Tropical Forests (B-KUL-I0P45B)
Tropical forests occur on the American, Eurasian, African and Oceanean continents. They host an immense diversity of plants and animals. Millions of local livelihoods depend on those forests, as well as global ecosystem services such as climate regulation. Despite this prominent role for human society, tropical forests continue to be deforested for alternative land uses, and degraded through unsustainable use. Better understanding of the function and processes of this unique heritage can contribute to its sustainable management.
The objectives of this course are to introduce the students to the geographical distribution, ecology, management and utilisation of forests in the tropics and subtropics. Are furthermore treated: the worldwide problem of deforestation, forest and related biodiversity degradation (UN-REDD), techniques for establishing and managing tree plantations, agroforestry and the ecological and socio-economical context of forestry in the tropics.
Previous knowledge
Basic knowledge of biology, ecology and agronomy are recommended.
Is included in these courses of study
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (Leuven)
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbeheer (Leuven) (Major productiebosbouwsystemen) 120 ects.
- Master of Bioscience Engineering: Agro- and Ecosystems Engineering (Leuven) (Major Subject: Forest, Nature and Landscape Systems) 120 ects.
- Master of Bioscience Engineering: Agro- and Ecosystems Engineering (Leuven) (Major Subject: Plant Production Systems) 120 ects.
- Master of Urbanism, Landscape and Planning (Leuven) 120 ects.
4 ects. Tropical Forests (B-KUL-I0P45a)
Ecology and silviculture of the humid and dry tropics and sub tropics, management and conservation of natural forests, afforestation and plantation forestry, agroforestry, timber and non timber forest products and services, main (sub-) tropical timber species, importance of the ecosystem services, issues of tropical timber trade, deforestation, REDD and FLEGT; issues of woodfuel use and use of forest products as biofuels.
The course has three parts:
1. Ecology of tropical trees and forests, important tropical tree species, importance of tropical forests.
2. Forestry in the dry tropics, forestry in the wet tropics, reforestation, industrial forests, agroforestry.
3. Forest management in the tropics: international trade, tropical woods, fire wood problematic, deforestation.
Course material
The course material comprises PowerPoint presentations, as well as video material and some reference material (via Toledo for free downloads).
Format: more information
30 hours of traditional lectures
10 hours of seminars, presented by the students about a topic of their choice.
Evaluation: Tropical Forests (B-KUL-I2P45b)
Participation in class room is important!
Course material: Power Points, YouTube movies, Selected articles and parts of books
Written exam. Students receive 3-5 questions.
Students are not allowed to make use of the course material during the exam.
The seminars count for 30% of the final result: the exam counts for 70%.