Engineering Experience 2 - Electronics and ICT Engineering (B-KUL-T2VIA2)

6 ECTSEnglish96 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Geurts Luc (coordinator) |  Van Maele Jan |  Biermans Sam (cooperator) |  Castillo Bérénice (cooperator) |  De Cock Lotte (cooperator) |  Malfait Ingmar (cooperator) |  Mousavi-Vapouri Sasan (cooperator) |  Schelkens Steven (cooperator) |  Verbruggen Jonas (cooperator) |  Vranken Gil (cooperator)  | LessMore
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven

Learning outcomes:

  • I1: Problem analysis and solving
  • I2: Design and / or development
  • P1: To make operational
  • G1: Information gathering and processing
  • G2: Communication with engineers and non-engineers
  • G3: Critical thinking
  • G4: Working in a team in different roles
  • G5: Professionalism


Students will:

  • Apply technical knowledge to solve a real life technical problem
  • Learn new technical knowledge
  • Learning and applying professional skills
    • Take up leadership and learn how to guide a team.
    • Project management frameworks and structures for different type of projects.
    • Communication to connect, towards technical people of another discipline or towards non-technical people in society.
    • Communication in general to non-engineers.
    • Techniques to build prototypes/ simulations to discuss the design with the costumer.

This learning goals will be reached by students working in a team, guided by coaches. Seminars will be organized related to technical content and professional competences.

You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 140 credits to obtain your degree.

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
T1AEA1 : Elektronica
T1AEA2 : Electronics
T1ACD1 : Computationeel denken
T1ACD2 : Computational Thinking
T1AIB1 : Ingenieursbeleving 1
T1AIB2 : Engineering Experience 1

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
T3VIA1 : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - elektronica-ICT
T3VIA2 : Engineering Experience 3 - Electronics and ICT Engineering

This course is identical to the following courses:
ZA0216 : Ingenieursbeleving 2 - elektronica-ICT
B30748 : Ingenieursbeleving 2 - elektronica-ICT
JPI13O : Ingenieursbeleving 2 - elektronica-ICT
T2VIA1 : Ingenieursbeleving 2 - elektronica-ICT
YI1430 : Ingenieursbeleving 2 - elektronica-ICT


5 ects. Project Electronics and ICT Engineering (B-KUL-T2tIA2)

5 ECTSEnglish78 Both terms
Van Maele Jan |  De Cock Lotte (cooperator) |  Malfait Ingmar (cooperator) |  Verbruggen Jonas (cooperator) |  Vranken Gil (cooperator)
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven

    1 ects. Seminars Professional Competences 2 (B-KUL-T2sIA2)

    1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture18 Both terms
    Van Maele Jan |  Biermans Sam (cooperator) |  Castillo Bérénice (cooperator) |  Mousavi-Vapouri Sasan (cooperator) |  Schelkens Steven (cooperator)
    OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven

    Engineers must be able to use their technical knowledge to present added value to the industry and society. Professional competences  (project management, communication, team dynamics, creativity and enterprising with ethics in mind) are crucial to do this. These competences will be learned and applied to the project.

    Engineers must be able to use their technical knowledge to present added value to the industry and society. Professional competences  (project management, communication, team dynamics, creativity and enterprising with ethics in mind) are crucial to do this. These competences will be learned and applied to the project.


    Evaluation: Engineering Experience 2 - Electronics and ICT Engineering (B-KUL-T72085)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation

    Calculation of the final mark
    This course contains only one published component mark. Consequently, this component mark is the final mark.

    Calculation of the published component marks
    The component mark is based on three evaluation components:

    • evaluations of the course staff concerning the student's project contribution, technical progress, management skills, reporting, respecting deadlines, quality of project results, etc.
    • evaluations of a jury during a project defense with presentation and demonstration of the final projectresults.
    • results from the peer assessments of the students of the project teams.

    Also notice that:

    • Each student gets an individuale grade (no group result).
    • All project deliverables have to be available on Toledo for the course staff before grades will be assigned to all members of the project team.

    For absences during the teaching weeks, please contact the education ombuds on the first day of your absence. If you missed one or more obligatory sessions, please contact your professor as soon as possible and certainly within a week. The student takes the initiative to make an arrangement on how to catch up the missed sessions. Students that not comply to these rules will receive an ‘NA’ score.

    Students who can not meet the proposed deadlines due to legal absence need to make a new arrangement with the coach at least the day of the deadline. They will receive a new deadline. If the student doesn’t meet the new deadline, he or she will receive an ‘NA’ score like written in the Education and Examen regulations.

    In case of illegal absence or not handing in a task the student will receive an ‘NA’ score for the course.

    Partial transfers and re-examinations

    There is no second examination opportunity for EE4: Building a Light Show (21E4EA).

    Component marks of at least 10/20 published in the academic progress file are transferred to the next examination period within the same academic year and to the following academic years, except for temporary marks and marks for intermittent tests.

    When needed, additional information on the evaluation activities is provided during the lessons and/or made available on the Toledo pages of the course. Further if the university decides that it is confronted with situations of general force majeure or situations where the safety and health of members of the academic community of KU Leuven may be endangered and changes to the teaching and evaluation activities occur as a result, these changes will be communicated via Toledo


    This is a non-tolerable course.

    No 2nd examination opportunity.