Mathematics for Business Engineers II (B-KUL-HBE02E)

6 ECTSEnglish78 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

After attending this course:

  • the student is familiar with the concepts, insights, results and techniques of real analysis (one variable and an introduction to multiple variables) and basic linear algebra. Using this knowledge, he/she is capable of quantitatively formulating, examining and understanding simplified economical and business oriented problems,
  • the student has gained a part of the knowledge needed to successfully follow the optimization and statistical courses and technology courses in the business engineering program,
  • the student has practiced formulating and arguing in a correct and accurate way.


The student must have sufficient mathematical maturity. The description of the mathematical topics you are expected to have covered before entering the Bachelor of Business Engineering programme, can be found on this website:

This course is identical to the following courses:
G0N27A : Lineaire algebra
D0H11A : Hogere wiskunde II (HIR)
I0O68A : Lineaire algebra (No longer offered this academic year)
G0N27C : Lineaire algebra
HBN53B : Hogere wiskunde II (No longer offered this academic year)
I0K13A : Lineaire algebra


4.5 ects. Mathematics for Business Engineers II: Lecture (B-KUL-HBE02e)

4.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture52 Second term
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

1. Linear Algebra

  • Vector spaces
  • Linear maps
  • Linear difference equations
  • Linear programming
  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (including stochastic matrices)

2. Real analysis

  • Implicit functions
  • Optimization (of multivariate functions, with or without constraints)
  • Integration (of functions of one and two variables)
  • Differential equations

Wendy Goemans, Joeri Van der Veken and Ignace Van de Woestyne "Mathematics for Business Engineers II"

We strive for interaction in the classroom. Therefore we expect that students actively think and participate during the lectures.

1.5 ects. Mathematics for Business Engineers II: Practical (B-KUL-HBE02f)

1.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 Second term
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

Exercises that match the content of HBE02e.

Same as for HBE02e.

Exercise sessions that match the content of the lectures of the course, students are expected to actively participate and to come prepared.


Evaluation: Mathematics for Business Engineers II (B-KUL-H75204)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Closed questions, Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

Evaluation caracteristics

  • The course is assessed by the teacher(s), as announced via Toledo and the examination schedule. The result is calculated and expressed as a whole number with a maximum of 20.
  • The mathematics formula sheet available on toledo can be used. The use of a simple (non-graphical and non-programmable) calculator is permitted.
  • In case of catch-up exams, the exam type may differ from the regular exam type (e.g., only open questions, oral examination, ...)

Determination final result

  • Written examination (type "closed book") with open questions (weight 70%) and multiple-choice and closed questions (weight 30%).
  • A correction for guessing is applied on the multiple-choice questions.

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first exam period.