Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature (B-KUL-F0UY3A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second term
Meylaerts Reine |  Codina Solà Núria (substitute) |  N. |  Codina Solà Núria (substitute)
POC Taal- en letterkunde

  • Understand multilingual writing as a historical reality and an emerging corpus linked to globalization and transnational literary production
  • Analyze the textual features of multilingual writing
  • Recognize strategies used for the translation of multilingual texts
  • Identify cultural discourses and political ideologies that shape multilingual literary writing
  • Apply concepts from multilingual studies, translation, and related disciplines to the analysis of literary texts

See MA Western Literature


6 ects. Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature (B-KUL-F0UY3a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
Meylaerts Reine |  Codina Solà Núria (substitute) |  N. |  Codina Solà Núria (substitute)
POC Taal- en letterkunde

This course presents multilingualism and translation as two essential elements of literary history and contemporary literature. As a response to globalization, language diasporas and a growing awareness for the preservation of language diversity and linguistic ecology, the course revisits monolingual approaches to the national canon and highlights the importance of translation for the circulation of literary texts. The concepts of literary plurilingualism and translation will be studied both theoretically and analytically on the basis of examples chosen from a number of European and non-European texts. The course includes group assignments, discussions of the reading materials and student presentations of individual case studies. 

A list of reading material will be distributed at the start of the course and uploaded on Toledo.


Evaluation: Translation and Plurilingualism in Literature (B-KUL-F2UY3a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours

An oral presentation and a written paper based on this presentation. Both are commented upon during an oral examination that will also deal with the lectures.