Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (B-KUL-F0UX8A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 First term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

Giving the students an insight into the concept of ‘Western
Literature’, the theoretical questions that the concept throws up and
the answers that have been proposed by literary criticism. Preparing
the students for individual reflection and research on those concepts
as part of their MA thesis. Providing the students with a theoretical
framework that can prepare them for the ‘transversal’ modules in which
links between several specific aspects of Western literature will be

See Master Western Literature


6 ects. Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (B-KUL-F0UX8a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

The idea of ‘Western Literature’ is first defined, conceptualized and contextualized through the study of key literary critical texts. The course also encourages an insight into and critical reflection on the emergence, development, roles and impact of the concept of ‘Western Literature’ and of the canon that corresponds to that concept. The concept of ‘Western Literature’ is then problematized through the study of critiques coming from postcolonial studies, feminism and theories of globalization. The course thus provides insight into the relations between ‘Western Literature’ and ‘European Literature’, ‘Orientalism’, ‘World Literature’ and ‘Minority Literatures’.

  • reader with basic texts
  • Toledo

• DURING the classes:
o background will be given on the different authors, on the paradigm in general
o texts will be situated and discussed
o further discussion of the texts, of relationships between the texts etc. will be held, on the basis of the questions on Toledo AND on the basis of your personal questions, observations, critical input!
o Conclusion: your personal input is essential


Evaluation: Western Literature: Concepts and Questions (B-KUL-F2UX8a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

• Written
• Open book - 4 hours
• Three questions (7-7-6 points)
• Exam language: English or Dutch
• Aim: testing the students' insight in the issues dealt with, his/her critical assimilation of the course, his/her ability to establish links throughout the material etc.