Integrated Project: Temperate Climate Case Study (B-KUL-I0D29A)
This course can only be taken by students from the Master of Water Resources Engineering.
The main objective of the “Integrated Project: Humid climate case study” is to expose the students to the execution of an integrated project and to obtain in this process technical expertise in (sub)-humid river basin modelling. The goal is to increase the students understanding of the web of interactions between the different technical and non-technical relations in managing water resources on an integrated river basin scale. Guidance in the web of interactions will be the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), which plays a central role in learning to set up a fabric of technical and non-technical knowledge to support integrated water management.
This course is taught at VUB (syllabus).
Previous knowledge
Level of water resources engineering skills and knowledge obtained after the first year.
Beginning conditions: Advanced mathematics in water resources engineering; Statistics for water engineering; Irrigation agronomy; Aquatic ecology; Hydraulics; Surface water hydrology; Groundwater hydrology; Water quality assessment, monitoring and treatment; Hydrological data-processing and GIS; Hydrological measurements and remote sensing.
Order of Enrolment
You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 72 credits to obtain your degree.
Is included in these courses of study
5 ects. Integrated Project: Temperate Climate Case Study (B-KUL-I0D29a)
This course is taught at Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Students are introduced in the structure of the case study, the objectives and the way the project work will be assessed. The geographical, hydrological and water management characteristics of the catchment are made available to the students at the beginning of this workshop, and the need and requirements for an integrated river basin management plan are described. Elements that will be considered during the implementation of the integrated project are:
- the social, legal and environmental requirements for an integrated river management plan (an expert from the water authorities will provide the information concerning the creation of such a plan);
- the European Water Framework Directive and its requirements and consequences;
- overview of the project team (students, lecturers) and database, the capacity, role and task of each participant;
- overview of the importance and requirements for analysis and modelling within an integrated framework for the aspects: surface water, groundwater, river flow, urban water aspects, agricultural (irrigation and soil) water, aquatic ecology, and water quality;
- the schematic analysis of structure of web of water interactions;
- the layout and start-up of cooperative modelling of the web of water aspects;
- the discussion with catchment water managers and visit to the case study river basin;
- the integration of different modelling exercises;
- the integration of social, legal and systems approach to water management;
- the wrapping up of integration, reporting and joint formulation of conclusions; andthe presentation of the integrated project and handing-in of a final report.
The participants are also offered the opportunity to participate to WaterEurope, which is an international course organized by the university of Nice Sophia Antipolis. Participants will prepare themselves through e-learning and attend the groupwork during a 2 week period in Nice. The groupwork tackles flood management problems using a variety of tools and models. Costs for flights/trains and accommodations are covered for 10 participants.
Format: more information
26 hrs/2 credits theory; 26 hrs/2 credits of practical work; 26 hrs/1 credit of assignment/guided self-study
Evaluation: Integrated Project: Temperate Climate Case Study (B-KUL-I2D29a)
Group report and presentation with additional individual oral exam.