Medical Imaging and Analysis (B-KUL-H03H5A)

6 ECTSEnglish56 Second term
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

After succesful completion of this course, the student should understand and be able to explain the physical and mathematical principles of medical imaging and image analysis. The student should have knowledge of and insight in the image data acquisition process of the main imaging modalities (RX, CT, MRI, SPECT/PET, US), the image reconstruction methods, the parameters that influence image quality (resolution, contrast, noise, artefacts), biological safety aspects and the processing and visualization of medical images. The main focus of the course is on the methodological concepts of various imaging and image analysis techniques, while imaging equipment and clinical applications are treated in less detail. 

After succesful completion of the course, the student should be able to relate the various physical principles underlying different imaging modalities to the complementary information different medical images provide for diagnosis and therapy planning. The student should also be able to appreciate the intrinsic connection between imaging and mathematics and the engineering challenges to bring these concepts into practice. 

Preliminary terms
A basic education in engineering, physics or mathematics is required.
The student must understand and command the basic concepts of digital signals and linear system theory, in particular Fourier theory.

Preliminary conditions
Having obtained credits in a course on linear system theory.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
G0Z71A : Medical Physics: Internship 2


4.83 ects. Medical Imaging and Analysis: Lecture (B-KUL-H03H5a)

4.83 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture36 Second term
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

The course follows the textbook 'Fundamentals of Medical Imaging" by Prof. em. Paul Suetens. 

In Chapter 1, an introduction to digital image processing is given. It introduces the terminology used, the aspects defining image quality, and basic image operations to process digital images.

Chapters 2 - 6 explain how medical images are obtained. The most important imaging modalities today are discussed: radiography (Chapter 2), computed tomography (Chapter 3), magnetic resonance imaging (Chapter 4), nuclear medicine imaging (Chapter 5), and ultrasonic imaging (Chapter 6). Each chapter includes (1) a short history of the imaging modality, (2) the theory about the physics of the signals and their interaction with tissue, (3) the image formation or reconstruction process, (4) a discussion of the image quality, (5) the different types of equipment today, (6) examples of the clinical use of the modality, (7) a brief description of the biologic effects and safety issues, and (8) some future expectations.

Chapters 7 gives an overview of medical image analysis approaches to extract quantitative information from the images to support diagnosis and therapy planning and presents some model-based strategies to deal with ambiguity in the images.

Chapter 8 describes 3D visualisation approaches and their use for image-based guidance during treatment and surgical interventions. 


Textbook: P. Suetens, Fundamentals of Medical Imaging, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Course material available on Toledo:

- PDF version of each chapter of the textbook for personal use only

- Slides and handouts per chapter

- Course notes with additional explanations

- Exercises and solutions

- A list of equations

- An appendix with basic notions of linear system theory


There are +/- 18 lectures of 2h each. The scheme of the lectures is planned as follows:

Lecture 1: Course organization. 

Lecture 1-2: Basics of digital image processing

Lecture 2-3: RX

Lecture 4-5: CT

Lecture 6-7-8-9: MRI

Lecture 10-11: SPECT/PET

Lecture 12-13: US

Lecture 14-15-16: Image analysis

Lecture 17: 3D visualization

The remaining lecture is used as back-up in case a lecture is cancelled.

1.17 ects. Medical Imaging and Analysis: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H03H6a)

1.17 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical20 Second term
POC Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken

The exercise sessions are intended to foster insight by making the various concepts from the lectures more tangible with numerical examples and by exploring the underlying assumptions, benefits and limitations of specific imaging setups. The exercise sessions are organized in line with the course chapters. A guided tour in the university hospital is also organised as part of the exercise sessions. 

Session 1: Basic image processing.

Session 2-7: Imaging modalities: RX, CT, MRI, US, SPECT/PET

Session 8: Image analysis & Visualization for diagnosis and therapy

Session 9: Guided tour within the departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of UZ Gasthuisberg, Leuven.


A list of exercises per chapter and their solutions are provided on Toledo.


Evaluation: Medical Imaging and Analysis (B-KUL-H23H5a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas