Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Leuven et al)

Master of Science

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21 learning outcomes have been defined, classified in the following 7 categories that are based on the ACQA (Academic Compentences and Quality Assurance) requirements for engineering education, which are in its turn based on the Dublin descriptors for European academic education:

1) Competent in one or more scientific disciplines

1. Graduates master Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at an advanced academic level.

Because Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field, this means mastery of general principles in physics, chemistry, electronics and biology that play a role at the nanometre scale, insight into the materials and experimental techniques that can be used on the nanoscale and their limitations, as well as skills in the field of theoretical analysis, fabrication, simulation and modelling. Graduates of the programme will possess a thorough knowledge of the basic underlying disciplines of nanoscience, nanotechnology and nanoengineering:
material physics, devices and technologies for nanoelectronic applications and a clear view on the evolution of these applications in future
physics, chemistry and biochemistry at nanometer scale
electronic, optical, mechanical and thermodynamic qualities of metals, semiconductors and insulators
physics and technology for building nanoelectronic and optoelectronic systems, electronic and optical interconnection technology for high speed and high pin count, packaging technology, thermal management in electronic systems and system-in-a-package
structure, stability, folding and conformational dynamics of nanostructured biomolecules and their industrial applications
chemical methods for preparing and characterizing nanostructured materials and supramolecular systems (molecular devices) and the properties of these materials and systems.
mesoscopic properties which appear when the size of a system becomes comparable to characteristic physical length scales, and an understanding of how mesoscopic effects can be manipulated and controlled.
Drug delivery and pharmacology at nanometer scale

2. Graduates are competent in at least one specialisation discipline and broadening knowledge in other areas of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

In-depth knowledge of at least one specialization area within the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, such that the international research literature can be understood and that novel applications and products can be developed. Graduates of the programme will possess specialized knowledge in one of the following domains: Nanomaterials, Nanochemistry, Organic and molecular electronics, Quantum engineering, Quantum computing, Nanoelectronics, Biophysics, Nanobiotechnology and Nanopharmacology.
Broadening knowledge on the other areas outside the own specialization to ensure a broad view of the students to the total field of nanoscience and nanotechnology

3. Graduates are able to apply knowledge from various domains and specializations in a creative way, expand it, deepen it and integrate it in functional systems:
will possess a thorough knowledge of the methods used in technological problem solving and design.
will have an understanding of the formation of complex macro-systems which are unique in their operations and possess new functionalities.
are capable of thinking and acting across the boundaries of the underlying disciplines (physics, electronics, chemistry, biology).

2) Competent in conducting research

4. Graduates possess the ability to systematically acquire and critically assess the scientific value and relevance of the state-of-the-art, related to nanoscience and nanotechnology.

5. Graduates possess the capability to analyse complex problems, define problem statements and formulate clearly structured research questions with the correct level of abstraction.

6. Graduates have the ability to assimilate existing and new concepts, methodologies and research results and apply them in an academic or industrial research environment.

3) Competent in designing

7. Graduates possess the expertise to use and combine the various disciplines of nanoscience and nanotechnology to formulate new research questions based on a design problem

8. Graduates can use acquired skills and knowledge to solve design problems by developing new models, (bio-) materials, devices, integrated circuits and systems while taking into account relevant boundary conditions

9. Graduates have the skill to independently take decisions related to the design, and to justify and evaluate these in a systematic manner

4) A scientific approach

10. Graduates possess a broad analytical, integrating, and problem-solving mind and are able to combine knowledge from nanotechnology and related domains.

11. Graduates can select and process the most suitable information sources (scientific literature, internet, workshops, conferences, experimental data, and professional networks)

12. Graduates can evaluate, select and exploit advanced scientific models, including the system/process model and boundary conditions, with the appropriate level of complexity for the specific application.

13. Graduates possess the correct attitudes to continuously adapt in a knowledge based society and to learn new technologies.

5) Basic intellectual skills

14. Graduates can reflect autonomously on a variation of different problems related to nanoscience and nanotechnology

15. Graduates have a critical-constructive attitude with respect to new discoveries and developments encountered in the scientific literature and in their own research.

16. Graduates have the capability of developing and defending opinions about their field, based on objective argumentations

6) Competent in collaboration and communication

17. Graduates have experience in communication, both written and orally, with experts and non-experts about their own research and design results

18. Graduates can co-operate and manage projects in a (multidisciplinary) team: distribute and assume responsibilities, observe time and resource constraints, document project progress and results

7) Takes the temporal and social context into account

19. Graduates are able to function within a context of social, economic and environmental boundary conditions as well as in an international context

20. Graduates are aware of their societal, ethical and ecological responsibility and act on it.

21. Graduates are aware of the challenges, risks and promises of nanotechnological developments.

Objectives for the current programme:

The level defining descriptors of a master's programme, leading to the degree of master, as mentioned in article II.141 of the Code Higher Education and in article 6 of the decree of 30 April 2009 regarding the Flemish qualification structure:
a) general competences at an advanced level such as the ability to reason and act in an academic manner, the ability to handle complex problems, the ability to reflect on one's own thoughts and work, and the ability to convert this reflection into the development of more effective solutions, the ability to communicate one's own research and solutions to professional colleagues and laymen, and the ability to develop an opinion in an uncertain context;
b) general academic competences at an advanced level such as the ability to apply research methods and techniques, the ability to design research, the ability to apply paradigms in the domain of the sciences or the arts and the ability to indicate the limits of paradigms, originality and creativity regarding the continuously expanding body of knowledge and insight, and the ability to collaborate in a multidisciplinary environment;
c) advanced understanding and insight in scientific, discipline- specific knowledge inherent to a certain domain of the sciences or the arts, insight in the most recent knowledge in the subject/discipline or parts of it, the ability to follow and interpret the direction in which theory formation is developing, the ability to make an original contribution towards the body of knowledge of one or several parts of the subject/discipline, and display specific competences characteristic for the subject/discipline such as designing, researching, analyzing and diagnosing;
d) the competences needed for either independent research or the independent practice of the arts at the level of a newly- qualified researcher (in the arts), or the general and specific professional competences needed for independent application of academic or artistic knowledge at the level of a newly-qualified professional.
A master's programme is concluded by a master's thesis of which the workload, expressed in credits, amounts to at least one fifth of the total number of credits in the programme of study, and consists of at least fifteen credits and at most thirty credits.


The Master of Science (120 credits) is awarded after the student has completed the courses required to gain 120 credits with a defined specialization determined by the higher education institutions. The student obtains the joint Master diploma if he/she has obtained minimum 120 credits in total and minimum 54 credits at each of both universities where he/she is following the program.


Knowledge and understanding
For a Master of Science (120 credits) the student shall have:
- demonstrated knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including both broad knowledge of the field and a considerable degree of specialized knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work, and
- demonstrated specialized methodological knowledge in the main field of study.

Competence and skills
For a Master of Science (120 credits) the student shall have:
- demonstrated the ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and analyze, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information
- demonstrated the ability to identify and formulate issues critically, autonomously and creatively as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames and so contribute to the formation of knowledge as well as the ability to evaluate this work
- demonstrated the ability in speech and writing both nationally and internationally to report clearly and discuss his or her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in dialogue with different audiences, and
- demonstrated the skills required for participation in research and development work or autonomous employment in some other qualified capacity.

Judgement and approach
For a Master of Science (120 credits) the student shall have:
- demonstrated the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work
- demonstrated insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and
- demonstrated the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning.

Independent project
A requirement for the award of a Master of Science (120 credits) is completion by the student of an independent project for at least 30 credits in the main field of study.

Aims and attainment targets of the master program Nanoscience and nanotechnology:
The overall objective of the programme is to provide every student with both a broad common multidisciplinary basis and a personalized top-level specialisation in a certain area of nanoscience or nanotechnology.

By the end of the programme, you will possess:
- thorough knowledge of the general principles of physics, chemistry, electronics and biology that play a role on the nanometer scale;
- insight into the materials, fabrication and other experimental techniques that can be used on the nanoscale, as well as their limitations;
- understanding of the formation of complex macro systems which are unique in their operations and possess new functionalities;
- in-depth knowledge of at least one specialisation area within the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology;
- proficiency in translating this knowledge into useful technological applications;
- extensive analytic and synthetic problem-solving capacities;
- sufficient scientific background to undertake research.

Upon the completion of the two-year cycle, successful students will be awarded a joint Master's degree. In addition, the EMM-Nano consortium furnishes a joint degree supplement providing a description of the nature and level of the programme followed.

The graduated master:

  • During the practice of the engineering profession, is guided by his or her scientific and technical knowledge.
  • Has an engineering attitude that enables him or her to formulate solutions to complex problems, taking into account relevant constraints of an economic, legal, social, ... nature.
  • Is aware of his or her social and ethical responsibility and can act accordingly.
  • Has a willingness for open communication and cooperation, both with engineers within and outside the discipline, and with other actors in the professional field.
  • Has insight into the broader role that engineers play in society.
  • Shows willingness to keep abreast of new scientific and technical evolutions, and to approach them with a critical mind.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Bestand PDF document Blueprint_MA_Engineering Science_Nanoscience Nanotechnology and Nanoengineering.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
Bestand PDF document COBRA-fiche_MA_Nanowetenschappen nanotechnologie and nano engineering_2022-2023.pdf

COBRA 2015-2019
Bestand PDF document COBRA-report_MA_Erasmus Mundus Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

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