European Foreign Policy (B-KUL-S0B59B)

6 ECTSEnglish39 First term
POC Politieke wetenschappen

Upon completion of this course the students has achieved the following aims:

  • The student has a good knowledge of the origin, nature and contents of European foreign policy and of the main conceptual and methodological challenges when analysing (European) foreign policy;
  • The student has a good knowledge and understanding of the functioning of  the main actors and policy-making processes involved in European foreign policy;
  • The student knows the analytical frameworks that are presented (incl. the continuum ‘Relational Foreign Policy – Structural Foreign Policy' and ‘Decentering Foreign Policy Analysis’ framework), can apply these frameworks to specific cases, and is able to critically evaluate them;
  • The student can reflect critically on the academic and non-academic analysis as well as on their own thinking about (European) foreign policy.


These aims will be communicated to the students at the beginning of the course.

At the beginning of this course the student should have a good understanding of:

  • The history, institutional framework, decision-making and policies of the EU;
  • The main theories and approaches in International Relations.


The student can read and study general handbooks on the European Union and on International Relations to acquire or strengthen his/her understanding of the EU. Suggested reading includes de most recent editions of:

  • M. Cini & N. Pérez-Solórzano Borragán. European Union Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • K.E. Jørgensen. International Relations Theory. A New Introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


This course builds on the knowledge, skills and attitude that were developed in the following courses:

  • S0A48C European Politics 
  • S0A52D Internationale politiek sinds 1945 [International Politics since 1945]


Having followed these or similar courses in advance is recommended, but not a formal prerequisite.


6 ects. European Foreign Policy (B-KUL-S0B59a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
POC Politieke wetenschappen

The course includes the following sections (titles of the different sections can be adapted and additional sections can be added):

  • The Nature and History of EU foreign policy
  • Actors and Policy-making 
  • Conceptualizing (European) Foreign Policy / Decentering European Foreign Policy Analysis
  • CFSP/CSDP: From ‘Relational Foreign Policy’ to ‘Structural Foreign Policy’?
  • The EU’s External Action: From ‘External Relations’ to ‘Structural Foreign Policy’?

The course will use the following course materials:

  • Handbook: S. Keukeleire & T. Delreux (2022 - third edition). The Foreign Policy of the European Union. London: Bloomsbury Publishing;
  • Other book chapters, journal articles, EU documents, and other course material (made available via Toledo).
  • PowerPoint presentations (made available via Toledo);
  • Personal notes.


The student has to follow the news coverage on the main developments in the foreign policy of the EU.

Further literature, documents and specialized websites can be found on the Resource Guide: “Exploring EU Foreign Policy

This course is organized on campus. Students have to prepare the course content via literature and online didactic material. During interactive sessions the course content will be processed using in-depth insights, group discussions and case studies. Students are expected to participate actively during the interactive sessions.

More detailed information is available via Toledo.


This course is organized through block teaching.


Evaluation: European Foreign Policy (B-KUL-S2B59b)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Closed questions, Open questions
Learning material : None

Characteristics of the evaluation

The written, closed book exam consists mainly of several open questions, complemented by a number of short questions or multiple choice questions, which together probe into both factual knowledge and insight into the material. Students should be able to link together different parts of the course in their answers and to integrate knowledge and insights obtained through the lectures, guest lectures, interactive sessions, literature, online didactic material and media. The desired length of each answer is indicated.


Determination of the end result

The evaluation is done by the didactic team, as communicated on Toledo and the exam schedule. The result is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20.


Retaking exams

Students who do not pass for this course at their first attempt, can do a resit. The evaluation format and modalities will be the same as those of the first opportunity, as outlined above.

See explanation 'retaking exams'.