Organization and the Human Factor (B-KUL-D0X41A)
This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Kortrijk
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HTH89A : Personal and Organization (BL)
Y05072 : Personnel and Organisation (S)
HSH91A : Personnel and Organization
HSA15A : Personnel and Organization (B)
Is included in these courses of study
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Teaching in Economics (Leuven) 45 ects.
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Teaching in Economics (Antwerp) 45 ects.
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Teaching in Economics (Brussels) 45 ects.
- Preparatory Programme: Master of Teaching in Economics (Kortrijk) 45 ects.
- Bridging Programme: Master of Business Administration (Kortrijk) 61 ects.
- Bachelor of Medicine 180 ects.
Evaluation: Organization and the Human Factor (B-KUL-D2X41a)
Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None