Fundamentals of Mathematics (B-KUL-T1AWB2)

6 ECTSEnglish60 First term
van Waterschoot Toon (coordinator) |  van Waterschoot Toon |  Parul Akshara (cooperator) |  Van Dyck Annelies (cooperator) |  Vinckier Nigel (cooperator)
OC Polyvalente Ingenieursvorming - Campus Groep T Leuven

Learning results:

  • K1: Basic scientific-disciplinary knowledge and insight.
  • I1: Analyzing and solving problems.
  • G3: Reflect critically.

Aims and Objectives:

The student is able to reproduce in an accurate and insightful way the mathematical knowledge offered in the study material and during the lectures (K1). The student has gained insight into the structure of and the coherence between the different parts of the learning content (K1). The student has developed the fundamental mathematical knowledge required for use in other course units (K1). The student can use the language of mathematics with care in order to formulate and solve problems accurately (K1, I1).

The student can define and intuitively explain the fundamental concepts that appear in the study material in a mathematically correct way (K1, I1). The student can translate questions or problems formulated in a natural language into the language of mathematics (I1). The student can explain and construct in a structured way the learned reasoning and solution methods and he/she knows the limitations of such methods (I1, G3). The student can work in logical steps towards the solution of a problem, can interpret the solution correctly and reflect critically on it (I1, G3). The student can perform calculations in a diligent manner, both manually and using mathematical software and/or a calculator. The outcome of a calculation is subordinate to the solution method (I1, G3).

The student has followed a programin secondary education with a sufficient number of hours of mathematics (preferably at least 6 hours of mathematics per week in the last two years). Students with limited previous mathematical training (less than 6 hours) are strongly advised to follow a summer course and to fill gaps in their prior knowledge through self-study before the start of the academic year. The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) "Mathematics for (starting) students" can be used as an aid to this. Students are in any case expected to have sufficient affinity with mathematics and master at least a few essential techniques and concepts, including: arithmetic with fractions, symbolic arithmetic, basic knowledge of elementary functions, solving first-and second-degree equations, basic formulas from trigonometry, and so on.

This course unit of the Bachelor of Engineering Technology can only be taken if one has a certificate of participation in a positioning test. Click here for more information.


This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
T1AWM1 : Wiskundige modellen
T2AWS1 : Wiskunde voor systemen
T1AWM2 : Mathematical Modelling
T2AWS2 : Mathematical Systems
T2AWA1 : Warmte en stroming
T2AWI1 : Wisselstroomnetten
T2AWA2 : Thermal-Fluid Sciences
T2AWI2 : Alternating Current Grids

This course is identical to the following courses:
B30744 : Wiskundige basistechnieken
JPI0V3 : Wiskundige basistechnieken (No longer offered this academic year)
T1AWB1 : Wiskundige basistechnieken
ZA0142 : Wiskundige basistechnieken
JPI0UQ : Wiskundige basistechnieken
YI1370 : Wiskundige basistechnieken


4 ects. Fundamentals of Mathematics: Lecture (B-KUL-T1hWB2)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture36 First term
OC Polyvalente Ingenieursvorming - Campus Groep T Leuven

In this course unit, part of the fundamental knowledge of mathematics in secondary education is refreshed and further deepened. The subjects covered are situated in the domain of Calculus as well as in the domain of Algebra, each time with ample attention to the applications. The student gets acquainted with fundamental mathematical concepts, methods and calculation techniques. He/she is particularly encouraged to use mathematics as an instrument for solving practical problems, but at the same time skills in "mathematical and problem-solving thinking" (formulating, analyzing, reasoning, abstracting, interpreting) are sharpened.


  • The concept of a function, overview of elementary functions and their properties.
  • Basic concepts related to plane curves.
  • Derivatives and applications of derivatives.
  • Primitives and integrals and applications of integrals.
  • Sequences, series and power series of functions, with applications.
  • Complex numbers.
  • Vectors and fundamentals of real vector spaces.
  • Matrices, determinants and systems of linear equations.

Note: the listed learning contents can, depending on the available time and circumstances, be supplemented to a limited extent with capita selecta that fit logically with them.

course text, textbook, course materials on the electronic learning environment Toledo, Maple worksheets, ... (campus-related)

2 ects. Fundamentals of Mathematics: Exercise Session (B-KUL-T1oWB2)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical24 First term
van Waterschoot Toon |  Parul Akshara (cooperator) |  Van Dyck Annelies (cooperator) |  Vinckier Nigel (cooperator)
OC Polyvalente Ingenieursvorming - Campus Groep T Leuven

In the exercise sessions, exercises will be discussed that are in line with the topics discussed in the lectures. Mathematical calculations are done manually and/or with the support of mathematical software and/or using a calculator (possibly a graphical or symbolic calculator).

Same as for OLA “Fundamentals of Mathematics: lecture”


Evaluation: Fundamentals of Mathematics (B-KUL-T72068)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas

1. Calculation of the global course score

This course has only one published score. This score is also the global score of the course.

2. Calculation of the published scores

The unique published score is an integer number on a scale of 20. It expresses the evaluation of the student’s achievements based on the weighted results of the following evaluation components that will be assessed in an exam during the examination period. The weights of these three components will be announced via Toledo.

  • Multiple-choice questions about exercises: the student submits a written answer to these questions.
  • Open questions about theory: the student submits a written answer to these questions.
  • Open questions about exercises: the student prepares a written answer to these questions, and discusses these answers in an oral examination with the examiner.

The exam is a closed book exam, without a calculator and with the use of a concise list of formulae that will be provided by the examiner. Theory questions are generally related to derivations and proofs that have been covered in the lectures. In questions involving exercises, students are expected to be able to propose a correct and efficient solution strategy, and to be able to apply this solution strategy without calculation errors. In the evaluation of the multiple-choice questions, a method of correction for guessing will be applied.

3. Absences

An absence at the exam that is not legitimated will result in a NA as the unique published score. In case of absence at the exam the student must contact the exam ombuds service no later than on the day of the exam.

When needed, additional information on the evaluation activities is provided during the lectures and/or made available via Toledo.

If the university decides that it is confronted with situations of general force majeure or situations where the safety and health of members of the academic community of KU Leuven may be endangered and changes to the teaching and evaluation activities occur as a result, these changes will be communicated via Toledo.