Horticultural Science - Applied Plant Physiology and Tree Architecture (B-KUL-I0V79A)
Students build up knowledge about theoretical concepts of a fruit tree physiology that are related to the important biological processes in fruit culture, such as different types of dormancy, growth and environmental effects on growth and development, cold hardening, reproductive growth, tree architecture and bearing habits. Based on this knowledge students are able to develop strategies for pruning fruit trees, planting systems, fruit thinning, bud rest breaking and related orchard practices.
~ All information in this ECTS-file is based on the information provided by our partner institution. Minor changes to the content might occur. ~
~ This course is the same as SUN 39632-434 ~
Previous knowledge
Knowledge of the basics of biological sciences.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbouwkunde (Leuven) (Major gewasproductie) 120 ects.
- Master of Bioscience Engineering: Agro- and Ecosystems Engineering (Leuven) (Major Subject: Plant Production Systems) 120 ects.
6 ects. Horticultural Science - Applied Plant Physiology and Tree Architecture: Classes and Practicals (B-KUL-I0V79a)
Course content
1. Introduction
2. Fundamental principles
3. Regulation of growth and development
4. Meristems-sites of growth and development
5. Cell division and cell enlargement
6. Hormone concentration and sensitivity
7. Effect of the environment on growth
8. Auxin transport
9. Correlative dominance
10. Apical dominance and apical control
11. Root development and rooting of cuttings
12. Formation of xylem and phloem; mechanisms of dwarfing
13. Girdling and plant hormones
14. Alternate bearing
15. Cold hardening
16. Dormancy and progression of dormancy during winter
17. Physiology of dormancy
18. Delayed budding, overcoming cold requirement and rest breaking
19. Dormancy as a morphogenetic factor
20. tree architecture and architectonic principles
21. Apple and pear growth habits
22. Planting systems
23. Pruning
24. Fruit size
Course material
Class notes are available in English.
Format: more information
This course consists of 24h of lectures and 27h of practicals.
Evaluation: Horticultural Science - Applied Plant Physiology and Tree Architecture (B-KUL-I2V79a)
60% examination mark and 40% permanent evaluation mark.