Tutorial on Administrative Law (B-KUL-C06D7A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
3 ECTSDutch20 First term
POC Rechten


The tutorial on administrative law has the purpose of studying some technical and policy aspects of administrative law in depth. This can happen by analyzing case law and legal doctrine, by visiting an administrative law organization and reporting about the visit, by writing procedural documents and by participating in a moot court.

This tutorial contributes to the following objectives of the educational program:

Knowledge and understanding
The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of national, European and international law. He or she is acquainted with the legal terminology, the theoretical framework and the relevant sources of public and private law.

The student can accurately use the relevant legal and/or other related terminology and basic concepts when discussing a topic or answering questions related to administrative law.

Analytical and problem-solving skills
The student uses a systematic method when solving legal cases. He or she is able to summarize and analyze the relevant legal facts and apply the pertinent legal rules on these facts. He or she follows a logical and legally appropriate line of argumentation.

The student can:

  • understand and analyze legal texts and/or other texts related to the field of administrative law.
  • select legally relevant facts from an empiric legal case
  • formulate possible legal questions emanating from an empiric legal case
  • identify legal rules and legal problems in concrete legal cases
  • apply legal rules to a concrete legal case in order to come up with an appropriate legal solution
  • develop a systematic approach when elaborating legal solutions and/or other solutions related to the field of administrative law
  • argue in a logic and legally correct manner
  • place legal and/or other relevant cases within an historic, socio-economic and political context

Scientific skills

The student consistently refers to consulted legal and legal-scientific information in a correct manner. He or she is aware of the difference between a legal-scientific and a subjective legal approach.

Communication skills

- The student is able to communicate in a clear and correct manner, both orally and in writing, in academic Dutch and always with the appropriate linguistic framework. He or she can communicate with colleagues.

The student:

  • has a thorough command of academic Dutch, both orally and in writing
  • communicates in writing with colleagues by means of different forms of text such as a formal letter, written pleadings or legal advice, an annotation, a summary note, a contract or legal or administrative rules.
  • communicates orally with (non) colleagues and uses audiovisual means if necessary
  • is able to collaborate with others

- The student is able to communicate in Dutch, French and or English in a simple, yet formal manner and uses the correct legal, and other relevant terminology.

The student:

  • Phrases legal and/or other relevant concepts in a correct and structured manner

- The student is able to defend a well-grounded and substantiated position in a societal, legal debate.

The student:

  • can convince others by communicating in a clear and well-grounded manner
  • takes up a (legally and) scientifically substantiated standpoint in the societal debate


Information skills

The student can gather and critically process legal, legal-scientific and generally important information.

The student:

  • develops an efficient method to collect relevant information from legal and/or other related (digital) libraries and databanks.
  • assesses the relevance and scientific quality of the found information
  • refers correctly to the sources of information and the work and ideas of others, as prescribed by the rules of legal science, or the rules of another relevant domain
  • is able to find, understand and process legal sources (legislation, jurisprudence and doctrine) in order to answer questions related to administrative law
  • deepens his knowledge of the course subject by reading legal-scientific literature and/or literature from another relevant domain.


Legal practice

The student gains insight in the legal practice in the domain of administrative law.

The student

  • can discuss and reflect critically upon the concrete daily operation of an institution related to administrative law
  • can connect the theoretic insight from the discussed themes with consequences for and trends in the legal practice  

In order for a student to efficiently participate in this course, he or she is expected to actively use the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in previous courses of the bachelor program, in particular (i) Introduction to Legal Science, (ii) Public Law I. Constitutional and Administrative Law, (iii) Public Law II. International and European law, (iv) Law of Obligations, (v) Law of Goods and Special contracts Law, (vi) Français juridique and (vii) Legal English (or equivalent courses from another institution).

The subject of this course is related to politics and policymaking. An interest in both these topics is therefore recommended.

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
C03B8A : Tutorial Methodology of Law
C02X8B : Tutorial Methodology of Law
C06X5A : Tutorial Methodology of Law (for Students working their way through University)
HBR24A : Methodology of Law (No longer offered this academic year)
HBR29C : Methodology of Law
C07G7A : Tutorial on Legal Writing
C04X0A : Tutorial on Legal Writing
C06X6A : Tutorial on Legal Writing (for Students working their way through University)
HBR22C : Tutorial on Legal Writing
HFR15A : Tutorial on Legal Writing (No longer offered this academic year)


3 ects. Tutorial on Administrative Law (B-KUL-C06D7a)

3 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical20 First term
POC Rechten

The tutorial Administrative Law discusses i.a.:

-the principles of sound administration;

-environmental law and spatial planning law;

-government contracts;


-public domain; and

-administrative courts.

Depending on new political or legal developments and the availability of guest lecturers the subjects of these sessions may change.

Documentation will be made available on Toledo.

Students are furthermore expected to be able to find information using legal (digital) libraries and databases.


The tutorial is held in small groups. It consist of six group sessions each with their own subject. Students must prepare these sessions in writing by analyzing legislation, case law and legal doctrine critically. During the session the subject is discussed interactively by means of debate and cases  

In addition to the group sessions, the tutorial may also consist of a written assignment which results in a moot court and an observation assignment at an administrative law organization.

Further details, will be given during the first group session and on Toledo.


Evaluation: Tutorial on Administrative Law (B-KUL-C26D7a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation

The grade distribution for the tutorial is as follows:

Permanent evaluation

The student will be evaluated on his or her preparation of the tutorial as well as the cooperation during the sessions of the tutorial (70% of the final grade). This grade represents a global evaluation of the multiple sessions (including the observation assignment and the moot court) of the tutorial where the quality (instead of the mere quantity) of the preparations and involvements are central.

Presence at every session is mandatory. If the student is absent, he or she must inform the responsible assistant as soon as possible and give the reason for his or her absence. Every unjustified absence will negatively influence the grade of the student for permanent evaluation.

Written assignment

The written assignment consists of the drafting of procedural documents for the Council of State or another administrative court and represents the remaining 30% of the total grade. Whenever deadlines are not met, an automatic zero quotation will be applied for this segment of the tutorial.


Three unjustified absences for the above mentioned course segments will automatically lead to a zero quotation for the whole tutorial. For every absence a replacement task will be assigned to the student.



No 2nd examination opportunity.