Sedimentary Systems Analysis (B-KUL-G00F5A)

6 ECTSEnglish68 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Geologie

The ability to predict stratal architecture of sedimentary basin fills and their (petro)physical properties on the basis of limited observations is one of the central tasks of sedimentary geology. Successful 3D stratigraphic prediction requires a thorough understanding of the fundamentals underlying the formation of the stratigraphic record. This course aims at providing MSc students in geology with basic knowledge of modern integrated methods for 3D analysis of sedimentary basin fills as used in academia and industry, specifically applicable to subsurface data.

At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to: (1) interpret stratal geometries in a sequence-stratigraphic framework, (2) infer the main environmental controls on basin-fill architecture by testing sequence-stratigraphic models of sedimentary basin fills using a range of sedimentological and stratigraphic tools, and (3) devise strategies for predicting the spatial variation of (petro)physical properties of sedimentary basin fills.


3 ects. Sedimentary Systems Analysis: Lectures (B-KUL-G00F5a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture24 First term
OC Geologie

Series of lectures on: 

Origin and architecture of basins, Sequence stratigraphy, Event and cyclostratigraphy;

Clastic alluvial systems, Coastal systems + carbonates, Deep marine systems

Sediment generation/provenance/GSA, Sandstone diagenesis, Mass balance (Adriatic Sea)

Petrophysics/core analysis, Geological well logging, Geological reservoir modelling


2.5 ects. Sedimentary Systems Analysis: Practical (B-KUL-G00F6a)

2.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical36 First term
OC Geologie

The paracticals will centre on exercises closely related to the topics of the lectures.


0.5 ects. Sedimentary Systems Analysis: Excursion (B-KUL-G00F7a)

0.5 ECTSEnglishFormat: Field trip8 First term
OC Geologie

A one-day excursion to the Roelants quarry (Lubbeek) will serve to illustrate the use of sequence stratigraphy in the field, as well as its limitations. The observations made will be summarized in a short report, and discussed with reference to previous publications on these deposits.   


Evaluation: Sedimentary Systems Analysis (B-KUL-G20F5a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material