International Business Law (B-KUL-C08B3A)

Learning goals
The course intends to familiarize the participants with issues that attorneys or company lawyers encounter in transnational commercial practice. It focuses on the most important contracts for international trade, such as international sales, international contracts in general, agency and distribution contracts and licensing agreements, transfer of technology, international financing and international payments. Furthermore, protection of investments, international jurisdiction and insolvency, commercial arbitration and enforcement of judgments and awards are examined.
Contributions to general learning goals
Thorough and consolidated knowledge of European and International law.
Framing of legal structures in a societal and value-based context as a result of a critical and reflective approach to the law. Students will be able to make systematic and independent analyses of certain key problems, typical to the field.
Previous knowledge
In order to take this course, students need to be aware of the basics of contract law, court procedures and commercial law. Moreover they need to have a good comprehension of written and spoken English, and be able to participate in English in class discussions.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de rechten (Leuven) (Major internationaal en Europees recht) 120 ects.
- Master in de rechten (Leuven) (Minor internationaal en Europees recht) 120 ects.
- Master of Law (double degree with Zurich) (Leuven et al) 120 ects.
- Master in de economie, het recht en de bedrijfskunde (Leuven) (Optie: Strategie, innovatie en (internationaal) bedrijfsrecht) 120 ects.
- Master of Laws (LL.M) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Leuven)
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Law and Criminology (Leuven)
6 ects. International Business Law (B-KUL-C08B3a)

The course is centered around comprehensive lectures and discussions on specific topics.
Basic table of contents:
* Topic 1. Sources and players in international law
* Topic 2. International private law
* Topic 4. International sales
* Topic 5. General contract law - UPICC
* Topic 6. Distribution agreements
* Topic 7. Intellectual property and transfer of technology
* Topic 8. Protection of investments
* Topic 9a. International financing and credit security
* Topic 9b. Aspects of property law and proprietary security
* Topic 10. International payments
* Topic 11. International procedure and insolvency
* Topic 12. International commercial arbitration
A detailed table of contents / calendar can be found at
Course materials are made available equally via and Toledo.
Format: more information
Classes are taught mostly ex cathedra, with the possibility to enter into class-wide discussion on selected topics, as well as the continuous possibility for the students to ask questions.
This course includes discussion sessions, implementing activating educational formats. Attendance at the discussion sessions is therefore compulsory and will be checked. Planning, content and the means of checking attendance and participation in the discussion sessions and the preparatory assignments, will be communicated at the start of the semester. Unjustified absence can result in a compulsory replacement task, a malus point or the loss of an attendance linked bonus point, depending on the regulation that is communicated at the start of the course.
Evaluation: International Business Law (B-KUL-C28B3a)
In addition to a standard codex, students may use, on the exam, the reader of legal texts made for this course: "Reader international business law" (VRG cursusdienst)