Neuroanatomy as the Basis for Understanding Pathological Processes in the Brain and Their Clinical Manifestation (B-KUL-E0J42A)
Knowledge: At the end of the OPO, the student is able:
1. To describe and name structures of the brain
2. To name the different types of cells occurring in the brain and to described their anatomical features and physiological function.
3. To describe in his/her own words the pathogenesis and pathological anatomy of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS and multiple sclerosis and to distinguish them from one another. In this context, it is essential that the students link the physiological function of a disease-damaged anatomical structure with the clinical manifestation of the disease and its pathophysiological properties. Based on the pathogenesis, he/she can speculate which processes are clinically relevant for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
4. to present basic knowledge about diagnostic tests for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS and multiple sclerosis, to name them, to distinguish which test can be used to diagnose a distinct disease and to indicate which type of pathological affection of the brain is represented by a given biomarker.
Primary skills: At the end of the OPO, the student is able:
1. To recognize, name and describe brain structures on macroscopic images of a brain. He/she can compare between a normal and a diseased brain.
2. To cross-link anatomical structures with functional deficits in patients.
3. To demonstrate diagnostic tests that detect specific pathological changes or identify the site of the lesion in the brain.
4. To conduct a targeted literature review.
5. To design a diagnostic plan regarding relevant differential diagnoses in writing.
6. To give a presentation about a disease.
Additional skills: At the end of the OPO, the student is able to:
1. Work together in a group with divided tasks to develop a topic.
2. Develop his/her own presentation skills
3. Further develop his/her way of medical writing
Order of Enrolment
Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.
The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
E0I69A : Morfologie, fysiologie en pathofysiologie (MFP) van het zenuwstelsel
Is included in these courses of study
1 ects. Neuroanatomy: Theory (B-KUL-E0J42a)
- Brain anatomy with functional links towards distinct brain functions that can explain the symptoms of patients with a distinct neurological disorder. This information will allow the student to identify brain regions that are damaged based on characteristic neurological symptoms.
- Pathology of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, multiple sclerose
Course material
There is nothing mandatory to purchase. Through Toledo, the teacher shares links to KU Leuven open access literature, websites and resources that the student can access. More info will be provided on Toledo.
Format: more information
Computer session - Traditional lecture
The introductory lecture will continue as an online lesson. In this lesson, an explanation is given of what the OPO is about and how it is organized and what is expected of the exam.
The two subsequent contact moments are introductory lessons on the theory, followed by an application (using virtual macroscopy and microscopy) to understand the theory. This will take place in PC classes. As a result, the students acquire basic knowledge that helps them with their assignment in OLA 2. The second contact moment ends with an introduction to the project topics of OLA 2.
2 ects. Neuroanatomy: Assignment (B-KUL-E0J43a)
- Brain anatomy with functional links towards distinct brain functions that can explain the symptoms of patients with a distinct neurological disorder. This information will allow the student to identify brain regions that are damaged based on characteristic neurological symptoms.
- Pathology of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, multiple sclerosis
- Diagnostic parameters and tests for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, multiple sclerosis and their links to brain anatomy and pathology
Course material
There is nothing mandatory to purchase. Through Toledo, the teacher shares links to KU Leuven open access literature, websites and resources that the student can access. More info will be provided on Toledo.
Format: more information
The aim of the project work (assignment) is that each group of students develops a paper on a diagnostic and therapy plan for a virtual patient with a certain clinical picture, including differential diagnostics. To write the paper, students must complete a literature review, assess radiological and pathological images, and discuss their results within their respective groups. Finally, the students will present and defend their diagnostic and therapy plan for a virtual patient.
This OLA includes working from home outside contact hours, and two online meetings per group. After the introduction of the project topics in OLA 1, the students in this OLA will delve into the theory, the topics, draw up their assignment (diagnostic and therapy plan) and prepare their presentation. In between there are also two online meetings per group. In a coaching moment, the concepts for the project topic are discussed together with the teacher. In second coaching moment the first draft version and the comments are discussed. If possible, the project will be presented on campus.
Evaluation: Neuroanatomy as the Basis for Understanding Pathological Processes in the Brain and Their Clinical Manifestation (B-KUL-E2J42a)
The evaluation of this OPO consists of an assignment and a presentation. Both parts are evaluated at 20 points and are reduced to one end point at 20 points. There will be a point per student as each student is responsible for a part within the group and therefore also responsible for a part of the assignment and presentation.
Both components are scored via a standardized assessment sheet in terms of form, content and interpretation. The exact expectations are explained during the lessons and via Toledo.
Information about retaking exams
No different modalities. The student may create a new assignment or may revise their work and address the critical points raised. Extensive revisions are necessary in case of a revision. In addition, a rebuttal is expected in which the student explains how the points of criticism are answered.