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Space Studies (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Statistics and Data Science (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Sustainable Development (na toelating) (Leuven)
    • Master of Water Resources Engineering (na toelating) (Leuven)

On the basis of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community, students will be admitted to the specializations "Culture and Society" and "Solidarity and Social Risks in Europe"; for admission to the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social data Science - QASS" this preparatory programme is not necessary (see above "After admission procedure")

After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 14 sp. ), the following degrees are accepted:
Bachelor in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Bachelor in de onderwijskunde (Kortrijk)
Bachelor in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Bachelor in de psychologie (Leuven)
Master in de criminologische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Master in de pedagogische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Master in de psychologie (Leuven)
Master in het sociaal werk en sociaal beleid (Leuven)

After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de sociologie ( Leuven, 19 sp. ), the following degrees are accepted:
Bachelor in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Kortrijk, Leuven)
Master in de economische wetenschappen (Leuven)
Master in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen (Leuven)


After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Master in de sociologie (Leuven, 19 sp), the following degrees are accepted for the specializations "Culture and Society" and "Solidarity and Social Risks in Europe"; for admission to the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social data Science - QASS" this preparatory programme is not necessary (see above "After admission procedure")

Bachelor in de sociaal-economische wetenschappen
Master in de sociaal-economische wetenschappen

After successfully completing the preparatory programme: Master in de sociologie (Leuven, 25 sp.), the following degrees are accepted:

Bachelor in de agogische wetenschappen
Master in de agogische wetenschappen

Other academic bachelors and masters can exceptionally be accepted after submitting an admission file.

Additional information

As the Master of Sociology programme is completely taught in English, all students are required to provide evidence of their proficiency in the English language, for which the following language certificates are accepted.

•  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), for which the minimum total score is 600 (for paper-based test); 250 (for computer-based test); or 100 (for Internet-based test).
•  IELTS Academic Test (International English Language Testing System), for which the minimum score required is 7.0-7.5
•  Cambridge English Qualifications for general and higher education with a minimum score of 184 on C1 Advanced, or C2
•  ITACE (Interuniversity Test of Academic English), for which C1 level is required.
Students need to make sure to arrange a date for their language test well ahead of their application, as they are required to submit their language certificate with their application for admission to the programme. If this is impossible, they need to submit proof of registration for the test with the date on which it will be taken and to submit their certificate before the start of the programme. For students who have completed a fully English-taught academic programme (minimum 3 years), copies of diplomas suffices as proof of their English proficiency. Yet, applicants from Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, or the USA without a diploma from a programme taught in English are required to submit a certificate that proves their proficiency in English.

Students with a degree not obtained at an institution of the Flemish Community

Students who did not obtain their previous degree(s) at an institution of the Flemish Community should submit an application via the Admissions Office:

The admissions process works on a rolling basis. However, in order to ensure that students can start in the programme at the beginning of the academic year, we do recommend you to apply before:
• 1 March, 2023 for applications of non-EEA citizens
• 1 June, 2023 for applications of EEA citizens
• 1 June, 2023 for applications of non-EEA citizens living in Belgium with a valid residence permit
We cannot guarantee that the application is processed in time if it is submitted after the recommended deadline.

The required documents that must be added to the application differs for students who obtained their degree within and outside the EEA. Please refer to the programme’s website for more information.

All students must be formally enrolled before the start of the academic year.

Diploma requirements

For the Specialisation "Quantitative Analysis and Social data Science - QASS":
Applicants are expected to be (future) holders of one of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained outside the Flemish Community:
·  Any Academic Bachelor’s degree in the field of Social Sciences (e.g., Sociology, Communication Sciences, Political Sciences), Economics (e.g., Economics, Applied Economics, Business Engineering, Business Administration, Commercial Engineering), Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences (e.g., Psychology, Educational Sciences, Pedagogy), and Criminology.
·  Any Master’s degree in the field of Social Sciences (e.g., Sociology, Communication Sciences, Political Sciences), Economics (e.g., Economics, Applied Economics, Business Engineering, Business Administration, Commercial Engineering), Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences (e.g., Psychology, Educational Sciences, Pedagogy), and Criminology.
·  Any degree that proves that a student has completed the equivalent of a bridging or preparatory programme for a Master’s programme in Sociology.

The academic records of the applicants should include:
·  Sufficient knowledge of mathematics, statistics and information technology, i.e. having passed courses in statistics and quantitative research methods with a minimum of 12 ECTS.
·  Basic knowledge of the sociological way of thinking, i.e. having passed at least one core course in sociology.

For the Specialisations ‘Culture and Society’ and ‘Solidarity and Social Risks in Europe’:

Applicants are expected to be (future) holders of one of the following degrees, or similar degrees, obtained outside the Flemish Community:
Any Bachelor’s degree in the field of sociology, or in a related discipline in the field of social sciences (e.g. Communication Sciences, Political Science).
Any Master’s degree in the field of sociology, or in a related discipline in the field of social sciences (e.g. Communication Sciences, Political Science).
Any degree that proves that a student has completed the equivalent of a bridging or preparatory programme for a Master’s programme in Sociology.

Language requirements

As the Master of Sociology programme is completely taught in English, students are required to provide evidence of their proficiency in the English language, for which the following language certificates are accepted.

•  TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), for which the minimum total score is 600 (for paper-based test); 250 (for computer-based test); or 100 (for Internet-based test).
•  IELTS Academic Test (International English Language Testing System), for which the minimum score required is 7.0-7.5
•  Cambridge English Qualifications for general and higher education with a minimum score of 184 on C1 Advanced, or C2
•  ITACE (Interuniversity Test of Academic English), for which C1 level is required.

Students need to make sure to arrange a date for their language test well ahead of their application, as they are required to submit their language certificate with their application for admission to the programme. If this is impossible, they need to submit proof of registration for the test with the date on which it will be taken and to submit their certificate before the start of the programme. For students who have completed a fully English-taught academic programme (minimum 3 years), copies of diplomas suffices as proof of their English proficiency. Yet, applicants from Australia, English-speaking Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK, or the USA without a diploma from a programme taught in English are required to submit a certificate that proves their proficiency in English.

Additional requirements

For students with a degree obtained outside the EEA, it is required to add the following document to the admission file:
• An academic paper, proving the applicant has a firm grasp of social science theory, social science methodology and academic writing. This can be a research paper that you wrote during your previous degree. It should include a discussion of methodology and a review of the academic literature. The paper must be in English.