Muslims and Islam in Europe (B-KUL-F0CB3A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 First term
Ryad Umar |  Hamoud Maher (substitute)
POC Taal- en regiostudies

The course provides an in-depth study of Islam and Muslim societies in Europe from a historical and contemporary perspective. It explores the long history of Islam in Europe and the current diversity of Muslim populations in Europe, their cultural and religious practices, and their interactions with European societies. The course also analyzes the current issues facing Muslim communities in Europe, including immigration, integration, religious freedom, and Islamophobia.


Teaching Aims:

  • To develop a comprehensive understanding of the history and diversity of Islam in Europe.
  • To explore the cultural, social, and political dimensions of Islam in Europe.
  • To offer students an overview of key themes in Islamic jurisprudence in response to political, cultural and religious challenges within contemporary European societies.
  • To analyze the current issues facing Muslim communities in Europe, including immigration, integration, secularism, and Islamophobia.
  • To critically evaluate the impact of Islam on European societies and cultures.
  • To foster critical thinking and analytical skills through class discussions, reading, and research.
  • To develop effective communication and presentation skills through class participation and assignments.
  • To encourage students to engage with diverse perspectives and experiences related to Islam and Muslims in Europe.

No previous knowledge required.


6 ects. Muslims and Islam in Europe (B-KUL-F0CB3a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
Ryad Umar |  Hamoud Maher (substitute)
POC Taal- en regiostudies

During the lectures, the instructor will discuss the key concepts and theories of the history and diversity of Islam in Europe and the current challenges facing Muslim communities in Europe. The lectures will also provide an overview of key themes in Islamic jurisprudence and how they relate to contemporary political, cultural, and religious challenges in European societies. Presentations will be given by students and will focus on specific topics within the course of the student’s choice. Students will be asked to delve deeper into certain aspects of the history and diversity of Islam in Europe and to present their own critical analyses of the current issues facing Muslim communities in Europe. The presentations also provide an opportunity for students to develop their presentation skills. The reading assignments will help students deepen their understanding of the course content and further develop their critical thinking and analytical skills. Students will be asked to read articles and books related to the history, diversity, and contemporary challenges of Islam and Muslim communities in Europe. They will be asked to share their reading experiences and write their own reflections on the content of the texts. The oral exam and final paper, which are requirement of the course, will allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the course material and showcase their critical thinking and analytical skills.

A reader will be provided by the instructor.

The teaching form of the course consists of lecturing, presentations, reading assignments, oral exam and final paper.


Evaluation: Muslims and Islam in Europe (B-KUL-F2CB3a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours

- Participation during contact hours (10%)

- Presentation (10%)

- Oral exam (30%)

- Paper (50%)



If the student has not passed the total of the course unit, the student takes part in the re-examinations:


- The results for the components the student passed in the first session are carried over to the second session.

- If the student did not pass the paper in the first session, the student submits a new paper in the second session.

- If the student did not pass the oral examination in the first session, the student takes a new oral examination in the second session

- In any case, the result for the cooperation during the contact moments is transferred to the second session, the student does not have the opportunity to retake the presentation in the second session.

- In any case, the result for the presentation is transferred to the second session, the student does not have the opportunity to take the presentation again in the second session.