Phenomenology / Contemporary Continental Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W0Q07A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
This course is not taught this academic year, but will be taught next year. This course is not taught this academic year, but will be taught next year.
POC Philosophy (internationaal)

In this course students are given the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of contemporary continental philosophy, including phenomenology and interdisciplinary perspectives.

Students who complete this course successfully, will have a good understanding of important concepts and will be able to explain how these concepts are related. Improving the ability to follow the historical development of specific philosophical themes is also an objective of this course. Critical engagement with ideas and debate about their contemporary significance are an integral part of the lectures, and will be stimulated with reference to insigths from critical race and gender studies, among others.

The student should have followed an introductory course in phenomenology and contemporary continental philosophy (bachelor’s level), e.g. W0EB3A or W0AO1A .


6 ects. Phenomenology / Contemporary Continental Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W0Q07a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
POC Philosophy (internationaal)

Every year a new theme and corresponding texts are selected from the wealth of phenomenology and contemporary continental philosophy. The focus of this seminar is on social philosophy.

The course aims at clarifying the difficult composition of action as a major dimension of social co-existence. Action brings together means and values, principled and pragmatic considerations. Action can take place in small-scale face-to-face interaction, but it is also institutionally mediated. Sometimes people act by following patterns of daily routine, sometimes they engage in exceptional initiatives of protest and even violence. Critique is to be understood as integral part of social interaction. Authors are selected from the treasure of social philosophy and have in the past included Bourdieu, Boltanski & Thévenot, Arendt, Mandela, Derrida, Fanon, Sartre, Jaeggi, Honneth, Fraser and others. During the 2023-24 year, the stated theme will be studied while keeping specifically its relevance for problems of racism in mind.

. A reading list and program will be made available during the first lecture.

A reading list and program will be made available during the first lecture. Students prepare for each meeting by working through the texts beforehand. In the seminar, these texts will be analysed, discussed and confronted with other relevant insights from philosophy or the social sciences. Attendance and active participation are required.


Evaluation: Phenomenology / Contemporary Continental Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W2Q07a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project

Students will be evaluated on the basis of a paper (2000-2500 words) on a topic directly related to the content of the seminar (60% of final grade) and an oral exam during the examination period (40% of final grade). The questions in the oral exam may be based on any part of the work covered in the course.

In order to get a grade for the course, students have to complete both parts of the evaluation; not completing both parts will lead to a grade ‘NA’ (not taken).

Students are expected to inform themselves about the faculty guidelines for papers and bibliographical referencing and about the faculty guidelines with regard to plagiarism.

Re-examination is limited students who failed and consists in (re)submitting the paper and (re)taking the oral examination.