Mathematics for Business Engineers I (B-KUL-HBE01E)

6 ECTSEnglish78 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Maes Ann (coordinator) |  Maes Ann |  Van de Woestyne Ignace |  Spruyt Ilse (cooperator)
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

After attending this course:

  • the student is familiar with the concepts, insights, results and techniques of real analysis (one variable and an introduction to multiple variables) and basic linear algebra. Using this knowledge, he/she is capable of quantitatively formulating, examining and understanding simplified economical and business oriented problems,
  • the student has gained a part of the knowledge needed to successfully follow the optimization and statistical courses and technology courses in the business engineering program,
  • the student has practiced formulating and arguing in a correct and accurate way.

The student must have sufficient mathematical maturity. The description of the mathematical topics you are expected to have covered before entering the Bachelor of Business Engineering programme, can be found on this website:

This course is identical to the following courses:
D0H10A : Hogere wiskunde I (HIR)
HBN52B : Hogere wiskunde I (No longer offered this academic year)


4.5 ects. Mathematics for Business Engineers I: Lecture (B-KUL-HBE01e)

4.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture52 First term
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

1. Building blocks

  • Number sets
  • Functions of one and multiple variables: definitions, graphical representations
  • Sequences


2. Analysis 1

  • Linear functions from Rn to Rm
  • Limits of sequences
  • Limits and continuity of functions
  • Derivatives (and partial derivatives) of univariate and multivariate functions
  • Taylor expansions
  • Unbounded optimization problems for univariate and multivariate functions
  • Numerical aspects
  • Economical applications


3. Basic linear algebra

  • Linear systems
  • Matrix calculus
  • Determinants


Course text: Van de Woestyne Ignace, Mathematics for Business Engineers Part 1, Acco

Traditional lecture

1.5 ects. Mathematics for Business Engineers I: Practical (B-KUL-HBE01f)

1.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical26 First term
Maes Ann |  Spruyt Ilse (cooperator)
OC Handelsingenieur/Business Engineering FEB Campus Brussel

Exercises that match the content of HBE01e 

Course text: Van de Woestyne Ignace, Mathematics for Business Engineers Part 1: Problems and exercises with solutions, Acco

Exercise sessions that match the content of the lectures of the course.


Evaluation: Mathematics for Business Engineers I (B-KUL-H75203)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

The final exam result in the first exam period is the result obtained by rounding max{(18E+2T)/20, (17E+3T)/20} + B to the nearest integer number. In this formula

  • E is the score (on a total of 20) on the written exam organized during the first exam period consisting of four open questions (accounting for 75%) and four multiple choice questions (accounting for 25%). Regarding the multiple choice questions, correction for guessing is applied as follows: You earn 1.25 for a correct answer, 0 for a blank answer and lose 1/3 of 1.25 for an incorrect answer. The total score obtained on the multiple choice part is upgraded to 0 in case of a negative result.
  • T is the score (on a total of 20) on an intermediate written assessment organized during the first semester;
  • B is an extra bonus score that can be earned according to the student's score on the initial assessment at the start of the academic year. A score of 60% or more on this initial assessment yields a full bonus score of 1 while a score of 50% or more but less than 60% yields a half bonus score of 0.5.

Not participating in the inital or intermediate assessments results in B=0 or T=0, respectively. Not participating in the exam results in the final score NA regardless the scores on the initial and intermediate assessments.

If a student achieves a total score of more than 20, this score will be reduced to 20.

A make-up exam and make-up assessments for the initial and intermediate assessments are organized for those students who are legally absent during the initial exam or assessments.


The result obtained on the intermediate written exam during the first semester and the extra bonus point no longer account for the final result in the third exam period. Consequently, this final result only consists of the score (on a total of 20) on the written exam organized during the third exam period consisting of open questions (accounting for 75%) and multiple choice questions (accounting for 25%).

A make-up exam is organized for those students who are legally absent during the initial exam of the third exam period.