Geological Mapping (B-KUL-G00E4A)

6 ECTSEnglish54 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Geologie

Geological mapping is one of the fundamental skills of a geologist. Geological maps serve as primary tools in any economic or societal issue related to the subsurface (e.g. natural resources, geohazards, disposal facilities, infrastructure, …). Geological maps are no statements of facts, but are testable models within the context of the prevailing geological paradigms, of which the accuracy depends on the quality of the highly incomplete data set of geological observations available to the mapper, as well as the experience and expertise of the mapper.

This course focuses on the scientific practice of geological mapping, as the iterative process that eventually results in a geological map (including stratigraphical colum, cross-sections, …).

Operational goals:

  • keeping a field notebook, as a document of the scientific practice;
  • developing a mapping strategy, which is recorded in the field notebook;
  • developing a geologically coherent working model, which is eventually reflected in the geological map and cross-sections;
  • demonstrating the capacity of managing time constraints by continuously assessing the level of detail required to develop a geological model, the spatial distribution, detail and relevancy of observations, ... while performing the geological mapping;
  • pursuing a balance between individual work and team work within the assigned time constraints, leading up to a synthetic geological map of the mapping region, assigned to the mapping team;
  • preparing a high-quality geological map, following all principles of geological mapping;
  • presenting, arguing, discussing the key elements of the geological model, represented in the geological map.

This course builds on the knowledge and expertise acquired by the student in the previous mapping exercises in the bachelor program, in particular in the courses Geologische Analyse & Synthese I (G0W50) and Geologische Analyse & Synthese II (G0Y34) at the KU Leuven. For incoming students from outside KU Leuven, a similar degree of mapping experience is expected.

This course is identical to the following courses:
G0B39A : Geologisch karteren (No longer offered this academic year)
G0Y79A : Geological Mapping
G0B39B : Geologisch karteren


6 ects. Geological Mapping (B-KUL-G00E4a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment54 First term
OC Geologie

The mapping course consists of a field assignment for a continuous period of 3 weeks. Students are organised in mapping teams that have been assigned a mapping region. Within the mapping region each student has his/her designated individual mapping area.

At the end of the field assignment te deliverables are:

  • a field notebook, as a document of the scientific practice;
  • a field map of the individual mapping area;
  • a synthetic geological map of the mapping region, assigned to the mapping team, including a lithostratigraphical column with a description of the lithostratigraphical units and representative cross-sections, providing insight in the overall - geologically coherent - working model.

  • topographic maps
  • literature
  • textbooks
  • geological maps

The students, following the English master program Master of Geology, should complete all assignments (field maps, geological maps, field notebook, ...) in English.

  • field mapping
  • reporting
  • team work


Evaluation: Geological Mapping (B-KUL-G20E4a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation, Skills test
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The evaluation is primarily based on the following deliverables:

  • field notebook, reflecting mapping strategy and the development of the geological model for the individual mapping area, including discussions in the field with teaching staff;
  • individual field map of the individual mapping area;
  • synthetic geological map of the mapping region, including an assessment of participation in team work.

There is no opportunity to retake the field assignment.