Engineering Experience 3 - Electronics and ICT Engineering (B-KUL-T3VIA2)

9 ECTSEnglish114 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Vargemidis Dimitri (coordinator) |  N. |  Vargemidis Dimitri (substitute) |  Chatterjee Jit (cooperator) |  De Cock Lotte (cooperator) |  Van Aken Marc (cooperator) |  Van Dyck Annelies (cooperator) |  Van Riet Bart (cooperator) |  Vranken Gil (cooperator)  | LessMore
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven

Learning outcomes and development goals

  • K3L Have a basic scientific-disciplinary knowledge and understanding of one or more of the professional competencies, in order to function as a graduate in Engineering Technology in a broad societal context
  • I1L Problem analysis and solving
  • I2L Designing and/or developing
  • I2V Assuming a creative and innovative attitude
  • I3L Application-oriented research
  • I5L Entrepreneurship
  • I5V Assuming an entrepreneurial attitude
  • G1L Acquiring and processing information
  • G2L Communicating with peers and non-peers
  • G2V Assuming a communicative attitude
  • G3L Critical reflection
  • G4L Teamwork in a number of different roles
  • G4V Assuming a cooperative attitude


In engineering experience 1, professional competencies were limited to recognizing and reflecting on simple project structures and team dynamics, reflection on one's own functioning and the engineering field, and communicating and working with like-minded souls, be it peers or coaches.

In engineering experience 2, the challenges became more complex, semi-structured and semi-open.

In engineering experience 3, the challenge is fully opened up. The emphasis is now also on being able to shape a process with a vague problem statement. Students have to investigate for themselves what the actual problem is, in a multidisciplinary context. Students should also be able to map the (needs of) different stakeholders and estimate the technological, societal, economical, and ecological impact.

Students will:

  • apply technical knowledge to build a solution for a real problem;
  • garner new technical knowledge;
  • hone and apply professional competences:
     - adopt leadership, recognise and adjust problematic group processes;
     - project management frameworks and structures for different types of projects;
     - connecting communication, to technical people with knowledge in another discipline, to the wider society (non-engineers);
     - communicating to non-engineers, science communication, with audiovisual support;
     - techniques to build prototypes/simulations that allow to interact with the customer.

These goals will be achieved by having students work in groups, with the support of teaching staff, to develop a technical project supplemented by several seminars on professional skills.

Flexible: Engineering Experience 2

You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 72 credits to obtain your degree.

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
T2VIA1 : Ingenieursbeleving 2 - elektronica-ICT
T2VIA2 : Engineering Experience 2 - Electronics and ICT Engineering

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
T4VRD2 : R&D Experience

This course is identical to the following courses:
ZA0223 : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - elektronica-ICT
JPI0Y9 : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - ELICT: Elektronica voor cyberfysische systemen
B3074A : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - elektronica-ICT
JPI13P : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - ELICT: software engineering
T3VIA1 : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - elektronica-ICT
YI1437 : Ingenieursbeleving 3 - elektronica-ICT


1 ects. Seminars Professional Competences 3 (B-KUL-T3sIA2)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Bachelor's paper18 Both terms
N. |  Vargemidis Dimitri (substitute) |  Van Aken Marc (cooperator) |  Van Dyck Annelies (cooperator) |  Van Riet Bart (cooperator)
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven

In this OLA, professional competences are tought through several seminars. The student will be asked to apply these to the project that is developed as part of the OLA of project electronics-ICT.

All materials will be made available on Toledo.

A person educated in engineering technology is, even more so than other types of engineers, well-suited to convert scientific findings and technological state-of-the-art to an added value for the industry, market, and society. Possessing professional competences (tailored communication, project management, controlling team dynamics, entrepreneurship in an ethical framework) are a necessity to take on this role. In this OLA, professional competences are being tought. The student will be motivated to apply and hone these during the development of a technical project in the context of the OLA of project electronics-ICT.

8 ects. Project Electronics and ICT Engineering (B-KUL-T3tIA2)

8 ECTSEnglishFormat: Bachelor's paper96 Both terms
N. |  Vargemidis Dimitri (substitute) |  Chatterjee Jit (cooperator) |  De Cock Lotte (cooperator) |  Vranken Gil (cooperator)
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven

The students work in a team, under the supervision of a teacher, on a project. See description of the OPO for more details.

Information will be made available on Toledo.

Through an open question, a team of students under the guidance of teaching staff is asked to create a technical solution for a real problem. For more details see the description of the OPO.


Evaluation: Engineering Experience 3 - Electronics and ICT Engineering (B-KUL-T72086)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The total score is based on several parts:

  • evaluations by the teaching staff, related to professional competences, technical quality of the project, punctuality, etc.;
  • evaluation by a jury during the defence, presentation, and demonstration of the final project;
  • assignments during both semesters;
  • tests during both semesters;
  • peer evaluations of the team's technical blog;
  • results of the peer assessments of each team's own students.

After establishing the total score, it is possible to subtract a malus (negative score) in the following cases:

  • non-justified absence during one or more evaluations;
  • non-justified absence during one or more seminars;
  • late submission of a (group) assignment, code, paper, etc.;
  • not completing one or more peer assessments.

Every student receives an individual score (there is no team result).

Students are required to take part in all scheduled sessions of the labs, and to submit all assignments in a timely way.

Students who miss one or more labs or seminars due to justified absence or force majeure, have to provide the necessary proof to the education ombuds, and contact the involved teaching staff. The student takes the initiative to ask for an opportunity to catch up on the missed session.

This is a non-tolerable course.

No 2nd examination opportunity.

This course cannot be retaken during the third exam period.