Financial Statement Analysis (B-KUL-HBA10H)

6 ECTSEnglish39 First term
Liss Alexander (coordinator) |  N. |  Liss Alexander (substitute)
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

After completing this course, the student can:

- Develop and analyse a comprehensive financial plan

- Define the basic concepts of financial statements (e.g., its purpose, structure, etc.).

- Apply the mechanics of financial reporting (e.g., assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, the accounting equation, etc.).

- Interpret the income statement and solve special issues regarding revenue and expense recognition.

- Interpret the balance sheet and solve special issue regarding current and non-current assets and liabilities.

- Construct a cashflow statement and assess a firm’s cash position.

- Calculate financial ratios and interpret them.

- Relate to the financial statement analysis framework

- Interpret and analyse the consequences of events occurring within the life cycle of a company.

- Show the basics of consolidation (e.g., goodwill, group consolidated accounts, etc.)

- Understand a number of advanced topics related to accounting and valuation

All these elements will be covered using the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) framework.


Within the broad goals of the study programme, following this course, the student will come closer to:

- Acquiring thorough knowledge in business studies and developing a great business sensitivity which he is able to use in a targeted way when analysing and solving organisational and management problems.

- Gaining knowledge of and understanding the theories and models of economic sciences and usings them to analyze organisational and management problems, also in an international context.

- Gaining knowledge and insight into the supporting sciences (mathematics, statistics ...) and their applications. In particular, the student is able to use quantitative models to analyse and solve organisational and management problems in a defined context.

- Displaying an inquisitive attitude: accuracy, critical reflection, scientific curiousness, justification of choices made

- Recognising the social and ethical aspects of management and can reflect critically on them.

- Gaining insight into his or her own competencies and motives, taking a pro-active attitude towards his or her own development and reflecting critically on their own behaviour.


2.a Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.

  • 2.a.6  Students are able to describe and apply the main financial concepts and theories within corporate finance

2.c  Understands and substantiates the critical importance of each management domain for a successful organisation and the coherence with other management domains.

  • 2.c.1  Students are able to position the role of the financial manager and the goals of corporate finance within a broader corporate perspective

2.i  Masters the basic concepts and the overall functioning of banking, the stock market and the insurance business as well as the characteristics and functioning of the most important financial products and financial markets.

  • 2.i.2  Students are able to determine the financial value of the main financial instruments used in corporate finance i.e. stocks and bonds 

2.j  Using the principles of time value of money, interprets information from financial reporting and news coverage, and uses all this as input in financial issues.

  • 2.j.2  Students are able to apply the principles of time value of money to several valuation exercises 

2.k  Makes a reasoned assessment of the impact of uncertainty on the financial decisions of individuals and organisations.

  • 2.k.1  Students are able to financing and investment decisions with a risk-return  framework                            

8.a  Identifies (business) economic challenges with practical relevance and relates them to insights developed in the field.

  • 8.a.1  Students are able to analyse investment and financing decisions using science-based theoretical frameworks

8.g  Shows interest in current affairs and broadens his background knowledge.

  • 8.g.3  Students are able to critically reflect on the financial news and are able to assess the implications of the financial news on corporate finance decision

12.d  Integrates sustainability values in the analysis of topical (business) economic problems and proposes solutions that take into account these values.

  • 12.d.1 Students are able to critically reflect on the sustainability of financial decisions

If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first:

Financial accounting A and B: students have to understand the elements on the balance sheet and in the income statement in order to be able to perform a financial analysis and to do the consolidation exercises.


3 ects. Financial Statement Analysis (B-KUL-HBA10h)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture21 First term
N. |  Liss Alexander (substitute)
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Topics that will be covered are:

Basic concepts to financial statement analysis

Mechanics to financial reporting

Financial reporting standards

Income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement

Financial statement analysis

Basic consolidation principles

Note that, all elements will be covered using the IFRS framework.

All course material is available on Toledo. This includes:

  • Slides for the lectures
  • Exercises
  • Syllabus


The content of this course is taught by means of lectures.

The lectures contain theory and exercises - and are used to get familiar with the new course content.

During the lectures, the professor will use simple and practical examples to make the course content more clear, concrete, and practical.

There are also exercise sessions where the professor provides solutions to additional exercises.

Note that the syllabus and slides are separate from each other. Students are thus invited to attend the classes.

After completing a chapter from the syllabus, the students are encouraged to test their knowledge via quizes on Toledo.


3 ects. Advanced Accounting and Valuation Topics (B-KUL-HBA10b)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture18 First term
N. |  Liss Alexander (substitute)
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Topics that will be covered are:

  • Advanced topics in accounting useful for valuation purposes (e.g., adjustment to the financial statements, consolidation, etc.)
  • More in depth financial ratio analyses
  • Basic introduction to valuation methods
  • Financial planning


All course material is available on Toledo.  This includes:

  • Slides for the lectures
  • Exercises

The content of this course is taught by means of lectures.

The lectures contain theory and exercises - and are used to get familiar with the new course content.

During the lectures, the professor will use simple and practical examples to make the course content more clear, concrete, and practical.

There are also exercise sessions where the professor provides solutions to additional exercises.


Evaluation: Financial Statement Analysis (B-KUL-H75906)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

The exam will consist of questions related to the syllabus and lecture slides.

The questions will test your theoretical and practical (i.e., exercises) knowledge about the course in the form of multiple choice questions. The grading of multiple-choice questions does not use a correction for incorrect answers.

During the exam the students will get a list of formulas attached to their copies.

The student is required to bring along a NON-GRAPHICAL calculator.

The use of a dictionary is not allowed.

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described in the tab 'Explanation'.