Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G0V31A)

30 ECTSEnglish80 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Namur Olivier (coordinator) |  N.
OC Geologie

In the Master's Thesis emphasis is put on the competences of students to actively attribute to the scientific research.  The following specific objectives are being pursued:
- formulate research questions and develop a research scheme under the supervision of the promotor and/or the research group. 
- gather information independently and judge on its relevance for the research questions
- independently analyse and follow up on developments in the research area.
- acquire the necessary skills to cooperate in scientific research through teamwork.
- learn to communicate in the scientifically correct language, through cooperation with fellow students and researchers.
- being able to carry out specific geology research through extensive training and contact with the current state of the research.
- use modern experimental of theoretical methods and techniques.
- critically analyse the obtained results and their interpretation
- Formulate relations between own results and applied techniques and those published in literature.

At the start of the Master's thesis the students are expected to have a thorough basic knowledge in the research domain. They will  specialise  further by taking courses during the second master year and whilst working for their master's thesis.  They also possess the basic competences of being able to research and process information individually, to report and communicate about scientific findings. These will also be further developed in the course of the time spent on the Master's thesis. 

The master’s thesis can only be taken in the academic year that a student can graduate, which means the student has sufficient credits in the isp to graduate.  An exception can be made for students wishing to take the professional internship at the end of the studies. 

You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 72 credits to obtain your degree.

This course is identical to the following courses:
G0B61A : Masterproef


30 ects. Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G0V31a)

30 ECTSEnglishFormat: Master's thesis80 Both terms
OC Geologie

The master's thesis contains the research work and the thesis under the supervision of the promotor of the department and with coaching from the research group.  The master's thesis is normally conducted within the research areas of the resarch units geology, nevertheless it is possible to conduct a master's thesis with a strong geological impact outside the geology research unit.Students will integrate in the research group and participate in the current research activities, including seminars, work discussions, study work and last but not least in conducting specific experiments and or calculations.  This work will be discussed in a scientific report and presented and defended before all interested members of the department.

Depends on the thesis' topc


Evaluation: Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G2V31a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Report, Presentation, Process evaluation

The evaluation consists of the assessment of both process and product (form and content; manuscript and defense). Four quotes are given: one by the promotor, one of each of the two readers and one for the defense. The relative weight of these four marks are 10:3:3:4. Each of the marks is determined by means of the facultary assessment roster and appreciation scale. Additional information on the evaluation of the master's thesis is to be found on the faculty website.

In order to succeed the master’s thesis, the student must obtain a credit for the supervisor apart, the average of the results of the readers taken together (taking into account the rounding rules) and the defence apart. If for one or more of these components this is not the case, the maximum score will be 9/20.

For passing this course students have to upload an information skills certificate in Toledo. This certificate can be obtained in the Toledo community “Scientific integrity at the Faculty of Science”. Obtaining and submitting the information skills certificate is evaluated by ‘pass/fail’. A student with a ‘fail’ for the certificate, obtains a ‘fail’ for the course, that is converted to a non-tolerable fail. This means that students cannot pass the course and cannot use tolerance credits, if they have not obtained and submitted the certificate.

This course can not be tolerated.