Professional Training and Development in Organisations (B-KUL-P0S38A)

5 ECTSEnglish48 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
N. |  Boon Anne (substitute)
POC Master in de Pedagog. Wet. en Master in de Educatieve Studies

After completing this course, students are able to:

1. apply the main theories of professional learning in profit and in non-profit organizations and show insight into the interdisciplinary background of such theories (e.g. economics, psychology, pedagogy, business studies).

2. analyse the learning needs and patterns of professionals, volunteers, ... in the context of labour and corporate organisations (companies, public administrations, social profit organisations, ...).

3. understand the basics of corporate training didactics and being able to apply these didactics to concrete corporate cases.

4. gain insights in and master the skills to intentionally facilitate learning in social, labour and corporate contexts.

5. understand research and practice of professional learning & development or HRD in different contexts.

6. understand and analyse HRD policies and models, are able to analyse HRD strategies and to evaluate HRD strategies.

Interest in scientific approaches towards HRD and labour pedagogy and strategic problems in organisations.
Basic insights in education, professional education and training, lifelong and life wide learning, non-formal education. Critical attitude towards and scientific interest in educational topics during the life course and in organisational and labour contexts. Ability and motivation to work in small groups.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
P0U86A : Praktijk- en onderzoeksstage onderwijs- en vormingswetenschappen


5 ects. Professional Training and Development in Organisations (B-KUL-P0S38a)

5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture48 First term
N. |  Boon Anne (substitute)
POC Master in de Pedagog. Wet. en Master in de Educatieve Studies

The central focus is at the crossroads between professional learning and development theories, labour pedagogy and HRM, including research and applications in cases (Knowledge development and knowledge productivity - Competencies and development of competencies during the professional career - Constructing and facilitation of learning routes - Workplace learning - Didactics of corporate training in several settings - Evaluation and return on investment - Positions and roles of the instructor, trainer, coach, .. concerning facilitation and guidance of learning processes).

Further, a focus will be on designing and implementing training & development activities, optimising formal training & development activities and supporting informal learning.

See Toledo

All the course materials are in English.


Evaluation: Professional Training and Development in Organisations (B-KUL-P2S38a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period

The evaluation consists of a group work (5 out of 20 points) and an exam during the examination period (15 out of 20 points).

More information will be communicated in class and via Toledo at the start of the academic year.