Master's Thesis: Cyber Security Project (B-KUL-H0Q26A)

15 ECTSEnglish405 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Desmet Lieven (coordinator) |  Devriese Dominique |  N. |  Desmet Lieven (substitute)
POC Cybersecurity

The precise content of the master thesis depends on the topic agreed upon, but in any case it will be a research or design work that will involve some advanced topics in CyberSecurity.


The student will

  • Initiate an original research project (original in the sense that the student has generated (partly) new knowledge).
  • Acquire state of the art knowledge on the subject of the research project.
  • Formulate a correct and clear problem statement.
  • Show they are up to date with recent findings in the area of the subject of the CyberSecurity research project and can assess their relevance for the solution of the problem
  • Design a research plan, using the best available techniques (based on information found in scientific literature.
  • Analyse and interprets the results obtained.
  • Demonstrate they have a critical attitude in the interpretation of the results obtained.
  • Outline the results of the project in a coherent, correct and clear way using a correct scientific language and a clear lay-out of the text, citations, tables and figures meeting all formal requirements
  • Have an academic attitude towards referencing sources.
  • Bring the project to a close in a set of conclusions situating the results obtain in the state of the art context.
  • Present the results of the project, taking into consideration important presentation skills such as the outline of the scientific context, a coherent structured presentation, correct language, respect for timing.
  • Can answer in a scientific correct language to questions from both fellow students and researchers.
  • Assume a critical, reflective learning attitude, committed to the project, independent and if appropriate a good team player.

Knowledge of CyberSecurity basics and software, hardware and mathematics basics.


15 ects. Cyber Security Project: Research Project (B-KUL-H0Q26a)

15 ECTSEnglishFormat: Master's thesis405 Second term
Devriese Dominique |  N. |  Desmet Lieven (substitute)
POC Cybersecurity

The precise content of the master thesis depends on the topic agreed upon, but in any case it will be a research or design work that will involve some advanced topics in CyberSecurity.

Will be composed in consultation with promotor.

Individual meetings


Evaluation: Master's Thesis: Cyber Security Project (B-KUL-H2Q26a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Presentation, Process evaluation

A master thesis is evaluated by a jury of at least four persons: the promotor, the daily supervisor, and two or more assessors.

The evaluation is based on three aspects:

  • The process: the work performed during the year (independence, criticality, inventivity, creativity, difficulty)
  • The product: the final result and/or the text (scientific content, style, language, readability, structure)
  • The presentation and the oral examination (style, language, structure, completeness, timing)