Socially Responsible Marketing (B-KUL-HMG12A)

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student…
… can formulate and implement a sustainable marketing strategy for companies, based on scientific knowledge on and insights from Socially Responsible Marketing
… can explain the challenges of developing a marketing strategy and objectives for companies putting a sustainable relationships with clients and society first, based on scientific knowledge and insights of Socially Responsible Marketing
… can explain the steps to be taken in order to co-create sustainable value with and for consumers and other stakeholders
… has insight in the stimulators and barriers of sustainable consumption.
… can argument a point of view about the role of marketing and consumers in recent consumption evolutions like overconsumption and materialism, based on scientific knowledge and insights in Socially Responsible Marketing
… can design evidence-based (social) marketing solutions to societally relevant problems
… distinguishes different ways in which the authorities can manage behavioral change (in function of more individual and/or societal wellbeing (health, environment, equality, …) and the role of social marketing in this toolbox, based on scientific research and Social marketing.
... critically reflects on and evaluates the ethicality of various marketing techniques used by governments, non-profit organizations and social enterprises, based on scientific knowledge and insights in marketing ethics.
… evaluates the societal (social, ecological and ethical) impact of and risks related to commercial and social marketing techniques
… takes on a respectful and honest position and can reach an agreement that takes into account the interest of all parties involved through negotiation and mediation.
… is critical and not afraid to question himself/herself and his/her environment.
… communicates convincingly, shortly and concisely his/her vision and actions in different contexts and accounts for his/her choices, both in speaking and writing.
… critically reflects upon the growing professionalisation of markeitng in the non-profit sector
Previous knowledge
The student is familiar with the basic principles of marketing and the behavioral sciences.
Students who did not complete an ‘Introduction to Marketing’ course, can participate, however, they are advised to read the book:
Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G., (2020). Principles of Marketing (18th ed) Prentice Hall.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
D0O51A : Socially Responsible Marketing
HMH50F : Maatschappelijk verantwoorde marketing
HZH27A : Maatschappelijk verantwoorde marketing (A)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master handelsingenieur (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master handelsingenieur (Leuven) (Minor: Sustainable management) 120 ects.
- Master of Business Engineering (Leuven) (Minor: Sustainable Management) 120 ects.
- Master of Business Administration (Brussels) 60 ects.
- Master of Management Engineering (Brussels) 120 ects.
- Master of Management Engineering (Brussels) (Major Sustainable Management) 120 ects.
6 ects. Socially Responsible Marketing (B-KUL-HMG12a)
The most recent definition of Marketing of the “American Marketing Association” indicates that Marketing is no longer solely about a win-win situation for customers and companies. Consumers and organizations are part of a bigger society, so also the resources needed to produce products and services should be taken into account. This course will emphasize how Marketing activities of for-profit and non-profit organizations can contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals. Furthermore, this course explains how sustainable value can be co-created for all actors of the service ecosystem of a company/organization
First, this course will explain what socially responsible marketing means for profit organizations and which factors play a role. Examples of topics that will be covered are:
- How to make the marketing strategy (more) sustainable?
- How can sustainable value be co-created by and for consumers and other stakeholders?
- How to make the marketing implementation (more) sustainable throughout the customer journey?
- How to communicate sustainable (marketing) efforts to consumers?
- The link between marketing and overconsumption and materialism.
- The marketing of new (more sustainable) business models
- (The drivers and barriers of) sustainable consumption
- …
In short, students will be familiarized with how profit organizations can perform marketing in a sustainable way.
The second part of this course will cover how marketing strategies and techniques can be used by non-profit organizations who’s priority is not financial profit, but social or ecological profit: social organizations, non-profit organizations, governments, … Here the focus is on Social Marketing and Non-Profit Marketing as an instrument for realizing profit in social, ecological and health terms. Examples of topics that will be covered are
- Theories of behavior change
- The use of fear appeals and other negative emotions in social communications
- Nudging
- fundraising
- etc.
Third, this course covers the topic of ethics in marketing, as this is an essential part of Socially Responsible Marketing. Examples of topics that will be covered are:
- The importance of marketing ethics
- Marketing practices that are perceived as unethical: an evolution
- The ethical decision making process
Course material
All course material will be posted on toledo ultra.
The slides, the video’s, scientific papers, …
Format: more information
Discussion - Paper - Practical lecture - Practice session - Webinar
One part of the course consists of theoretical classes where theoretical frameworks are explained, and another part consists of interactive classes where the focus will be on the practical implication of the theory.
For the theoretical part, online videoclips will be distributed to the students in which the theory is explained. Students will also be asked to read some academic papers.
It is important that the students watch the relevant theoretical videoclips and read the relevant papers as a preparation for the interactive classes.
During the interactive classes, we will have class discussions, solve exercises and cases, answer questions, … We make sure it becomes clear how the theory can be applied in practice.For these classes, active participation and interaction are important.
When possible the interactive classes will be on campus. Only when this is impossible, the interactive classes will be organized online.
The interactive classes are not recorded (nor organized in a hybrid way)
Evaluation: Socially Responsible Marketing (B-KUL-H75781)
The exam is a written, take home exam of limited duration (3 hours). The exam should be uploaded on the Toledo platform by the deadline. A back up system is provided via e-mail. Students may use any written material and the internet during the exam (course notes, books, etc.).
The exam exists of two parts:
- The assignment of the first part will be made available during the semester (in class + on Toledo). Students can work on the assignment of this first part during the semester. This assignment requires the student to reflect on one or more themes addressed in this course and/or to apply one or more concepts, theories, and frameworks from the socially responsible marketing domain. The specific objective of this assignment, as well as the accompanying feedback method, will be clearly and timely communicated by the coordinator of this course. ATTENTION: with this first part of the exam, students cannot earn any points. The assignment is, however, mandatory. Students will need to relate their answers to the questions of the second part of the exam to their solution of this first assignment.
- The assignment of the second part of the exam will be communicated at the beginning of the written (computer) exam (via Toledo). There will be critical open questions, relating to the different parts of the course. Some questions will relate to the student's solution of the first assignment.
The solutions of both parts are to be submitted together on the day of the exam.
The procedure of the exam will be explained during the introductory class and the information will also be distributed through Toledo.
The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo.The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.
In order to pass this course students need to upload a solution to the first assignment (first part of the examen) AND they need to attain at least 10/20 for the second part of the exam.
Information about retaking exams
Students who did not succeed in the first exam period need to redo the exam as a whole (both parts).
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described in the tab 'Explanation'.