Leadership for Geoscientists (B-KUL-G0S80A)

3 ECTSEnglish24 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Geologie

This course is aimed at providing master students in geosciences knowledge and insight about requirements that are expected from young graduates when start working in an industrial company or business organisation. Besides scientific and technical competences, also leadership skills are a prerequisite for personal development and long term success.

A number of leadership theories will be discussed in detail, followed by a translation into practice. Leadership development consists of three consecutive steps. They are the backbone of this course and consists of  (1) self-leadership, (2) team leadership, and (3) business leadership. Theory will be combined with practical examples and business cases in the field of geosciences. Students will be challenged and asked to actively participate. A number of essential leadership tools will also be discussed and practised in groups. Such as:

  • determining personal profile
  • mapping process flows
  • managing a project
  • developing intra- & entrepreneurial skills
  • preparing a job interview
  • optimising ways-of-working
  • analysing third party contracts
  • mapping stakeholders
  • coaching & mentoring people
  • designing an organisation
  • lauching innovation projects
  • leading a (project) team
  • determining skills & competences
  • restructuring an organisation
  • analysing profitability of a project
  • controlling profits & losses of a business
  • developing a business case
  • monitoring manufacturing processes
  • planning scenarios for the future
  • etc.

The competences acquired will ensure that students at the end of the course are well prepared to start working in a business company or organisation. With the acquired theoretical background and practical tools, they must be able to take the lead in a new professional environment.

A background in geosciences at BSc level is required.


3 ects. Leadership for Geoscientists (B-KUL-G0S80a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture24 Second term
OC Geologie

1 Process Modelling
2 SWOT Analysis
3 Stakeholder Mapping
4 Organisational Design
5 Competence Profiling
6 Change Management
7 Project Coaching
8 LEAN Management
9 Performance Metrics
10 Cost Optimisation

PowerPoint slides + Excel tools + syllabus.


Evaluation: Leadership for Geoscientists (B-KUL-G2S80a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Report, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation, Written
Type of questions : Open questions