EU Environmental, Energy and Climate Law (B-KUL-C0Q19A)
Learning goals
Students must have a general understanding of the complex environmental, energy and climate legislation, and be able to find their way easily to the most recent state of legislation, case law and legal doctrine, be it at regional, federal or European level. This understanding must lead to the formulation of a personal legal vision on various relevant issues.
Is included in these courses of study
4 ects. EU Environmental, Energy and Climate Law (B-KUL-C0Q19a)
the OLA EU Environmental, Energy and Climate Law includes:
- the provisions in the TEU, TFEU and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU that directly or indirectly concern or are relevant to environment, energy and climate, including relevant case law;
- the main regulations and directives on environment, energy and climate, including relevant case law;
o on the environment, this then covers sectoral provisions (water, air, noise, nature, chemicals, etc) and non-sectoral provisions (permits, environmental impact assessment, safety reporting, access to environmental information, access to justice, civil and criminal liability, etc);
o on energy, this then covers provisions on electricity, gas, nuclear, renewable energy, infrastructure, taxation, etc;
o on climate, it then covers climate targets, ETS sectors, non-ETS sectors, etc;
Course material
Slides and documents as provided on Toledo
Is also included in other courses
Evaluation: EU Environmental, Energy and Climate Law (B-KUL-C2Q19a)
Evaluation is based on an oral examination (100% of the point total).