Master en langue et littérature françaises (Leuven)

Master of Arts

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The Arts profile webpage gives a more detailed overview of the Faculty’s personal development goals.

The Faculty of Arts wants its students to become accurate language users and communicators who are curious to learn about society, who act sensitively and with an open mind, who aim at a thorough and nuanced understanding of social diversity and power relationships in society; who are aware of the importance of nuance and multiperspectivity in the social debate, and dare to question themselves and others critically, based on their knowledge of other times and cultures; who know their way around in the modern knowledge and information society. 



§ The student has an extensive knowledge of and a profound insight into language systems, language use and language variation, both in general and with regard to the studied languages. The student can apply these insights independently to the study of concrete cases and problem statements.
§ The student can critically interpret and evaluate linguistic models and theories and use them adequately in their own research.
§ The student knows the different methods of linguistic analysis and is able to select the appropriate method and use it for their own research.
§ The student actively follows up on new developments in their field of study. The student can critically reflect on these developments and place them in a broader social and scientific context.


§ The student has an extensive and in-depth knowledge of literature and literary history of the studied languages. § The student has insight into the specific status of literature as a semiotic system that interacts with a social and cultural context and can interpret specific literary texts against this broader context.
§ The student can independently analyze literary texts and other cultural phenomena using appropriate scholarly methods of analysis and theoretical frameworks.
§ The student can critically interpret and evaluate literary models and theories and use them adequately in their own research.
§ The student actively follows up on new developments in literature and the study of literature in the studied cultural areas. The student can critically reflect on these developments and situate them in a broad social and cultural context.

Research skills

§ The student can independently process scientific and scholarly literature in the fields of linguistics and literature, analyze it critically and take a well-founded position with respect to it.
§ The student can independently conceive, plan and carry out linguistic or literary research at the level of a beginning researcher, under the supervision of a supervisor.
§ The student can formulate a research question, collect the necessary materials, and arrive at research results and answers in a scientifically sound manner.
§ The student can communicate about their research, both in writing and orally, in a well-structured, correctly formulated and scientifically sound manner.
§ The student can critically integrate insights, theories and methods from disciplines related to linguistic or literary research in an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach.
§ The student can apply the acquired research skills in other professional and social contexts.
§ The student endorses the deontological and ethical principles of scientific research and applies them in their own research.

Communication skills

§ The student is able to further develop and refine an already advanced level of language proficiency. This includes the ability to communicate fluently and adequately, both orally and in writing, in a variety of professional, scientific and everyday contexts.
§ Based on the developed insight into the role of language in human interaction, the student can also use language insightfully and creatively in all these contexts.
§ The student is able to use the studied language to report orally and in writing on scientific research for a specialized and broad audience.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Bestand PDF document Blueprint_MA_Master en langue et littérature françaises.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
Bestand PDF document COBRA fiche_Master en langue et littérature françaises_2023.pdf

COBRA 2015-2019
Bestand PDF document COBRA report_ MA_taal en letterkunde (E F).pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

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