Horticultural Science - Deciduous Fruit Production (B-KUL-I0V80A)
Students build up knowledge about different aspects of deciduous fruit production and can apply this knowledge to solve problems in fruit production. This knowledge includes: size and scope of deciduous fruit industry, various fruit types and cultivars that contribute to the fruit industry, growth and development biology of deciduous fruit trees and accompanying technology that is used in the fruit industry.
~ All information in this ECTS-file is based on the information provided by our partner institution. Minor changes to the content might occur. ~
~ This course is the same as SUN 39632-314 ~
Previous knowledge
Knowledge of the basics of biological sciences
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbouwkunde (Leuven) (Major gewasproductie) 120 ects.
- Master of Bioscience Engineering: Agro- and Ecosystems Engineering (Leuven) (Major Subject: Plant Production Systems) 120 ects.
6 ects. Horticultural Science - Deciduous Fruit Production: Classes and Practicals (B-KUL-I0V80a)
Course content
1. Deciduous fruit: Description and origin
2. Deciduous fruit industry: Scope, markets and competition
3. Deciduous fruit cultivars and production areas
4. Tree structure and phenology of pome and stone fruit
5. Bearing habits of pome and stone fruit
6. Vegetative growth
7. Rootstocks
8. Carbohydrate and nitrogen reserves (seasonal patterns of pome and stone fruit)
9. Macro-element reserves
10. Management to optimise reserves
11. Dormancy (types of dormancy)
12. Dormancy (models)
13. Delayed foliation and chemical rest breaking
14. Flower induction
15. Flower initiation
16. Flower differentiation and development (before winter)
17. Flower differentiation and development (after winter)
18. Flowering process (morphology and nectar production)
19. Pollination and fertilisation biology and seed development
20. Pollination practices (cross-pollinators and bee-keeping)
21. Fruit set (fruit set and fruit fall patterns)
22. Increase of fruit set (chemical)
23. Increase of fruit set (physical manipulation)
24. Fruit size
25. Chemical thinning (biology – Addicott)
26. Chemical thinning (agents and mechanisms)
27. Manual thinning (pome and stone fruit)
28. Ripening (ripeness parameters)
Course material
Class notes are available in English.
Format: more information
This course consists of 24h of lectures and 27h of practicals.
Evaluation: Horticultural Science - Deciduous Fruit Production (B-KUL-I2V80a)
60% examination mark and 40% permanent evaluation mark.