Personnel and Organization (B-KUL-HSH91A)

The course aims at contributing to the following learning results:
The student...
2.a Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and can apply them when solving business problems.
2.b Distinguishes and clarifies the different ways in which activities and processes in organisations are organised, structured and managed.
2.c Understands and substantiates the critical importance of each management domain for a successful organisation and the coherence with other management domains.
2.o Shows how HR tools and processes act on the functioning of an individual, group or organisation.
2.t Analyses issues in different management domains on the basis of appropriate theories, concepts and models and proposes a scientifically sound solution.
4.d Uses disciplinary scientific knowledge to solve business economic problems
7.d Critically assesses (scientific) information, data and structures, and processes all this in line with solving (business) economics problem with practical relevance.
8.d Sets forth a logical and coherent argumentation to support choices made when solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance.
12.a Estimates the impact of business operations on various stakeholders and society.
12.d Integrates sustainability values in the analysis of topical (business) economic problems and proposes solutions that take into account these values.
Previous knowledge
No prior knowledge is required for this course.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
D0X41A : Organization and the Human Factor
Y05072 : Personnel and Organisation (S)
HSA15A : Personnel and Organization (B)
HTH89A : Personal and Organization (BL)
Is included in these courses of study
3 ects. Personnel and Organization (B-KUL-HSH91a)

Topics that will be covered are:
Evolution HR and recent HRM trends
Job analysis and job evaluation
Recruitment and selection
Socialization of newcomers
Performance management, motivation, and leadership
Conflict management
Change management
Course material
Caers, R. (2020) HRM in Essentie, 6de editie, Intersentia
Evaluation: Personnel and Organization (B-KUL-H74926)
The features and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.