Microbial Processes for the Bio-based Circular Economy (B-KUL-I0J53A)
The aim of this course is to provide students insights, and develop critical thinking concerning microbial processes for integrated valorization of waste- and side streams in the bio-based circular economy. This course will focus on microbial processes that rely on mixed microbial communities in which technological, operational, microbiological, but also economical aspects will be considered. The students will be challenged to critically evaluate the applicability of novel technologies, and will obtain knowledge on how to optimize or reconsider existing technologies.
After this course, the students will:
- Have obtained knowledge and insights into established microbial processes with applications at the full scale level and novel technologies in a developmental stage;
- Be able to critically evaluate and select appropriate microbial processes for specific challenges and waste or side streams;
- Have obtained knowledge concerning key microbial actors in the different microbial processes, as well as critical operational parameters to achieve stable process operation and product outcomes.
In general, this course will focus on the recovery of resources, which includes energy, organics and nutrients, but also the production of high-value products from recovered resources through microbial processes. This course does not focus on pure culture processes, but wants to provide insights into how mixed microbial communities can be used in engineered processes.
Previous knowledge
A basic knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, applied thermodynamics, microbiology, and bioreactor engineering.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: biosysteemtechniek (Leuven) (Gerichte minor industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbouwkunde (Leuven) (Gerichte minor industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: milieutechnologie (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: milieutechnologie (Leuven) (Gerichte minor industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (Leuven)
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: landbeheer (Leuven) (Gerichte minor industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
- Master of Bioscience Engineering: Human Health Engineering (Leuven) (Gerichte minor industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: levensmiddelenwetenschappen en voeding (Leuven) (Gerichte minor industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
- Master in de bio-ingenieurswetenschappen: katalytische technologie (Leuven) (Gerichte minor industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
- Master of Bioscience Engineering: Agro- and Ecosystems Engineering (Leuven) (Gerichte minor industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
- Master of Bioscience Engineering: Cellular and Genetic Engineering (Leuven) (Gerichte minor: Industriële microbiologie) 120 ects.
3 ects. Microbial Processes for the Bio-based Circular Economy: Lectures (B-KUL-I0J53a)
Topics covered in the course are:
- Anaerobic digestion: both operational aspects and microbial actors will be considered, as well as biochemical methane potential (BMP) and specific methanogenic activity (SMA) test design and data interpretation;
- Biogas upgrading; both in situ and ex situ biogas upgrading techniques to biomethane with gas grid quality will be included;
- Fermentation for carboxylates (volatile fatty acids) production from organic waste streams, including downstream processing and valorisation;
- Composting;
- Biopolymers production from organic wastewaters;
- Nutrient recovery technologies;
- Sulfur management and recovery: from liquid and gaseous streams;
- Trace elements recovery, bioleaching/biometallurgy;
- Microalgae for the production of biomass for energy recovery, lipids, vitamins and other valuable products through photobioreactors and open pond systems;
- Microbial protein production as third generation protein for food and feed applications;
- Bio-electrochemical systems, both in microbial fuel cell (MFC) mode for electricity production and microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) mode for (in)organics production and conversion.
Course material
Handouts of the slides
1 ects. Microbial Processes for the Bio-based Circular Economy: Assignment (B-KUL-I0J54a)
Students will be divided into groups of 3 students. Each group can choose a research paper covering topics from different chapters seen during the lectures. Each group will make a critical evaluation of the microbial technology in which they are expected to evaluate technological and economical feasibility and circularity aspects. In addition to this critical evaluation, the students are expected to use the information in the research paper to either design a novel process, make calculations concerning the treatment of a specific waste stream and/or highlight additional research questions. This report should comprise maximum 5 pages.
Evaluation: Microbial Processes for the Bio-based Circular Economy (B-KUL-I2J53a)
The evaluation consists out of two parts:
1. The evaluation of the students’ report (5 points out of 20);
2. A written exam during the examination period (15 points out of 20, closed book), which will consist of general questions across the different topics (10 points out of 20, closed book) and calculation exercises (5 points out of 20, closed book)
The report is mandatory. Late submission must be reported to the lecturer as soon as possible and no later than before the designated submission date. Additionally, students must provide a valid proof for the lateness. In the case of justified lateness, students must submit the make-up assignment as communicated by the teacher. Students who fail to report their lateness (timely) or fail to provide a valid proof or fail to comply with the make-up modalities will be excluded from the examination . The respective OLA and OPO will be considered as "not completed" (NA)
Information about retaking exams
There is no possibility for retaking the 'Assignment' OLA (I0J54a). The result obtained for the OLA at the initial examination period will be carried over to the third examination period. If students opt out for contributing to the report without a valid reason (doctor's certificate, or approval by the course responsible for any other reason), the student will receive no points for the report and 2 points are subtracted from the score on the written exam retake.