Environmental Economics (B-KUL-D0M36A)

3 ECTSEnglish26 First term
OC Economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

This is a course on economic approaches to environmental and resource problems. The course is designed to provide in-depth knowledge of the main approaches, theories, models, and techniques in environmental and resource economics and some of its applications in pollution and in transportation economics.


By the end of the course, all students are expected to be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of key approaches and methods in environmental and resource economics
  • demonstrate an ability to analyse and apply taught models and techniques in environmental economics, pollution and transportation problems

At the beginning of this course students should have a basic knowledge of micro-economics (demand, supply, market equilibrium, imperfect competition) and quantitative techniques (algebraic treatment of micro-economics).  This knowledge is essential.
No prior knowledge of transportation science is required.  


3 ects. Environmental Economics (B-KUL-D0M36a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
OC Economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

  • Foundational environmental and resource economics
  • Environmental valuations
  • Cost and benefit analysis and discounting
  • Integrated Assessment Models for Climate Change
  • Government Responses to Pollution problems
  • International Environmental Agreements

Used Course Material: for DOM36A:


- Pre-lecture material: set book chapters, set papers and set videos

- Lecture notes

- Essential textbook reading:


  • R. Perman, Y. Ma, M. Common, D. Maddison, and J. Mcgilvray. Natural Resource and Environmental Economics. Pearson Education Limited, 2013.
  • C. Kolstad. Intermediate Environmental Economics. Oxford University Press, international 2nd edition, 2011.

D0M36A: Lectures

D0M36B: Lectures and small exercises and class activities


Evaluation: Environmental Economics (B-KUL-D2M36a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

 Features of the evaluation 

Students have to answer essay questions (closed-book written exam).

Determination of final grades

The grades are determined by the course holder(s) (titularis), as announced via Toledo and the examination schedule. The result is computed and expressed as a whole number on a scale of 20.

Second examination opportunity
The features of the evaluation and the determination of final grades of the second examination opportunity are similar to those of the first examination opportunity.