Internship Bioscience Engineering (Semester 2) (B-KUL-I0W21A)

6 ECTSEnglishSecond termCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
POC Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

This course can only be taken by students from the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering.


During the internship, the student performs a well-defined assignment under supervision in a company or organisation, relating to the discipline. The aim is to confront acquired knowledge and competences with practice and to further develop them, as well as to develop a number of additional competences and attitudes that are important to the field, on the basis of a first work experience.

Internship-specific technical competences
- Using acquired knowledge and competences to describe the problem of the internship assignment and to formulate solutions
- Being able to deepen acquired knowledge and research new information required for the internship assignment
- Efficiently executing assignments and actions in an accurate way with attention for the quality
- Accurately reporting on the progress and the final result
- Critically evaluating interim results and the final result.

Functioning within the organization
- Judiciously acting according to the rules and agreements within the organization
- Taking into account the conditions (resources, timing, prioritization ...) within the internship environment
- Dealing with various colleagues in a professional way

Reflection on the learning process, learning outcomes and the student's own performance
- Reflecting on the actions and results
- Formulating strengths and weaknesses
- Ability to reflect on the professional attitude

A master student of bioscience engineering can only take one internship course in his/her programme (ISP).

Each of the following internship courses is therefore not cumulative with any other internship course:

  • I0W22A ‘Stage bio-ingenieurswetenschappen’ (semester 1)
  • I0W23A ‘Stage bio-ingenieurswetenschappen’ (semester 2)
  • I0W20A ‘Internship bioscience engineering’ (semester 1)
  • I0W21A ‘Internship bioscience engineering’ (semester 2)
  • I0T81B ‘Ontwikkeling van geo-toepassingen’
  • I0D65B ‘Geo-Application Development’
  • I0U77A 'Practica Integrada I'
  • I0A98A Industriële stage katalytische technologie

If, after approval by the POC, students have completed one of the internships I0W20A, I0W22A, I0T81B or I0D65B before the deadline before the first submission of the ISP for the Master's program, then the POC can allow cumul with the other internship-courses. However, this is not possible for cumul with I0A98A.

This course is identical to the following courses:
I0O70B : Stage als keuzevak (4 weken) (No longer offered this academic year)
I0O71B : Stage als keuzevak (6 weken) (No longer offered this academic year)
I0W20A : Internship Bioscience Engineering (Semester 1)
I0W23A : Stage bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (semester 2)
I0W22A : Stage bio-ingenieurswetenschappen (semester 1)


6 ects. Internship Bioscience Engineering (Semester 2) (B-KUL-I0W21a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: InternshipSecond term
POC Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

During the internship (at least 5 weeks) the student performs under supervision a specific task in a company or organization belonging to the field of training. The aim is to further develop knowledge and competences, and to develop some additional skills and attitudes that are important in the field. University research laboratories as internship organization are permitted to the extent that the nature of the internship project should also permit to acquire other than research skills. The assignment must be completely independent of the master's thesis.

More information on the procedure, as well as relevant documents, can be found on the website:


Evaluation: Internship Bioscience Engineering (Semester 2) (B-KUL-I2W21a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Process evaluation

For the final evaluation a commission is appointed by the faculty and an evaluation matrix is used for the evaluation of the three components (product, process and presentation, at the rate of 25% - 50% - 25%).

The end result must be mailed to before May 20th of the running academic year.

(a) If the final score (the combination of three sub-scores: one for the evaluation of the process, one of the report and one for the presentation) is insufficient (<10/20) but the sub-score for the internship process is sufficient (≥10/20, calculated at a rate of 50% process, 25% product, 25% presentation) then there is a second examination. This consists of rework and resubmission of the report before the end of the 3rd exam session. There is no new presentation. The final result for the second chance is calculated as a weighted average of the original process score (50%) and the new score for the report (40%). The absence of a presentation is therefore penalized at a rate of 10%. The new score for the report is determined by consensus between the members of the evaluation committee. Each member of the evaluation committee has to complete a new evaluation matrix for the product part through the internship coordinator and has to turn it in to the student administration at the faculty.

(b) If there is no evaluation before May 20th, then the procedure as in (a) will be followed. If there is no evaluation of the internship before the end of the third exam period of the end result is insufficient, then the student does not pass the course and he/she has used all exam chances for the academic year.