Internship Project (master) (B-KUL-D0E61A)

3 ECTSEnglishFirst termCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
N. |  Hoofdt Sabine (cooperator)
Facultaire POC Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

Upon completion of the internship the student will be able to:
L1. better understand the varying aspects inherent to a professional work environment (e.g. the workplace conditions, the workplace culture, … ). Furthermore, the student will acquire relevant professional experience by participating actively in formal functional activities within an organization, but also by becoming familiar with informal organizational interrelationships.
L2. transfer new insights and perspectives on core competencies from theory to practice. The student will be able to integrate theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience and thereby grow in excellence within a particular discipline or area of expertise.


On completion of the internship the student will be able to use a number of versatile, personal and career-oriented skills. The Faculty of Economics and Business disseminates a number of specific educational goals concerning ‘Professional development for university graduates: skills and market demands.’

Master students are allowed to participate in an internship of three credit points provided that they meet the following criterium:

you have a maximum of 12 credits to complete in the Bachelor's degree program, the bridging program or the preparatory program.

This course is identical to the following courses:
D0E58A : Stageproject (master)
D0E57A : Stageproject (master)
D0E62A : Internship Project (master)


3 ects. Internship Project (master) (B-KUL-D0E61a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: InternshipFirst term
N. |  Hoofdt Sabine (cooperator)
Facultaire POC Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

° The internship ties in directly with the student’s present domain of study at the FEB.

° It is solely the student’s responsibility to scout for a viable internship position

° The student follows the procedure for internship applications mentioned on the FEB student portal.

° Only upon approval of the internship coordinator and Education & Students Services Department, the student can validate the internship in the individual study programme.

More information can be found on the FEB student portal.

Not applicable


Evaluation: Internship Project (master) (B-KUL-D2E61a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Process evaluation

The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.

Evaluation characteristics

The final evaluation of the internship is based on two sources of information:

1. A performance report by the internship mentor in the company

2. An individual reflection report by the student

More information can be found on the FEB student portal.

Determination final result

*The faculty’s internship coordinator is ultimately responsible for the final score but will take into account the score of the internship mentor.

*If a student failed to show up on the performance interview and/or failed to hand in the reflective report in time, the student will obtain a ‘fail’ for the entire course.

*If a student fails to observe the deadline for handing in the evaluation documents the student will obtain a ‘fail’ for the course unless a new deadline was requested and formally acknowledged by the FEB based upon well-founded facts.

Important notice

Students who repeatedly or gravely breach the requirements as laid down in the agreement with the internship provider will be removed from the internship project and will obtain a ‘fail’. These students will not be entitled to do an alternative task and they will not have the opportunity to retake the internship project in any later examination period at this faculty.

No 2nd examination opportunity.