German 1 (B-KUL-HBA31A)

3 ECTSGerman26 First term
Roelans Jan (coordinator) |  Roelans Jan
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Command of languages is an absolute requirement in international trade.
This is certainly true in Europe where Germany is an important trading partner for many countries. Command of German is often required in job vacancies. By studying German students can enhance their opportunities on the job market considerably.

In this course, the following key objectives are (partially or fully) realized:

  • As far as the foreign languages are concerned:  knowledge and mastery of the general vocabulary, specific (business) economic vocabulary and grammar.

The position of the course in the framework of the learning objectives of the programme can be found under the section “Objectives” of the “Bachelor of Business Administration (Brussels)”.

No prior knowledge is required for this course. However, we do advise some preliminary or introductory study of German.

This course is identical to the following courses:
HLH05A : Duits 1 (BL) (No longer offered this academic year)
HBH15A : Duits 1
Y00569 : Duits 1


3 ects. German 1 (B-KUL-HBA31a)

3 ECTSGermanFormat: Lecture26 First term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

1. Grammar (as discussed in the manual and grammar book) 
1.1 Nouns: gender, flexion, plural; use of the cases
1.2 Articles
1.3 Verbs: Tenses: present, preterite, perfect, future and past perfect tense of regular and irregular verbs as discussed in the manual
1.4 Pronouns
1.5 Prepositions
1.6 Figures and numbers
1.7 Adjectives

Exercises on grammar in the handbook Buscha, Begegnungen A1 and online.

2. Vocabulary
New vocabulary will be introduced and studied by means of the handbook by Buscha, Begegnungen A1.

3. Introduction to German business and culture as covered in the manual and in study material distributed in class (see Toledo announcements).

English may be used to explain items from grammar and vocabulary.

Classes consist of lectures, interactive sessions and practice. Self-activation of students is of the utmost importance. New vocabulary can be taught in interactive sessions by means of short texts or TV-fragments. The German grammar is explained in English when necessary.


Evaluation: German 1 (B-KUL-H70997)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : None

Exam period Jan/Feb or May/Jun
Organization :
Use learning materials :
Closed book
Evaluation method :
Integrated test
Question Type :
Open questions
Reproduction questions
Application requests

Explanation :

The final exam is a written exam.
Students show that they can apply the theoretical knowledge of grammar and that they master
the vocabulary dealt with in class. Writing skills can be tested in a question about aspects of the German economy or culture, as discussed in class.


Exam period Aug/Sep
Organization :
Use learning materials :
Closed book
Evaluation method :
Integrated test
Question Type :
Open questions
Reproduction questions
Understanding questions

Explanation :

The evaluation methods during the first and second exam opportunities are identical

Advanced examinations (before start of the lessons): Yes
Conditions: students have to fulfil one of the following conditions:1. Being a native speaker of German2. Using German frequently on the workfloor3. Having completed a study stay of at least six months in a German-speaking country. 

Written test