Catechetics (B-KUL-A07A4A)

- Students are able to explain what “the pastoral activity of the Church” and “pastoral theology” involve, they are able to situate catechesis and catechetics within these, and to explain the relationship between catechesis, liturgy and pastoral care
- Students are able to explain the current situation of catechesis in light of the history of catechesis and catechetics as well as the contemporary context
- Students are able to discuss and analyse critically the Roman-Catholic view on catechesis
- Students are able to discuss the appropriate places for education in faith (family, parish, school) and they are able to clarify and justify the distinction between catechesis and religious education in school
- Students are able to describe, interpret and evaluate the praxis of catechesis in its diversity and to analyse strengths and weaknesses of particular practices as well as opportunities and threats
- Students are able to underpin and critically evaluate their own involvement (or not) in faith communication and transmission of the faith in light of their personal situation, concrete experiences, study motivation, and environment
- Students are able to discuss themes related to catechesis and faith formation with others, to collaborate in a group and reflect together; and they are also able to present their views to their classmates
Previous knowledge
This course unit does not require any specific previous knowledge. With regard to the students’ motivation, it is expected that students are prepared to reflect critically on their own views on and presuppositions about catechesis and faith communication in confrontation with new questions and challenges and that they are prepared to enter into conversation on this matter with their fellow students.
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (Abridged Programme) (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (Leuven) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Philosophy (Leuven) (Minor Theology and Religious Studies) 180 ects.
6 ects. Catechetics (B-KUL-A07A4a)
This course offers a practical-theological study of the General Directory for Catechesis, the most authoritative document on catechesis published by the Roman Catholic Church. Students will be introduced to the history and main ideas of the document, will learn to understand what the Catholic Church expects of catechesis and how it envisions to realise the aims of catechesis. Students will learn to assess the General Directory critically in light of their own (contextual) experiences with catechesis and other forms of religious education as well as developments in society and culture (secularisation, religious diversity, etc.). The course will consist in a mutually critical interrogation of (1) the Church's ideal of catechesis (as expressed in its General Directory), (2) concrete practices of catechesis and religious education in the life and context of the students, and (3) developments in society at large, in theological reflection, and in related fields of scholarship (like developmental psychology). Students will be taught to bring theory (ideal) and praxis (lived life) into conversation, and to make a SWOT-analysis of concrete practices, looking for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats connected to these.
Course material
- The General Directory for Catechesis, as published in book format by a publisher of choice, or as available online (e.g., on the website of the Vatican)
- Supplementary texts (distributed in class and/or made available via Toledo)
Format: more information
The course will consist in a close reading of (parts of) the General Directory of Catechesis. The students participating in the course will be offered background information on the document and will be helped with grasping its major themes and basic ideas. Students will be asked to read parts of the text at home in preparation of next class. During class, there will be, apart from explanation given by the lecturer, also room for exchange and discussions in smaller groups. Students can also be asked to give a short presentation ("lightning talk") on a topic related to the content of the General Directory.
Evaluation: Catechetics (B-KUL-A27A4a)
The assessment will consit of two parts:
- Active participation in class (1/3): quality of what is said, degree in which a student is actively shaping the learning process of the group
- Written exam (2/3): assessing both (1) the degree in which the student is familiar with the content of the General Directory for Catechesis and the content of what was discussed in class and (2) the degree in which the student is able to reflect in a nuanced and in-depth way on the issues that were raised by the document and the way it was discussed in class
Information about retaking exams
The score for active participation is transferred to the third examination session. Students that did not pass the course after their first attempt can take a new written exam.