Prevention Through Screening and Training (B-KUL-L02M6A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch70 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

After completing this course the student is able to:

  • Distinguish and describe the different levels of injury prevention
  • Describe the pathogenesis of the key sport specific injuries
  • Recognize key information from epidemiology and risk factors of sports injuries and apply these to specific screening and training programs
  • Describe aetiology, symptomatology, and consequences of major sporting injuries within various sports disciplines
  • Evaluate and interpret athlete screening in the context of specific sports
  • Design a sport specific injury prevention program
  • Adapt training programs for the injury level of the athlete
  • Report on prevention programs and presenting it to colleagues
  • Describe and explain positive health effects of exercise and physical activity
  • Describe national and international guidelines and recommendations on sports participation and screening in clinical populations with varied cardiovascular problems
  • Estimate the health risks associated with vigorous physical exercise in various populations, and take appropriate precautions with respect to acute cardiovascular complications (clinical reasoning)

Previous knowledge:

The student has knowledge of health and pathology, functional anatomy, biomechanics, health education in sport injuries, and is familiar with the general concepts of training and exercise physiology.


Prerequisites credit contract:

The student is in the possession of one of the following diplomas:

  • Bachelor in Science in Physical Education and Movement Sciences
  • Bachelor in Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor in Science in Medicine

AND has followed or simultaneously follows these courses:

  • Health Science and Pathology (e.g. L09A1B)
  • Theories of Excercise Training Part 1 (e.g. L00B3C)
  • Exercise Physiology (e.g. L00B5B)

Prerequisites for students who are not registrered for the program bachelor of Physical Education and Movement Sciences/Master of Movement and Sports Sciences, but wish to include the course as a component of choice in their program:
These students should contact the coordinator of the course. On the basis of prior knowledge and motivation, the coordinator will determine whether or not the student can be admitted to the course.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
L09H7B : Seminar and Internship Association Football: Part 1
L00I7B : Seminar and Internship Volleybal: Part 1
L01I3B : Seminar and Internship Athletics: Part 1
L01I9B : Seminar and Internship Swimming: Part 1
L02I5B : Seminar and Internship Cycling: Part 1
L03I6B : Seminar and Internship Sport on Demand: Part 1
L05I9C : Internship Physical Activity, Fitness and Health: Part 1
L03M7A : Return to Sport
L04M0A : Physical Activity and Sports in Special Groups
L04I2B : Scientific Elaboration in Physical Activity and Sport – 20 Credits
L06I1B : Scientific Elaboration in Physical Activity and Sport - 10 Credits


1 ects. Excercise Capacity Assessment and Training in Chronic Diseases (B-KUL-L01J3a)

1 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture10 First term
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

1. Effects of physical training in patients with chronic diseases (heart disease, lung disease, obesity and diabetes)
2. How to prepare a training program for patients with chronic diseases?
3. Interpretation of exercise evaluation in patients with chronic diseases

Presentations and articles on Toledo

ACSM's Exercise management for persons with chronic diseases and disabilities – 3rd Edition. J. Larry Durstine, Geoffrey Moore and Patricia Painter (Edrs). Human Kinetics

2 ects. Cardiovascular Prevention and Screening (B-KUL-L01J4a)

2 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture21 First term
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

1. Physical activity, physical fitness, and primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
2. Sudden death and cardiovascular complications during exercise
3. Screening and guidelines / rules for practicing sports
4. Clinical reasoning to recognize and appropriately respond to acute syndromes during exercise (ischemia, syncope, arrhythmias)

Presentations and articles (Toledo)
ACSM’s Resource manual for guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. 6th edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. ISBN 978-0-7817-6906-8

The lectures on clinical reasoning are organised interactively.

1 ects. Pathology of Sports Injury Prevention (B-KUL-L07F0a)

1 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture13 First term
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

This course provides an overview of general sports medical prevention and screening and the anatomopathological substrate of major sports injuries to the extremities and the spine. This means that it looks at the possible sport specific mechanisms of the injuries discussed, how these injuries are present. It also describes the (natural) evolution of the injury and the primary / secondary or tertiary prevention possibilities.

Presentation software

The student is expected to attend the classes

2 ects. Musculoskeletal Prevention Training (B-KUL-L07F1a)

2 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture26 First term
POC Lichamelijke opvoeding en bewegingswetenschappen

In the part ‘prevention’, the different levels of prevention and responsibilities are explained.
Furthermore, the normal movement is discussed, regarding injury prevention in a global manner, and for the lower limb and the shoulder region in particular. There is a focus on frequently occurring injuries and possible exercises on stabilization training. Finally, a number of trainings- and prevention decisions and methods are discussed from the perspective of injury prevention.

During practice, students learn to identify and interpret possible abnormalities of fellow students. They also make an assignment.

Presentation software.
Course material

The course consists of both lectures and practice.
During the lectures, an interactive methodology is used.
During practice, the provided information in the lectures are practically implemented on fellow students. Additionally, the students make a group assignment where the course material is applied to a particular sport. Linked to this, they give a presentation during the final practice session.


Evaluation: Prevention Through Screening and Training (B-KUL-L22M6a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • L07F0a - Pathology of Sports Injury Prevention (during academic year)
  • L07F1a - Musculoskeletal Prevention Training (during academic year)
  • L01J4a - Cardiovascular Prevention and Screening (during academic year)