Business Information Systems (B-KUL-HBN63B)

6 ECTSEnglish52 First term
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

Upon completion of this course, the student:

  • can define a Business Information system (IS) and identify different types of IS,
  • can understand and apply key strategic models such as Porter's five forces model, the value chain model, and the strategic alignment model, especially in terms of the strategic impact of information technology,
  • understand the basic concept of IT Governance,
  • knows the key steps of the business process management cycle,
  • can read, understand and create BPMN process models,
  • can read and understand UML class diagrams and relational information models,
  • can query relational databases with SQL,
  • can explain the role of information systems for decision support as well as how business intelligence systems can be used,
  • understands the difference between predictive and descriptive data mining and understands how basic analytics techniques work, understands different aspects, technologies, and business models in an e-business context.
  • understands essential concepts and terminology in the domain of e-business,
  • understands key concepts and techniques in the domain of web analytics.

At the beginning of this course the student should:

•  be familiar with and interested in the fundamentals of computer science and its business applications such as for example taught in "Grondslagen van de beleidsinformatica (B-KUL-HBN74B)" or "Foundations of Business Information Management" (B-KUL-HBE04U).

•  be familiar with the basics of Office software, computer hardware, file handling and management, and networking and internet technology.

Background knowledge of business economics is useful, but not strictly necessary.

This course is identical to the following courses:
D0T12A : Beleidsinformatiesystemen
D0H27A : Business Information Systems
D0W23A : Beleidsinformatiesystemen (TEW)


6 ects. Business Information Systems (B-KUL-HBN62b)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture52 First term
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

1. Information Systems, Strategy and Governance

2. Creating value with IT

3. Fundamentals of Business process management

4. Information Management: class diagram modelling, relational modelling, SQL

5. Business Intelligence and Data Analytics: Business Intelligence, predictive analytics, descriptive analytics

6. E-business


Will be provided on Toledo.


The subject matter relies extensively on English terminology. The professional contexts in which this knowledge is applied tend to use English as a working language.

The purpose of the lectures is to explain the learning content and illustrate it through demonstrations and examples of business information systems.

In the flipped approach for chapters 2 and 3, theory will be explained through video lectures, face-to-face lecturers will be more focussed on questions and exercises.


Evaluation: Business Information Systems (B-KUL-H73236)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam
Type of questions : Closed questions, Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer, None

Features of the evaluation:

•           The (written) exam consists of open and multiple choice questions.

•           In case of an individual move of an examination, the form of the examination may differ from this form.


Determination of final grades:

•           The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.

•           A correction for guessing is applied for multiple choice questions

The evaluation methods during the first and second exam opportunities are identical.