German 3 (B-KUL-HBA33A)

3 ECTSGerman26 First term
Roelans Jan (coordinator) |  Roelans Jan
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Learning objectives : 

(8.g) Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge. 

(10) Is able to clearly communicate and report in the language of instruction. Is able to use in a business context at least two other languages orally and in writing and masters all techniques and skills for efficient and effective business communication.

(10.b) As far as the foreign languages are concerned, knows the general vocabulary, specific (business) economic vocabulary and grammar and uses all this accurately in written and oral communication.

(11.f) During a discussion or conversation, explains and defends a view on (business) economic problems.

Specific learning outcomes:
1. Students can use the vocabulary covered in the seminars in specific gap filling, writing and translation exercises.
2. Students can reply to general questions about the study materials.
3. Students can read and understand economic texts not discussed in class and summarize the main ideas and arguments.
4. Students can link information from the above mentioned texts with elements from the German economy or culture.
5. Students can draw up emails used in business communication.
6. Students can hold a conversation when visiting a German company and report on this visit.

The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue.

If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first:
German I
German II

This course is identical to the following courses:
HBH17A : Duits 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
HLH92A : Duits 3 (No longer offered this academic year)
HBH82E : Duits 3


3 ects. German 3 (B-KUL-HBA33a)

3 ECTSGermanFormat: Lecture26 First term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Capita selecta from the manuals. Audio and visual materials from German broadcasts (WDR, ZDF ..) or from company websites. Deepening vocabulary and grammatical knowledge (e.g. the conjunctive).

Lessons combine teaching sessions, conversation, exercises on vocabulary and grammar. 
Students give a presentation in class on a German (or Swiss or Austrian) company, product or some aspect of German culture.


Evaluation: German 3 (B-KUL-H71663)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

Organization :
Use learning materials :
Closed book
Evaluation method :
Proficiency Test
Integrated test
Question Type :
Open questions
Reproduction questions
Application requests

Explanation :

The written part is permanent evaluation (70 % of the final grade): it includes a test relating to the grammar and to the subjects covered in class and also includes writing assignments.
The oral part (30 % of the final grade) is an oral presentation in German on a German, Swiss or Austrian company, product, cultural topic, or personality.
A summary in German of this presentation (with references) has to be handed in. More details via Toledo.

The evaluation methods for the resit exams are identical.